Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Speaking about HERDs why is it so difficult to say NO to them and walk away and be an individual and go it alone? Becasue to walk away from them one needs balls of brass.

Because of the warm fuzzy feeling of togetherness, a group that console and hug each other and dish out Likes like candy as is clearly visible in all forums. There is power in the concept of "safety in numbers" ................... they operate as a gang and their main job is to talk sh*t and blow superheated steam out the ass that is rich in effluvium. They gangbang any dissenter or outsider.

But occassionally they come across a dissenter who not only thwarts their gangbang but turns it around and puts 'em in a chokehold and plugs all of them. Their next step is to grab him from behind and pin him and then try to beat him up, then when even that fails, they cry to Daddy that they were molested. Booom! Dissenter gone! 🤣:

HERD Psychology is a Phd. level study as its deep, deep, deep and is not tott at any University as the professors thessselves are sheep (Herdies) because those who can't DO in industry - teach how to do, which is why Universities produce Yahoos of the nth degree that crash the world economy periodically like in 2008 and now and 1929, and 1966-74 and 2000-02. Ditto for YOUTube traders who teach - they teach becasue they cannot TRADE.

As chapter 1 for those interested in Herd pshchology (supremely ijmprtant for TRADING as SENTIMENT is key) all you got to do is study it at this University itself, T2W. Just examine closely the interaction between Fibo and the entire T2W. I promise you there is gold in that relationship, a heck of a lot of meat and so spot on you will be shocked. That will be like a practical training as at the best place known for practical engineering training - Darmstadt, DeutschLand.

Then you can read the theory of Herd Psy. in books and compendiums It will be so much easier to follow.

Appreciate your posts

You are the only one who does. Thank you regardless snide or genuine. There is a FAMINE ongoing at T2W called ZERO LOVE FOR FIBO - it has been went-ing on since May 6th, 2019 when I got off the train and came here with 5 bullet wounds from trading the ETF = SPY - see page 1

Very noticeable is that you are from the United STates aka Heaven.

I get treated better in all foreign countries who tell me, "you're an American, f*** off we cannot open an account for you - your govt. has threatened us with 30% fines if servicing any American, so bugger off" 🙂🙂🙂

Trouble just follows a Man 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It has not gone unnoticed by Fibo that Vix = FEAR/TERROR gauge has backed off the DEADLY LINE aka The Empire Busting Line - not much but noticeable. That decreae in FEAR/TERROR is Logarithmic = Richter-like.

I therfore expect some action next week to the upside.

But wtf do I know? Zip!
It's genuine for sure!
I discovered your threads this morning and I've been reading them most of the day. Enlightening!
You mentioned PCH so I assume you are the LA area. I'm in San Francisco, born and raised.
It's genuine for sure!
I discovered your threads this morning and I've been reading them most of the day. Enlightening!
You mentioned PCH so I assume you are the LA area. I'm in San Francisco, born and raised.

Big Welcome for you! Anything I can do for you, ask it here. 🙂🙂 Thread is primarily for historians to study over the next several centuries how a lone hunter of considerable intemperate disposition with NO gurus, singlehandedly called the greatest even in the History of the British & American Empires - going back to the 1700s.

All Americans are welcome - even the few Americans here who kneel to the Brits in fear of ostracism = sold their souls (talk about masters kneeling to the servers, who ever heard of such a thing?!!!)

All countries outside America are welcome too. All countries including Muslims, blacks, browns, yellows, reds and even terrorist nations are all welcome 🙂🙂 Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, Syrians, the entire Arab region including Saudi Arabia (the one I dislike) are all welcome.

UK is not welcome.

See reasons below
Any poster who posts here and is from the UK is disqualified immediately and requested to leave. (I think this is only FAIR as Brits lock me out of Brit threads becaue the MOB of Brits here at this site (99.999999%) hate Americans and hate me the most-est. I have been blocked out of 31 threads that are predominantly Brit posters.

What's more the site is a rampant HINDSIGHT TRADING VENUE where TA vide games are played - but in hindsight

They even did a thread to ban me and there were only Brit voters - and dig this, I was not even allowed entry into the thread that was calling for my death - could not even defend myself. What kind of sh*t is that? Its a humanitarian low I have never seen elsewhere at any forum.

America aka ET (Elitetrader) are the page views you are seeing along with international viewers. Here at T2W there are no local Brit views to speak of, perhaps only a sprinkle. THEY have me on Ignore in the face of the only thread on EARTH that called the greatest BEAR EVER!

America, the true champion would relish and savor this thread slowly so as to peak enjoyment of such accuracy.

This is the main reason why America blew past these bums to a skyscraper from an anthill.

Back to work.
For historians ..........................

The sheer poetry of the Nasdaq Composite respecting boundaries aka as logaritmic trendlines. so stunning that of coure as usual nobody that I know of or any publication has published such and from my view of forums and professional Hedge funds circles - none has a clue about such stuff. Zippo, nada, ninguno, ningoissimo.

For historians ..........................

See Nasdaq mnonthly chart and place attention on the thick red line and the yellow diamonds. The line SIMPLY shows where HRD PSYCHOLOGY of the Bull ran into a wall and retreated to gather more fuel to attack again. The return to the line as support confirmed it BEFOE the year 2000 Top. Then a return to the line in 2004 and mess with it and then, boom hammererd again.

Then from the March 2009 low came the current BULL. Now think about this. Look and observe and pray to Zod - why? Becasue look where the mighty Nasdaq ran into considerable resistance? Why of course at the very first TOP CALL of this thread in January 2018.

The next Top came on the next attempt to best this line.

Will there be more attempts at hammering this line?

Thisis not up to me but my bet in real money is on NO with STOPS of course to protect my earnings from vanishing

For historians ..........................

Nasdaq, the Queen of Queens delivers a shockingly simple, so simple TREND CHANNEL that MBAs and Phd.s and CNBC gurus and all Hedge funds and others missed.

This is the problem with simplicity - it is a problem becasue the HERD knows and thinks, it cannot be this simple - it has to be complicated. They make statements like, "you never know, nver can know these things = we are total effect, not an ounce of CAUSE left in our bones"

When God created the Universe he did it Boom - but it turned out to be Mathematical based. HE knew it but we had to figure it out. There is so muchjuice in it that it could be zillions of years and we still never will get it all. But Fibo got the backbone of the Universe, the building block, the very same building block that Superman found in the snow after begging his Father to give him another chance and restore his powers.

The Nasdaq channel is sooooooo perfect that it was a cakewalk for Fibo to call the GREAT BULL TOP on January 26, 2018. AS you can clearly see I was off by one Top. But dig this serendipity: Those at T2W that criticized me for missing the actual top and kept claiming how they are LONG and buying and buying up a storm like malaguti and barjon and others, all got ramrodded when the market took them all to the cleaners in under 21 days. Fibo's Top CALL of year 2018 saved ives, aved lives bigtime.

Savinglives while making big big big money = keeping RISK low and earning big. What's the point of earning in the face of constant heavy heart attacks that cripple fast?

And pushing the Fibo rod up the yazoo of the b*tches here who said but the Nasdaq went one top higher after your call ......... 🙂🙂🙂🙂 ................ all 30 b*tches got buggered by Fibo

They are too stupid to dig this:

My TOP CALL called correctly the following Tops

London FTSE 100 (their own Index)
World Stock INdex
Global Dow Jones
European Stoxx 50
France CAC 40
Japan (within a hair)
+++++++++++ m,any others

wrong only on Dow Jones, SPX and Nasdaq .................. by ONE sub-Top on the monthly. Even this is not too shabby as after recovering from a kick in the ass, I quickly knew that Ihad called Wave 3 top so there was onlyone more top to go.

Big Joe never gives up even after getting beaten by the Dow as above. I got up and now have beaten him with aplomb.

Game to Fibo

For historians ..........................

Historians will see live, not in hindsight, that is the motto of the #clownshoes here, that every step of the GREAT BEAR will be called as accurately as I can and I will not be wrong more than 2%.

This is the guarantee:

At the final bottom there will only be ME posting (if allowed to continue as being American in this day and age bears a heavy price burden, an emotional weight so intesne that its hard to just have fun). All others will have blown off, totally disgusted with the stock markets as they struggle to pay rent and whatnot. There will be pindrop silence as the final stages of the GREAT BEAR get printed in PRICE.

Then one fine day as the unknown bottom approaches, FIBO will hear the final whimper of the GREAT GRIZZLY - this is the last-est pulse of the BEAT = it will come so softly and without fanfare that it will aproach the softness of LOVE. That's how I will know its over and call the bottom

I will throw the entire friggin ranch at the bottom and bugger off to the After Life having given it all to the girls in my Life. Without 'em who the fck can live such a boring existence jsut chasing money and MEST (matter, energy, space, time)? Not me.

Women? Fibo loves 'em all 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

BEAR markets are a time for Fibo to enjoy LIFE to the absolute max. = always opposite of the general PUBIC 😉

For historians ..........................

You ain't seen nothin yet 🙂🙂🙂

Find one single person other than Fibo who can do this here at T2W - for cryin out loud their furthest vision is the alveoli of a leaf, they totally miss the twigs, the branches, the trees and the entire forest. Look above the canopY? No friggin way.

In their defense its the same as at Those boys are for the most part clueless too. But there is one staggering difference. ET can adapt and tun on a dime within its core elite traders. THEY jump when they see something good and soo everyone else follows. Not here. There is no core elite, only hindsight deadbeats.

ForexFactory = same sh*t, one retard after another. In real life in Los angeles they would all be bitten on the jugular within 3 seconds and dined on by the sharks that inhabit the Sales field.

So, without further ado, have a look see at the Nasdaq and look at it from a WAVE technological viewpoint - i.e. a wave relationship viepoint keeping in mind the basics that a wave can extend to 161.8%, 261.8% or the final 423.6%.

Nasdaq monthly:

(1) Simple Wave Extension givs 423.6% so near the current top its downright hilariousl. Such sheer accuracy!

Anybody here can do this except for Fibo? Not even in hindsight. That's how bad it is. Respect from Fibo has to be earned. Here its not ven close to being anywhere over $3/hr wages for ANYBODY here.

For historians ..........................

But wait, there is more basic basic basic stuff - which shows that the #clownshoes here don't even know this:

the most basic basic tool in the entire subject of Fibonacci is the PROJECTION TOOL. Comes free with all software. These pricks don't even know this: Look how easy it is.

Taking the ame bottom and same wave 1, apply the projection tool and see where 423.6% hits. Again, so friggin close to the top its hilarious.

One or 2 mart cats (that's a dubious thing when talking about this place) might be thought-ing ............... what if Warren Bffet and George Soros would know this? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

They know doodly. In actual life fibo would have a ginger in both their bums in under 3 seconds.

For historians ..........................

the creme de las creme ................ the one thing that NOBODY even the Fibonacci guys would ever dream of doing becasue its a Logarithmic scale and ther are stagggering differences sometimes between this and Arithmetic. Usually this method gives the same result as the Fibo projection tool. But sometimes for whatever reason, most likely for logarithmic factors, there is a disrepancy.

So I use both so I can get an early warning if there is adifference by watching wher ethe 61.8% lands.

So dig this: you meanure wave 1 with a tandard grid. Then just slike a copy of that grid over to the corrective wave low to get the expected Fibonacci Top. Can you dig it?

Watch this, historians: nobody has this, nobody, not once single mofo

Dig the perfect spot on HIT at 423.6%.

Yeah baby, that's what its like to be Fibo. There are no STOPS in the Universe. Any STOP is only temporary and Fibo will barge thru' it sooner than later.

That's just the way it is!
If the fellas have trouble understanding why/how to slide the grid over to the low of the corrective wave, post your questions here. Non Brits only, please. 🙂 Muslims and terrorists welcome. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

To get a ture glimpse of the magnificence and efficiency of Fibo try without researching the Internet as its all over the place now, originator is FIBO, one of only 3 people worldwide to get it right

Starting from first principles and without the use of computers or calculators or smartphones prove that

cot 7½° = √2 + √3 + √4 + √6
For historians ..........................

Bernoulli's equation is nowadays being put to great use by Fibo ALONE - it has not occurred to anyone else to do this for the financial markets

P = Ps + 1/2 µ V² .................. neglecting Friction keeps it simple

but what if you include Friction?????????? Friction being FEAR/TERROR 🙂

My my my, then you get into partial differential equations


Fibo is not a nerd but he can do this sh*t with eyes closed 🙂🙂🙂 So can others and I know 2 cats in my own graduating class that make Fibo look stupid in Partial Differential Equations. But both are nerds and depend on me to line up p***y for our outings

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