Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


I cannae stop laffing. Tooo funnnnny
I'm a -goin where the water tastes like wine
Down the foggy fuins of time take me disappearing thru' the smoke rings of my mind
far from the twisted leaves, the haunted firghtened trees
Up to the windy beach far from the twisted reach of the Corona Virus
Big Joe gets the scoop fast ............

NYSE to temporarily close floor, move to electronic trading after positive coronavirus tests

The New York Stock Exchange said starting March 23, it will temporarily close its historic trading floor and move fully to electronic trading.

The mighty BEAR has delivered yet another blow to the stomach area - such blows when combined over time cause the legss to wobble, the butter to get hard and the nose to bleed and Dementia follows swiftly thereafter

Fasten seatbelts, hide & watch, its going to get mean, downright mean. If you think the fights in supermarkets for toilet paper and water and essential goods is as violent its going to get, please reconsider, especially keeping in mind the riots of Los Angeles. Those riots will look tame compared to what's coming

What's coming? A recokoning. A revolution. A revolt. A war. Unemplyment 40% FDIC bankruptcy
Silver market crashing thru' the floor as stock market traders liquidate their precious stones to pay for margin calls. Unmitigated disaster.

Silver gong to go so low??? that I don't yet have a Fibo level for it!!!!!! 😀😀😀😀

Finally the girls are digging why Big Joe said, unload, unload unload all precious metals a loooong time ago during the rally and get KING = CASH, the new Sheriff.

Big Joe saves lives but all he gets is "banned" in thank you notes 😀😀😀😀😀

God, do I love it so!
Silver is even more of a technician's orgasm in that the GAPS have now covered all aspects of GAPS from starting gap to acceleration gaps, to exhaustion gaps to undiscovered until today by Big Joe .......... Gaps that are mini-waves thesselves!!! Who ever heard of such a thing? Not Big Joe! Until today.

But wait, this is only wave 1 down. Then when we gt the rally up they will say, "look, the pain is over, good times are back as the rally gets super powerful" But the next wave down aka the RECOGNITION WAVE disabuses them of such a stupid notion. Death and dismemberment follow swiftly. Depression will reside in the same house as Confusion and Treason.

My my my, forgive 'em Father, they just don't got a clue what's coming.

Hell is coming to breakfast!

Crude Oil bounce likely? Could be. Major Fibo level and an internal 4th wave is due as the steep drop over days and days is a clear 5-wave move. Watch for it.

Overall there are much lower targets for Crude, so this is a just a relief rally that if generated will go up to the previous internal 4th zone at 30 - 32.43
Jonas Cord aka Dow Jones has arrived at Wave relationship 161.8% of internal Wave 1 (daily TF)

Relief rally possible?
Trader333 with his fancy 2-gun rig said something to the efffect about GBP crashing badly and contininuing lately. He is right as evryomne else by now should be seeing the same thing. What they don't think about is the burning question, "how far will GBP go and how much more pain is therefore in store?
Here then is the big picture for the GBP starting from year 1935, when Sterling was hot, hot, hot and making her TOP. Would anybody at that time have said, "major BEAR market ready to get underway?" Heck NO!!! They would be saying in unison, "GBP for president of all currencies and relegation of the US dollar to a dungeon for eternal punishment"

This we already know - the HERD can ever see a Top or Bottom coming. Why? Becasue they do only one thing in all trends - they extrapolate an extant trend to infinisty. Turn on a dime and reverse course? The HERD can never do stuff like this. Impossible for them.

THEY think as ONE. At the water's edge at the Mara River they wait for just one Herd member to put his feet in the water and take the first step. THEN and only THEN do THEY follow by jumping in headlong.

The crocs nail many - same as in financial markets.

Same sh*t clearly evident now in 2020.

Target = < 1.0530 and way below this because chart extension not visible now

Less than
1.0530 because the number represent's GBP's low in Wave 3 down that ended 3/31/1985. As some have guessed or refuse to acknowledge (I don't give a rat's ass no more whether they accept it or not) there are 5 waves in a trend sequence. We finished 3 waves down in 1985, then got a massive sideways trend in Wave 4 up that completed 11/30/2007

Then we started Wave 5 down on 11/30/2007. In currncies and commodities Wave 5 is usually a very extended wave.

As per the chart above (monthly TF) we are currently in Wave (3) down. When (3) completes, we will have a huge rally in Wave (4) up. Then will come the final leg down in Wave (5) to complete the 5 waves circled starting from the 1934 TOP.

Then, if paper money is still the thing, GBP will shine like a star again for 100 years or more.

From the 1934 top to current time is 86 years. Next Fibo number is 89 years. GBP follows the Fibonacci grid to a T but of course here nobody will notice this as they not only don't know their own Index (FTSE 100) they fail miserably about the history of GBP and her idiosyncrasies and personality. It would be too much work for them as is obvious by now.

Low of (5) for GBP expected in year .............. 2023 +/- 1yr

If, as above, GBP is going down, down, down for years to come, what then about the US dollar?

The US Dollar was the Safe Haven #2 in the 2008 Worldwide crash. It buggered Gold. When the crash was over, Gold took off again to continue its uptrend, so the drop in 2008 for gold was just a corrective wave 4. For the USD it was the start of a new trend, namely Wave 1. The safest haven in the 2008 crash was Japanese Yen. The Dollar buggered all others, but the Yen buggered the dollar.

This time around in 2020, the dolar will bugger the Yen real good, so viciously that the Japs will yell "torture"

For even more accuracy in predicting the dollar's bull market I have to take into consideration DEM (Deutsche Mark) from the 1920s and CHF-USD and USDJPY

Then I will have a complete picture. Project is ongoing .....................

But for now, the dollar Index, currently at 98 with recent weekly top of 104 ............... next major station is at ....... 123 & 153
Los Angeles, though way milder coronawise than San Franciso, is really in deeeeep water. There are very very very few pedestrians even in Hollywood and Interstae 405, supposedly the busiest freeway in the world is now a cake walk. Go figure!

FEAR FEAR FEAR = feed on FEAR = BEAR's best weapon to knock out opponents. The collective consciousness of the crowd kills creativity faster than a bullet.

Paranoia of the masses is what's driving the BEAR and BEAR knows this

Want proof of the FEAR? Look no furtehr than the Vix monthly for th rocket move up. There is a reason Fibo consdiers Vix to be the best FEAR gauge in existence as it blows away all other Sentiment methods like DSI, Michigan University survey and other methods eeeeezily.

But cats like Fibo keep eye on the ball at all times and don't let FEAR trip us if we can help it. The current big drop has to by Nature's Law end for Wave 1 down and then there must be a big rally up in which Corona virus will befriend us for months. When ther is PEACE and HOPE once again during Wave 2 up and as it completes, nobody will as usual be aware that BEAR is just about to pull the trigger for the next Wave down aka Wave 3. Corona will then put on a massive show, so massive that it could trigger revolutions.
Might as well let the cats worldwide know where the Dow Jones is going. The financial experts say repeatedly "don't try to time the markets, don't try to figure where they are going - even Warren Buffet is clueless about where markets might go"

To Hell with them. I know when I'm going anywhere I have to first decide to go there and if I don't know where I'm going, I'm dead meat. 🙂

One's gotta think ahead - not follow, like the TREND FOLLOWERS say. Get out of the drivers seat and you're just a passenger = lost control, don't call the shots no more.

Drive baby drive. Big always drives, that's where the juice is at.


Dow Jones is headed to the previous 4th wave of lesser degree in a very orderly fashion.




March 2009 is the ultimate 4th destination (Dow = 6495). But BEAR, due to high wave extension might go to the next 4th aka 1987. Magnetic attraction to the 1987 fiasco as it registered the highest FEAR ever.

Final stop = year 1987 levels = 1620 - 2740
Want to see some real good stuff by Trader333? There are other gems this cat has posted, I have seen 'em all. Excellent poster but he has no time to pour stuff as he has to do other duties.

post #474 by Trader333 in the Corona virus thread ........... as usual, with such good posts, nobody will notice, its way above everyone's head

Forex is not a similar instrument to anything else in that it is paired with another instrument that is equally affected. That said the GBP has lost over 1000 pips against the USD in 8 days so what would you say caused it if not this bug ?
This is a BEAR market thread and therefore there is always BEAR humor to be found and enjoyed. For me, anyway - others might or might not agree but laffffter is the best medicine. Trader333 has cracked me up many a time.

With Trader333 in mind, have a look at his sense of humor (there are others that have cracked me up beyond belief) get a glimpse of what a BEAR market feels like for Fibo ............

From May 22, 2017 ......... a poster (not me) said this ...........Under the constituition I ask these hindsight results traders to be banned
Trader333's reply:
Request denied and if T2W were to ban people by popular choice, (or request) then you are top of the list as there are a lot more requests for you to be banned than anyone else.


The humor of Trader333 helps Fibo to live with the fact that the above was only valid till May 6, 2019. Then Fibo joined on May 6th at T2W and is now the new Sheriff of "votes to ban" and "banned" - I don't believe I have any competition in this regard.
Dow Jones March 18 low = 18,917.46

What to make of the current rally from that low? Its structure? does it give any clues?

It might. Count the subwaves within the move and they total 9 instead of 7 or 11. This itelf cause me to think that the rally might be a motive = impulse wave. Further proof of this conclusion is when/if the corrective wave is a 3-wave affair. If it is, then we have at the very least, a C-wave rally to complete the A-B-C bear rally off the current low before the Short gets underway again.

Keep in mind that all trend reversals begin with a motive = impulse 5-waver (or 9 waves).

So I need to honor this and pay attention otherwise be cott flatfooted.

For over next few days as I examine this closely
Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

thread title success success even greater succcess now with this validation by Jason Gephart of SENTIMENT TRADER, a master Financial Market history statistician
This video by Alessio Rastani explains


when you see the video, remember how many times I have pointed out that the coming BEAR market is at least 2 degrees of Trend larger than even that of 2008 crash or the Great Depression crash of 1929.
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