Speaking about HERDs why is it so difficult to say NO to them and walk away and be an individual and go it alone? Becasue to walk away from them one needs balls of brass.
Because of the warm fuzzy feeling of togetherness, a group that console and hug each other and dish out Likes like candy as is clearly visible in all forums. There is power in the concept of "safety in numbers" ................... they operate as a gang and their main job is to talk sh*t and blow superheated steam out the ass that is rich in effluvium. They gangbang any dissenter or outsider.
But occassionally they come across a dissenter who not only thwarts their gangbang but turns it around and puts 'em in a chokehold and plugs all of them. Their next step is to grab him from behind and pin him and then try to beat him up, then when even that fails, they cry to Daddy that they were molested. Booom! Dissenter gone! 🤣:
HERD Psychology is a Phd. level study as its deep, deep, deep and is not tott at any University as the professors thessselves are sheep (Herdies) because those who can't DO in industry - teach how to do, which is why Universities produce Yahoos of the nth degree that crash the world economy periodically like in 2008 and now and 1929, and 1966-74 and 2000-02. Ditto for YOUTube traders who teach - they teach becasue they cannot TRADE.
As chapter 1 for those interested in Herd pshchology (supremely ijmprtant for TRADING as SENTIMENT is key) all you got to do is study it at this University itself, T2W. Just examine closely the interaction between Fibo and the entire T2W. I promise you there is gold in that relationship, a heck of a lot of meat and so spot on you will be shocked. That will be like a practical training as at the best place known for practical engineering training - Darmstadt, DeutschLand.
Then you can read the theory of Herd Psy. in books and compendiums It will be so much easier to follow.
Because of the warm fuzzy feeling of togetherness, a group that console and hug each other and dish out Likes like candy as is clearly visible in all forums. There is power in the concept of "safety in numbers" ................... they operate as a gang and their main job is to talk sh*t and blow superheated steam out the ass that is rich in effluvium. They gangbang any dissenter or outsider.
But occassionally they come across a dissenter who not only thwarts their gangbang but turns it around and puts 'em in a chokehold and plugs all of them. Their next step is to grab him from behind and pin him and then try to beat him up, then when even that fails, they cry to Daddy that they were molested. Booom! Dissenter gone! 🤣:
HERD Psychology is a Phd. level study as its deep, deep, deep and is not tott at any University as the professors thessselves are sheep (Herdies) because those who can't DO in industry - teach how to do, which is why Universities produce Yahoos of the nth degree that crash the world economy periodically like in 2008 and now and 1929, and 1966-74 and 2000-02. Ditto for YOUTube traders who teach - they teach becasue they cannot TRADE.
As chapter 1 for those interested in Herd pshchology (supremely ijmprtant for TRADING as SENTIMENT is key) all you got to do is study it at this University itself, T2W. Just examine closely the interaction between Fibo and the entire T2W. I promise you there is gold in that relationship, a heck of a lot of meat and so spot on you will be shocked. That will be like a practical training as at the best place known for practical engineering training - Darmstadt, DeutschLand.
Then you can read the theory of Herd Psy. in books and compendiums It will be so much easier to follow.