Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Nasdaq:: Will it work?


Critical ability in a BEAR market at 2 degrees of Trend. At ET in the political forum there are literally hundreds and thousands who are armed to the teeth as they expect the worst crime wave EVER and t hey are right

You gots to be the best long range shot. Comes in very handy!!! The great equalizer, as skill always is always will be!!!! Dispersing of the group generates confusion that buys time and respite to eat and rest!!!

In close range there is nobody faster than Fibo. This is an earned skill after years of practice!!! A fancy 2-gun rig is great but its the skill that counts!!. In a saloon scene nobody gets the upper hand of fibo - nobody as I always have my back to the rear wall or the bar after taking in the entire scene upon entry so I know where the grey areas are!!! Its akin to TA!!! I know where the support/resistance levels are, esp. the monthly!!!

For Sharky-San: 🙂

Behold the munificence of Fibo's golden ratio at 161.8% - holding up the collapse of Bitcoin. The candle today shows the intense bull-bear fight with the battalion at 161.8% chipping in armed forces to help support Bitty!

All THEY are thinking about and saying is that Bitcoin crashed to its lowest level!! True but it does not tell the whole story!!

I count 5 waves down from the top = TP, close all shorts and get ready to go LONG or stay sidelines.

Short profits are so YUGE you can take a couple years off trading! Let the idiots get killed!!!

Jesus H Christ, look at the +ve divergence, Sharky-San!!!!

Following fibo'as book to a T

Down continuation is a no-brainer and easy to jump on to!!! But a reversal to go Long is where the mighty kahunas are!!! Are we ready for the test?

The incredible Fibo hammers it home again and again and again but the HERD is too stupid to listen ..........

Reminder: make sure the horse is saddled and ready to go with bedroll and beef jerky packed in and holster 2-gun rig with one rifle and one buffalo gun on each side for balance.

The pack horse and donkey carry the rest of the gear, mountain style cooking pans etc., have Bubba bring stuff in on donkey once every 2 months and pay him well so he does not have to look for any other job.

Then settle in to the cabin that was already built in advance in anticipation of the World Stock Index aka Global Dow having just demonstrated what a LEAKY GUT looks like!

Bow and arrows pack for the 3 women who will stay with you for the duration.

Long-term trading is the only thing that'll work in such a lifestyle given that the closest Internet is 2 days ride down the mountain and even that might not work!!

Teejeeack's (Earth's) ass is grass!!!!! Behold the Global Dow JOnes!!! Historians, now pay attention!!! 24 hour watch is initiated as the onslaught in on the verge of getting underway!!!



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For new_trader: (for this depiction, new_trader will be Officer Murtaugh)

Blondie says to Murtaugh at 1:43: "Don't be foolish, look at the hardware!! Look at the firepower!"

Now look at the Dollar Index weekly chart right edge for the massive-issimo +ve divergence between Macd & Price and remember this is weekly, i.e. stunning power!!!

And despite this you make a call for gold to go to the Moon when Champ is all coiled and ready to blast?

Sheesh, Murtaugh!

Great Depression (II) has been ongoing since January 26th, 2018.

Read again.

Yes, the Depression began in January 2018. YES, year 2018. Seems hardly likely, right? Dow Jones has been going up since year 2018 all the way into year 2021, right? But ..... THERE WAS A VIBRATION!!!!!
Yes, Sir, there most soy-tenly was a Vibration!!!! That Vibration was the entire year of 2020. Year 2020 was the worst year in the entire History of the United States!!

Soooooo, what the f***k does that mean?

Answer: It was BEAR's loud and clear message to Big Joe that it was a "C-Wave" that completes a Wave 4 that began on the exact day that Big Joe called the Top, namely January 26th, 2018. The structure of the A-B-C move sideways down from Jan 2018 is the full 4th wave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could Big Joe have
not gotten this 100% right? How could Big Joe have missed this? Answer: Because he is an asshole, a reprobate, asleep at the wheel, skunker than a Drunk on the good stuff in Life!!!!!

This is exactly where Big Joe lost the Plot!!! Yes of course its harder than sh*t but this is no excuse. Bottomline is Big Joe got fooled by BEAR. Played like a f***in chump!!!! As I write this, BEAR is looking down at me and laffffing his ass off! His mirth is uncontrollable, he is shaking with laffter and enjoyment! But its not mirth of the vicious kind! You see, BEAR could kill me in a second if he wanted to, but he won't. Why? Because he knows DEATH don't mean doodly to Big Joe!! Its livin that's hard!!!

Another reason BEAR don't kill Big Joe is because BEAR's greatest thrill is TO CREATE AN EFFECT ............ he knows the News Media is too stupid to catch on and appreciate the depth of treachery and trickery in his weaponry, but he knows that Big Joe is right there, right behind him, cogniting on the treachery at worst 1 step behind in real time but gaining ground, infinitesimally so, but gaining all the time. BEAR admires this. He won't kill the only fella who possesses it because if he did kill him, after that the Game would be boring for BEAR as he has zero respect for the 8 billion idiots that roam Teejeeack (Earth)!!!!

The Media has never understood how far out there BEAR is!!!! Check out one of BEAR's lieutenants for how far out there these cats are!!!

Great Depression (II) has been ongoing since January 26th, 2018.

Read again.

Yes, the Depression began in January 2018. YES, year 2018. Seems hardly likely, right? Dow Jones has been going up since year 2018 all the way into year 2021, right? But ..... THERE WAS A VIBRATION!!!!!
Yes, Sir, there most soy-tenly was a Vibration!!!! That Vibration was the entire year of 2020. Year 2020 was the worst year in the entire History of the United States!!

Soooooo, what the f***k does that mean?

Answer: It was BEAR's loud and clear message to Big Joe that it was a "C-Wave" that completes a Wave 4 that began on the exact day that Big Joe called the Top, namely January 26th, 2018. The structure of the A-B-C move sideways down from Jan 2018 is the full 4th wave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could Big Joe have not gotten this 100% right? How could Big Joe have missed this? Answer: Because he is an asshole, a reprobate, asleep at the wheel, skunker than a Drunk on the good stuff in Life!!!!!

This is exactly where Big Joe lost the Plot!!! Yes of course its harder than sh*t but this is no excuse. Bottomline is Big Joe got fooled by BEAR. Played like a f***in chump!!!! As I write this, BEAR is looking down at me and laffffing his ass off! His mirth is uncontrollable, he is shaking with laffter and enjoyment! But its not mirth of the vicious kind! You see, BEAR could kill me in a second if he wanted to, but he won't. Why? Because he knows DEATH don't mean doodly to Big Joe!! Its livin that's hard!!!

Another reason BEAR don't kill Big Joe is because BEAR's greatest thrill is TO CREATE AN EFFECT ............ he knows the News Media is too stupid to catch on and appreciate the depth of treachery and trickery in his weaponry, but he knows that Big Joe is right there, right behind him, cogniting on the treachery at worst 1 step behind in real time but gaining ground, infinitesimally so, but gaining all the time. BEAR admires this. He won't kill the only fella who possesses it because if he did kill him, after that the Game would be boring for BEAR as he has zero respect for the 8 billion idiots that roam Teejeeack (Earth)!!!!

The Media has never understood how far out there BEAR is!!!! Check out one of BEAR's lieutenants for how far out there these cats are!!!

Great Depression (II) has been ongoing since January 26th, 2018.

Big Joe should have realized from Jan 2018 that it was a 4th wave underway. And if this is true, then after the 4th wave completes, there would be one last final wave up known as the TERMINAL WAVE.

Big Joe missed the mercury switches in year 2020. They was used by the lieutenants but Big Joe missed it!!!! See video!!!

Wave 4 finished on March 23rd, 2020 and the mnove up from then is the Terminal Wave, the 5th wave. When this 5th Wave is over, the GREAT DEPRESSION (II) begins in earnest.

So, wtf was all the devastation that occurred with the coronavirus and the Job losses and the Unemployment wages and businesses shutting down left and right? Why of course its the 4th wave which mimics what is coming right after the 5th wave terminates.

So you see, BEAR gave Big Joe a taste of what is yet to come but that had not really started in earnest - it was merely BEAR clearing his nostrils.

Jesus H Christ, its going to get even more mean than I ever imagined!!!!

Fasten seatbelts, hid and watch!

Mercury switches are always used in a 4th wave. Its the very first time in a wave sequence that the PROS who will run the next Wave show up to make preparations under cover of darkness and not showing themselves YET YET YET!

Great Depression (II) has been ongoing since January 26th, 2018.

Big Joe should have realized from Jan 2018 that it was a 4th wave underway. And if this is true, then after the 4th wave completes, there would be one last final wave up known as the TERMINAL WAVE.

Big Joe missed the mercury switches in year 2020. They was used by the lieutenants but Big Joe missed it!!!! See video!!!

Wave 4 finished on March 23rd, 2020 and the mnove up from then is the Terminal Wave, the 5th wave. When this 5th Wave is over, the GREAT DEPRESSION (II) begins in earnest.

So, wtf was all the devastation that occurred with the coronavirus and the Job losses and the Unemployment wages and businesses shutting down left and right? Why of course its the 4th wave which mimics what is coming right after the 5th wave terminates.

So you see, BEAR gave Big Joe a taste of what is yet to come but that had not really started in earnest - it was merely BEAR clearing his nostrils.

Jesus H Christ, its going to get even more mean than I ever imagined!!!!

Fasten seatbelts, hid and watch!

Mercury switches are always used in a 4th wave. Its the very first time in a wave sequence that the PROS who will run the next Wave show up to make preparations under cover of darkness and not showing themselves YET YET YET!

See Vix for the last downwave that began May 13th, 2021, yeah, last month. Count the subdivisions. 1-2-3-4-5

We are in the 5th and final subwave down in Vix!

Prepare for Vix blastoff north bound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means SPX blastoff southbound to Argentina!

Pfizer Vaccine shenanigans are indicating a TOP likely similar to that of ENRON, the shenanigan king of kings.

But Pfizer is putting them all to shame as just this month alone it has succeeded in making the Devil looks like a Saint. Lucifer is p*ssed off as Pfizer has the wherewithal to give him a run for his money in the Evil Ways Dept.

Keep this as your guide for Pfizer:

There may be 50 ways to leave your lover but there is one guaranteed way Pfizer will not recover if it breaks my lines of consequence.

Take its vaccine? Would Big Joe take the vaccine of the Devil? Mammon has his hands all over this entire episode

I have requested the Angel of Light to guard me from making the massive mistakes of the HERD

View attachment 298460

Pfizer, as Fibo stated clearly, is the angel of the Devil! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Run, hide, don't surrender!!! 🙂
All vaccinated cats will die within 2 years

Reminder: The prescience of Fibo demonstrated with this inglorious basterds CALL

The Fibo know-ed it but how the f***k to explain it, how the f**k to account for it? didn't know then, don't know now but I do know, "don't knw where we is going, don't know where we was, but where we was, wasn't it!"

No waaaaay Jose that BEAR will allow a vaccine to defeat him in a mere Wave 4 when even the main onslaught has not begun yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! No friggin way!!

Elementary stuff. Underestimate the GREAT BEAR at your own peril and puerile!!!!!!"""

When the onslaught begins which will be signaled by none other than the Dow Jones crashing and taking out significant TREND markers, vaccined individuals evenwith both shots will take it in the yazoo and the MEDICAL COMMUNITY will go, "My God, the variants are waaay too smart for our medical field!"

You're damn straight, baby!!! Wave 1 is nothing compared to Wave 3.

Help them Father for they know not what they is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For girly, new_trader ...................... Gold 1H ......... Fibo's 61.8% magic Golden Ratio providing good support and respite for those beset with the disease BUY & HOLD! Gold can go up she can go down but what nobody can dispute is if you take profit at 61.8%, you've made a f***in killing and that money is banked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who gives a f*** what happens thereafter? But the buy and holders are sweating bullets and their stress level causes their middle-legs to wax and wane and efffusticate!!! Very unpleasant!

Macd rising and approaching he Zero line but NO trend violation of the downtrend thus far. the thing though about trends, is that they tend to continue but can reverse with zero notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

same chart, Simone, no changes on 1H.. then wait for the daily chart ...................

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For new_trader = girly = Rochelle 🙂

Behold the iconoclastic, effluviastic, effluentivistic, mulcting embrace of the magnificent Fibo golden ratio of 61.8% holding up so nicely - no guarantees it will continue but it is a feat of immense value as it gives dumbphucks days to think think think you better think (as in video)! at 4:42

Gold 1H showing the voluptuousness of Fibo's 61.8% halting the masssssive decline in Gold which was like a piledriver bound south with viciousness and verve

Lord almighty, Fibo be the Man!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

When/where does fibo shine like a star that never dims?

Here baby right here! 🙂🙂🙂🙂👍👍👍👍

Alert! Alert! alert! Fibo's only source of entertainment at boring T2W has come forth with yet another zinger/zanger that has me rolling on the floor with lafffffter mirtheous that I cannot get up and need to call 911 with, "Help, I've fallen and can't get up!" 🤣🤣🤣

This source of x-treme mirth is none other than new_trader 😗😗

God, do I love it so!!!!


Hurry, hurry, hurry to see Post #454 .... and remember that SPX should crash within 2-7 days after a new_trader CALL to the Moon! Always wrong at major tops and bottoms, always by just a margin of 2-7 days since year 2000 and 2007-2008. consistent. Better than the Magazine contrary indicator which I will explain in next post!!!!

Alert! Alert! alert! Fibo's only source of entertainment at boring T2W has come forth with yet another zinger/zanger that has me rolling on the floor with lafffffter mirtheous that I cannot get up and need to call 911 with, "Help, I've fallen and can't get up!" 🤣🤣🤣

This source of x-treme mirth is none other than new_trader 😗😗

God, do I love it so!!!!


Hurry, hurry, hurry to see Post #454 .... and remember that SPX should crash within 2-7 days after a new_trader CALL to the Moon! Always wrong at major tops and bottoms, always by just a margin of 2-7 days since year 2000 and 2007-2008. consistent. Better than the Magazine contrary indicator which I will explain in next post!!!!

View attachment 302231
Read quote first ........................... then see her for the best-est contrary indicators of market tops/bottoms in History ..........

Its called the Magazine cover Indicator:

Let Fibo explain this in easiest terms. These lads in the list below have a penchant for coming out boldly and stating the bull market will go on forever in bold print on their COVER STORY. within a day or days the market reverses and kicks 'em in the ass. But they've never learned to go against their basic instincts and call the opposite way they as a group, think! No sir, they have never learned this basic fact of psychology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are therefor known as very reliable contrary indicators, meaning they are almost always wrong at turns of import!!

Their granny resides at T2W since year 2000 and her name is new_trader. SHE beats 'em all with relative ease!

Whenever you see new_trader say SPX is going to the Moon, just close out Longs and take profits becasue a crash will occur within 2-7 days.

Latest example of the magazine covers and new_trader was just before the corona virus crash of the SPX in Feb 2020. See for yourselves. all the evidence is on T2W search engine and in the thread. Stupidity of Fibo is also revealed clearly by the search engine!!!! Nobody escapes this EVIDENCE ENGINE! And that's a good thing!!!! 😗😗😗😗😗
It f***ks Fibo just like it f***s everyone else! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Current champions of the dumbest sort, i.e. almost always wrong at major tops/bottoms are the following dumbphucks:

Wall Street Journal
Time Magazine
Fortune Magazine
Financial Times

Enjoy the outstanding historical collection archives of the Big Joe aka Fibo, a collection so stunning that it could by its lonesome self be an entire Phd. level at any University anywhere and outclass all the the current clowns in the MBA program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barron's is one of the dumbest f***ks in History! And dig this!!! They want you to pay for subscription!!!!!!!!! It should be the other way around! they own YOU for getting it always WRONG! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Beat the market by using new_trader as a contrary indicator just like the title below


Which Market Gurus Get It Right the Most?​

A study finds that market pundits have less than a 50/50 chance of getting it right.​

Are market seers worth their salt? When forecasters are considered as a group, the answer is no.


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