What to do with £20k
Okay folks, it's my birthday today and Mrs. timsk has cooked me a delicious meal (she makes a mean fish pie) and I've had a tad more to drink than perhaps I ought to. So, in the spirit of the thread, (spirit being the operative word) I'll post something that I could seriously regret in the (very) unlikely event that I'm the lucky winner of the main £20k prize. The comp' is over, we've had the weekend to review the week just passed and conduct a post mortem. There's only one obvious item on the agenda left for us to discuss: what do you do with the £20k prize money if you're the lucky winner?
Earlier in the thread someone said how great it would be if a T2W member won the main prize - a sentiment that I agree with 100%. So, as the ever so slightly pissssed birthday boy that I am, I lay down the gauntlet and say what I propose to do with it should I be 'The One'.
If I win I will . . .
1) . . .Trade the account actively for a minimum of 60 days - i.e. roughly equal to the quarantine period before the winner is permitted to withdraw the prize money.
2) . . .Trade the account publicly, by which I mean I'll post ETX broker statements showing the daily P/L so interested parties can follow my progress - good or bad.
3) . . . Keep a diary - much like 'The_Broker' did during the comp' - either as a bespoke thread here on T2W or on the ETX Capital web site. In it, I'll outline the strategies used, what worked, what didn't, the successes and the inevitable failures. I'll also illustrate trades with annotated charts.
That's the good stuff, but there are a few caveats. Obviously, I won't be adopting the 'XtremeRisk' policy that I utilised in the comp'. I shall only risk between 0.5% and 1.5% of capital on any one trade. My target will be 1% profit per day, i.e. £12,000 over the full 60 days. This means that there won't be the spectacular gains achieved in the comp', which won't please the ETX marketing department!!! If it all goes pear shaped, I'll stop at a maximum drawdown of 50%, so at least I'll come away with £10k. Hopefully, this won't happen!
There's the challenge folks, is anyone else prepared to step up to the plate and better it? Even if you're not in the running for the main prize - what would you do with the winnings? May the saga of 'Beat the Broker Competition' continue!