Beat The Broker Compo!

I also hereby announce that if I win that £20k I will turn it into £1million with one full year, writing a journal as I go along of my experiences with ETX and how I do it.

If I make it, I will donate the full amount to charity. If I fail, I will forsake all my reputation points and publicly announce I am a fraud...

...and that new_trader is a better trader than me.

btw.. can you clarify what you mean by the "full amount"?

All the best :clap:
I also hereby announce that if I win that £20k I will turn it into £1million with one full year, writing a journal as I go along of my experiences with ETX and how I do it.

If I make it, I will donate the full amount to charity. If I fail, I will forsake all my reputation points and publicly announce I am a fraud...

...and that new_trader is a better trader than me.

Wooaahhh steady on ! You got to draw the line somewhere 🙂
if i win il leave it to clear for three months when hopefully interest rates have gone up, get 20ks worth of premium bonds, and after hearing toms generous offer, if i win a million il donate the whole amount to charity....... the whole initial amount of £20k anyway. i dont wanna to get to0 carried away with the christmas spirit ! 😛
If I won I would trade it with ETX - seems to be the honourable thing to do.

But I'd also pay for a T2W outing to dilesh's mums restaurant as a thanks to all those here who have helped me, given advice and provided endless entertainment over the last 3 years. (with special thanks to socs and S89 for the comedy).
How about splitting the money, putting £1000 into 20 different accounts with ETX. Then through some kind of selection process choose 20 T2W members to trade those accounts over a certain period of time, having a little T2W competition going?

The winner of the 20 grand would automatically be included. A poll could then be used to decide what to do with the money, if any.

Or, if enough funds where still available, use some of the money to start again and continually run this T2W competition and then the left over money could be given to charity on a regular basis, if the participants were profitable.

What do you all think?

Let's be honest know one will get that 20k a lot of the people were probably from that brokerage betting for that brokerage, hoping the people from that brokerage beat the broker, so the brokerage gets people in the pot and what do you know someone pplaying for the brokerage actually wins the money and leaving the real players feel like they have been pissing into the wind for a week.

Then again, maybe not.

The only person from ETX in the comp. was me, anyone who beat me is in the draw, which includes Goose who works at a rival sb company and he will soon be in possesion of an ETX branded Ipod touch.
The only person from ETX in the comp. was me, anyone who beat me is in the draw, which includes Goose who works at a rival sb company and he will soon be in possesion of an ETX branded Ipod touch.

the goose might just have got stuffed! the offer of a swap is still on the table 😛 wine for your competitors stamped ipod gd deal i think 😀
I was just wondering, since nobody has replied to my idea yet, if you are all waiting to find out who wins the 20 grand.

If you don't win then will you be voting for the idea?

If you do win then will you be claiming to have overlooked that particular post?

fear ?
greed ?

Or of course it could just be a completely cr*p idea.

I was just wondering, since nobody has replied to my idea yet, if you are all waiting to find out who wins the 20 grand.

If you don't win then will you be voting for the idea?

If you do win then will you be claiming to have overlooked that particular post?

fear ?
greed ?

Or of course it could just be a completely cr*p idea.


I dare say ETX rules would not allow for a split prize...therefore it's probably a non starter ...but nice idea / gesture
How about splitting the money, putting £1000 into 20 different accounts with ETX. Then through some kind of selection process choose 20 T2W members to trade those accounts over a certain period of time, having a little T2W competition going?

The winner of the 20 grand would automatically be included. A poll could then be used to decide what to do with the money, if any.

Or, if enough funds where still available, use some of the money to start again and continually run this T2W competition and then the left over money could be given to charity on a regular basis, if the participants were profitable.

What do you all think?


Will you be doing this if you win?
It would never work - firstly I wouldn't feel happy taking the money off the winner - that's not fair - the reason a lot of people entered is to try to win the 20K and nothing worse than a bunch of greedy strangers insisting you hand it over.

But what if 21 people wanted to trade the 1K? - what if one of them just run off with the money? It could all get very nasty....
Hi, can i ask what charting software you are using.
I need to get some good charting software for the future
as i struggled like most using the basic charts during the comp.



Half of my laptop screen was for the platform the other half metatrader, and like how someone else comentated Mr. nacci was working very well on the dow infact the money was multiplying faster then bunnys going at it like rabbits 😛
Will you be doing this if you win?

Yes, I would.

Although it's looks as if some wouldn't be happy taking the money and I wouldn't want to cause upset on the board between members. Also, as Counter_Violent points out, ETX might have problems with splitting the prize.

If I win then I will enquire.

To those that don't get the 1K it will make T2W look like an elitist club. I think that would be very bad for this site.