Naz's beginner's course

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Apologies in advance for any breaches of netiquette as this is my first posting.

I am very interested in trying Naz's "Trading for beginners" course but like a good trader I'm looking for someone else to book with to save £50 each on the cost!

I am flexible on dates but itching to sign up so interested parties can send me their preferred dates and go from there.

Thanks everyone.

Hi Lectec,

You are always welcome to contact me at [email protected] and i will try my best to pair you in the future with someone at the same level as yourself.

HI Letec,

Forget the 50 squid , give Alan a call and book yourself in , with what he can show you ,you'll save
months of wandering around trying to get perspective, you'll learn the basics of trading and save yourself your losses in trading.
Then go and practice on real time charts and Level 2 (papertrading of course),practice practice practice, things will drop into place and you'll know how much you can lose and how much you can make.
The course for me was the eye opener and the road map which enabled me to advance further in trading over these past 5 months than in the previous 5 years.
Also check out the psycholigical aspect of trading as well, boy that can be a tough eye opener as well.

Good luck

triplepack said:
Then go and practice on real time charts and Level 2 (papertrading of course),practice practice practice
Isn't that expensive practice? eal time level 2 data feeds & software for a couple of months?
You can get realtime charting including Level II for $50 a month which is not expensive if you are serious about becoming a Pattern Day Trader.


which companies would you recommend for realtime charting including Level II for $50 a month?

Thanks in advance

Could someone kindly tell me how much would reasonable be required in sterlin to start trading Level II in order to make £100-£250 per day?

Many thanks

As Paul said you can get packages which enable you to learn to read and get a feel for the nuances of level 2. Yes you have to pay for them if they are going to be of real value for you.
Some suggestions, Qcharts from lycos and .
I tried to get cheap or free but it doesnt work , after all if you want to do a good job get good tools.


If you want to trade every day then you need around $30,000 in your account (£17,150), as you need to have PDT (pattern day trader) status.

Making £100-£250 per day does not depend on the amount in your account. It depends on your knowledge, ability, skill, and emotion.
Thanks to everyone for their replies, I have booked a course with Naz and think that level 2 for $50 per month sounds like a wise investment but I'll see how the course goes first.