FTS Peter Hall


Hello Everyone

Have no idea how these things work and have stumbled on this site quite by accident! Looks v. informative though...

I was looking for something I could do to make money (I know, arent we all!) and came across FTS and Peter Hall.

Does this system work, any views on it please?

Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer...


First rule is never,never, never pay for courses - they're all over-priced, over-hyped and over- something else. The first question to ask, if these are so good, why aren't the sellers trading themselves?

All the info and expertise is free here on T2W and elsewhere on the net.

However, buying a few good books - even if expensive - is always a good investment and will last a lifetime.

And thank you for posting the question.


Thank you Grant.

I suppose (being a complete novice) these ads for course look attractive because they make you believe that 'you' could actually learn this stuff, which I must admit, seem incredibly complicated to me.

Maybe that's why so many people go the property route; because it's easier to understand?

Thanks again, have a good day...

Did the FTS course with Peter Hall almost 15 years ago. Enjoyed it. He was a very personable guy. He must be getting on a bit so I’m surprised he’s still running it himself.

Unless it’s changed enormously it was basic, which is great if you’re starting out from scratch, and options-centric, which is the least sensible trading instrument for rank beginners.

Don’t know what he’s charging now, but whatever it is, you can buy an awful lot of good trading books for the same money.

Thank's for the info.

They're charging £77 for a 'manual' and it's a different chap (not Peter Hall) who says on his site that he 'bought the rights to sell the info' a few years ago.

I know what you say about books but the subject seems a bit overwhelming when you're completely new to it; I guess that why the courses appeal.

Thanks again,

........... the subject seems a bit overwhelming when you're completely new to it; I guess that why the courses appeal.

Thanks again,



You're right! But it can still seem overwhelming long after you've started. Plenty of good advice so far and you are right to tread carefully and not rush in. Have a good read of this site, hoist it all aboard and then have a good think about what you actually want to do. Most importantly, take your time - the markets are always there.

There's loads and loads of help here with some really good people to guide you. Good luck.

0007 🙂
online stock trading currency options shares investing financial markets women

🙂 now that link, I think the owner is a member here? not sure though. But anyway its written by a woman for women ? sexist ? yes course it is. I am hoping women are more honest, but if they aint then , crikey you dont want to be ripped off by one, worse than blokes ?

Now i note its pumped FULL of get rich quick ads, but some of the web content you may find helpful.

I dont know, and to be honest I've fallen for the fact its written by a woman, but there was another female new member recently, and i meant to post it then.

But i want to know if the blokes at t2w think daily bread is a good primer or a start point. For women and or men who are in touch(or would like to get to know OR express) with their feminine side

put it this way i've seen worse.

jessica, a lot of people spend a couple of years beginning to learn.

what are your objectives ? full time living, or make a bit of spare cash, or passionate about trading markets etc... ? I mean what about jackpotjoy.com , doesn't that bingo frenzy float your boat then ?

My pleasure (aren’t I the perfect gentleman?)

Subjectively, to be good – or at least, better – is important. If something appears or is difficult, then perhaps that is a target in personal development. Even more important, I believe is to ignore ideas of time targets. Some may be brilliant after a few months but for us mere mortals I believe the absolute minimum is one year, ideally two (this idea is not generally shared on T2W). As 0007 says, “Take your time.”

You’re absolutely right regarding it’s made to look so easy – that’s the fantasy (or “dream”).

First off, look at all the options and decide what really interests you – equities, futures and options, forex; short-term (scalping, intra-day) or longer term.

Any questions, don’t hesitate.

Have a good weekend.
