A TREND is underway, higher lows and higher highs. Receding waters. But the TOP formation is huge, all the way from jANUARY 2000, IN THE MAKING FOR 20 YEARS ....................... when the stock market starts its dive, only then will the fundamental stuff like tent cities go into acceleration mode as what happened in 2008. That's why the 3rd wave is called the recognition wave
Dow Jones monthly time frame BEAR market target over the next few years with Destination Box showing the Mania End. All likely train stations are marked
The Mighty Dow Jones topping evidence over and above the WAVE MECHANICS evidence. For this we into the Mathematics of the WAVE STRUCTURE which is all Fibo based.
Dow Jones monthly chart ............. taking the waves as shown and extrapolating them gives the target as shown, 423.6%, 261.8%. The grid to the extreme right is the same concept but it works off the current wave not the preceding wave and is therefore an Extension wave, usually gives good approximations at the very least, so in this case 161.8% approx.
Dow Jones evidence offered by projections .....................
first things first ................ remember the weeping and gnashing of teeth at T2W in 2008? I was not here, must have been banned already from a previous lifetime, but the posts here should tell the whole story of how bearish and desperate everybody was in the BEAR market of 2008. Cryin and cryin they was hurtin and moanin and groanin and not even Buddy Holly could console them
And during the whole crash all Fibo had to do was the projection wave becaue it was clear it was a 4th wave to a 5th wave top would give the secret destination of the A wave = 161.8%. Voila!
The current top and the 2015 top. Remember the 2015 top? Nobody saw-ed it coming. Nobody!. But there it was on the projection wave at 161.8% when Dow Jones hit the level for the first time in December 2014. The Fibo boyz if any, likely none, should have know-ed that sh*t was coming down as the level had been touched. When the turn came-d it was downright painful for trend riders.
Then Dow Jones continued to 261.8% where he be now, right thru' the AXIS of the pattern.
Now here's the thing I do NOT know just yet in using the projection wave. Has Dow fired 6 shots or only 5? Reason is that the 161.8% hit was approximate, not exact, ditto for the 261.8% hit, so there is the possibility that Dow Jones will continue north after a correction to 423.6% for the exact hit to close the sequence.
Dow Jones advance Wave mechanics but still Waves 101 for yours truly .......... 🙂
Fibo knows that there are secrets held within a significant wave. What is a significant wave? One that dumbfounds the masses and experts alike. Example? The 1987 crash. This buggered every mother's son as History proves over and over again as more and more gurus show up to testify how they got hammered. He also knows that these secrets will be divulged to him with time. How much knocking on the door can the Universe take from Fibo? It has its limit. sooner or later it will give up the goodies in exasperation at my persistence.
Therefore take the Great Depression low and the 1987 top and project upward - boom!!!! we get the 2008 crash top. Yawn !!!!!!!!!!! so friggin eeeezy. A few years from now I will do this stuff in my sleep with hands behind my back. That's how eeeezy its gonna get.
But there's always got to be one screw up that does not compute ............................ projecting from Great Depression low to the 2007 top instead of the 2000 top tells a different story in that it screams that the Top is not yet in.
This wave grid suggests that the Top will be 29,514. So we still have more rally to come after correction perhaps.
Therefore the GRID decision is NOT unanimous. The one dissenter throws me into cautionary stance, which to me is not good. So I look at the trendlines, Macd, and other stuff for clues. TAke out teh monthly trendline and its over. Take out teh December lows and its over. Short of that its a trading venue.
fibo, it seems to me like you've had a bad experience at Elite Trader
however why not educate us on your knowledge and experience, as im pretty sure anyone from Elite isn't listening anymore
and whilst you are bitching and moaning, what then are you most likely to do after you've left here?
you had a bad experience, noone listened to you..get over it. but you're not going to win many friends here thats for sure with that attitude
its your money, if you're right well done you, if you're wrong, there are many im sure who will commiserate with you
>>>>> however why not educate us on your knowledge and experience <<<<<<
I have done so in spades, but you and the gang put me on ignore ................. RTFLMAO
>>>>> as im pretty sure anyone from Elite isn't listening anymore <<<<<
Wrong again, look at the thread views - ET's #1 top caller, volente_oo and ET's top redneck cop from Jerkwater, USA, Magna are dining on my stuff like there's no tomorrow. All the gang that challenged me are looking at the calls continuation and hitting me with more likes - posthumously When the Dow really turns for good, Baron will cut out all PMs so that I can't communiacate with members with Fibo's standard celebration, "f***** 'em all but didn't even come once" RTFLMAO
>>>>> what then are you most likely to do after you've left here? <<<<<<
Not a goddamn thing, malaguti, not a thing. I was expelled already from here, remember when one of your prime b*tches cried to big daddy". I didn't do a thing, just took my medicine and traveled on holiday. If I get the axe that is what I would do again becasue I have no animosity to the finest moderator on the planet, T333. He is firm but fair. He would kill me in a heartbeat but it would be for the right reason not like that corrupt cop at ET. So I would do zip. Bad luck and move on!
>>>>>> its your money, if you're right well done you, if you're wrong, there are many im sure who will commiserate with you <<<<<<<<<
You Sir don't have a friggin clue who/what Fibo is. Commiserate with me? RTFLMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!! You seem to forget I am as a way of life always alone at all major market turns when the enemy numbers pile up against me, am so used to being shunned, ostracized and hated for my opposing views that it makes me one of the very few who really needs nobody -
What you will never understand about the phenomenon called Fibo is just this .................
(1) He is who he is, will do exactly as he wants to do or say or behave because the cats who mind don't matter and the cats who matter don't mind. The latter are few in number but they carry the weight of planets
(2) A drowning trader sends automatic distress radio frequency calls that Fibo can pick up from hundreds of miles away. Most are ignored but every once in a while they stop the Fibo dead in his tracks and he responds. When he does its game over for all obstacles that beset the trader who made the telephone call to Fibo
low data series so got no History but what if with the little we have, we see an ABC up and then close to a 5-er down, could be one more subwave to finish a 5-er. Wow! wouldn't it be bloody amazing if instead of going bankrupt and getting hammered by CA soon with everyone else following suit and trashing these cats, that if they reversed and started a bull run soon?
What if? Draw trendline and play with it. Sentiment towards these cats is so negative, there must be some kind of a turn that catches the PUBIC by surprise.
Summary of my Gold trade and CALL in direct opposition to ............
(1) The entire CENTRAL Banks worldwide
(2) The entire world of Small traders and Speculators worldwide -
(3) new_trader who has his entire life savings in Gold (203oz) + Silver (2020oz ). He states, Gold is going to be my "Jesse Livermore" trade...I will either go bankrupt or make a killing...although I'm not using any margin, I'm buying outright... "
Read about it here in posts #410 & #411 in Journals ..... ....................... https://www.trade2win.com/threads/es-trading.93396/
August 27:
Post #814 .................. GOLD LONG trade is now CLOSED ................... $1552.3
August 27:
GOLD position is now 100% FLAT. NO Short has been opened. Resting now and breathing the sweet perfume of trading success.
August 27:
Gold has been in a bear market rally since Dec 2015. Its been a sideways up process, a clear corrective pattern which includes a "B" wave. That is my stance. Therefore the entire upwave bear market rally will be thoroughly neutralized and we will head to my target of $700 over the next few years.
August 27:
All I know right now is that FIBO stands alone closed out his LONG positions while the rest of the world every single mother's son including most central banks are LOOOOOOOOONG Gold and swearing it will go to $5000.
Fibo is as usual all alone, no friends, they are all on the Gold wagon. Gold sentiment of the crowd is soooooo optimistic its at 94% bulls
Sept. 9: Gold is now down by $40 since I SOLD. Its going my way as my call is eventually in a few years it will be at $700, then buy buy buy. I have not gone short yet.
Sept. 9: News is now out in circulation that the SMART MONEY aka Commercial Hedgers has reached historic record SHORT positions in Gold. For the fellas who have no clue who these commercial hedgers are, read up on the subject and go see the COT charts. This means that when I sold my GOLD position it was near the time when the SMART MONEY had the largest short postions in Gold, EVER. So if Gold continues down it will not surprise me becasue History suggests the Smart Money Commercial Hedgers are rarely if ever, wrong. So we wait and see.
This video just in my mailbox again today ....................
By Alessio Rastani – 9th September 2019 Continue reading
The GAMES in GOLD begin NOW
Hide and watch!
Good luck to all players. I've made my massive profit already and am on the sidelines now waiting to go Short when I get a good signal. Will post the entry when it happens.
Some Fibo insight into the SMART MONEY = COMMERCIAL HEDGERS 🙂🙂🙂
At normal operation its a worthless entity to follow. But when it hits extremes, especially historical extremes, then its wise to pay attention. Dig this: when the commercial hedgers are betting heavily one way, the other side of the trade is populated by the Dumb Money (aka small traders which includes T2W, ET, other traders at forums worldwide and speculators)
Who do you think has been winning such contests over the last century? RTFLMAO
I asked the girls in Thailand to pray for New_trader. I'm praying for her too. You see, unlike the run of the Mill forum (all forums) cats who secretly want their compadres to fail and get burned, I am not of this ilk. I don't like to hear about traders getting burned and blowing accounts. Never ever tried to get a trader banned, never will. Its a mortal sin. god would not forgive me and like the wise trader here named hatemypips said, " learn to forgive yourself", well I would not be able to do that after I ever put another trader in such deep sh*t.
Curled up like a foetus in agony? Been there. It sucks and stinks.
I want my girl, New_trader to wake up and rescue herself and cash out. All this notwithstanding she put me in a Monkey Cage for my seemingly stupid call that gold would crash to $700. See last post in her Journal. Now, I don't mind this tyupe of talk. women can't tolerate Fibo in general but love him nonetheless and do this type of sh*t to save FACE.
That my girl has all her life savings in Gold is scarry when the Smart Money is loaded up against her.
Malaguti will be held responsible because he encouraged her to go against Fibo. See last post and the LIKE in New_trader's journal.
be careful dool, when/if that trendline on daily chart breaks. thinki of all the hard work you put it. All well intentioned, but misinformed if Gold speeds away southbound from that trendline
downwave correction aborning. Not telling you what to do. Short-timers have big profits already. Decide exit or continue, your call. Don't have much time to monitor this so you're the driver.