Fibo's forte, the Golden Ratio .............. nobody in the same league of Fibo, nobody
Fibo also knows that on the ground aside from charts and TA he gots to look at FA but what kind of FA? The FA that deals with the cracks in the concrete. Like the zillions of people jumping into the Gig economy (job losses), the massive job cuts all over the place, the 10k retain store closures, the fact that 40% Americans have 2 or more jobs as one alone cannot cover the bills. Homelessness skyrocketing as housing is difficult to afford ................. and more and more reasons .............. all part of the developing GREAT BEAR of epic proportions that this thread is all about.
Unemployment already above 20%. Real unemployment that is not the massaged 3.9% govt. figure.
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Starbucks: Topping?
Weird stuff going on. Recent incidents plus now this one. Is this coming straight to Fibo from deep within the HERD brain? It could be ........................
Starbucks apologizes to police ‘made to feel unwelcome and disrespected’ after barista tells them to leave Arizona store
The term DumpStarbucks, or #DumpStarbucks, was seen spiking on social-media Saturday afternoon amid reports that a Starbucks in Tempe, Ariz., asked local law...www.marketwatch.com
Fibonacci for the Duke of London, Sam .......................
see the grey monthly wave that I am extrapolating for the grid? Observe that there was no hit yet at 161.8% etc., but we are at 423.6%. Take the money and run, run, run, run, run. SELL SELL SELLL
Want more, Sam?
Not enough data to the left of the screen but fibo can easily imagine that the 2 monthly waves are near equal, so he takes the grid and then moves it to the 2008 low.. Approx. 100% hit i.e. wave equality.
Time to bugger off. Combine this with the negative stories surfacing and ..................
Some big atomic pile driver is going to drop on Starbucks head soon. When this happens the Media is going to be abuzz with "look how the News caused Starbucks to drop like a stone"
No baby, it was PRICE foretold sh*t was coming down bigtime. Then the useless Media loaded to the hilt with teleprompter readers with IQ no greater than 80 and dressed in fine clothes talk crap on the TV and impress the masses.
Welcome to Planet Earth! LaLaLand. And they say we are the only Life in the entire Universe, hahahahahahaha. We're f*ckd
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Saturday nite ....... March 21, 2020 markets obviously closed but Next rally preparation is OPEN 🙂
SPX .............. low must hold for the count to be valid. Both tendlines are valid breakouts when/if
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Stock Market is on the verge of completing a massive 5-wave move from the 1970s up. The ramifications are huge. Market shot up 1500 points when PM won again. all that will be reversed and more. When 5 monthly timeframe waves are complete, all Hell breaks loose.
State Bank will offer gringos 8-22% return on USD deposits. And all the while the local currency, the rupee will be continuing its crash against the dollar (this is a long-term view) - Dollar/Rupee correction has brought Rupee to 68 from 75. When the dominant trend reasserts itself, this will head to 80-100.
Goa will be incredibly cheap for gringos who are thesssselves broke stateside and want to escape.
Modi will pull some more heavy stuff like he did in 2016 ......................
good news is that The Ideal Cafe in flora Fountain will still be serving Custard Pudding regardless the Economy.