Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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UK & India, a complex devilish mix of genocide, mayhem and torment, the ultimate challenge of the concept of KARMA and the staggering odds of Murphy's Law ................... my my my its gonna get mean with 200 years to be accounted for the the Accounting books of the Spiritual Plateau!!!

Brace, brace, brace!

All those thousands of villages in India, negative sanitation and whatnot, every 2nd cat seems to have a ticket to fly to London!!!

Get out of Dodge, guys!!!!

Right now at this moment in time I do believe the safest country to be in for the 3rd wave, even though it will not be a picnic, is the United States!!

As usual Fibo is on the right side of the TREND!!!
Where is that boy, Inquisitor? 🤣🤣🤣

He said to me on my 4th day at T2W, "you keep telling us how great it is in California" 🙂

Well, then dig this:

As 23 Republican states are shooting thessselves in the foot and maiming there own by chopping off the $300/wk in the unemployment federal boost, California will not join in!!!!! In fact the Governor is likely going to extend all moratoriums despite the reopening!!!!

But Inquisitor wait, it gets really stupendous because in the city of Los Angeles, where the heart and brain of CA reside, the City stated, "Ain't nobody no how gonna tell us to revoke the protection to all our residents to be safe from hunger and homelessness - nobody going to have to leave their apartment or house - nobody - indefinitely!!!!"

What a State!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍

At times such as these with BEAR on the ravage at 2-4 degrees of TREND who gives a rat's ass if the printing machines go into high gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Yesterday I saw a video that talked about a sh*tload of dudes who had left CA for Texas, Nevada, Arizona, florida and whatnot!! They be all coming baack one or more at a time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like Big Joe said they would!

Florida? F***in humidity will neutralize any well-being in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No baby, CA is where its at! And Los Angeles is the heart and soul!
Keep eye on governments worldwide loosening restrictions to going back to pre-pandemic levels. Keep eye on this statement and then read what comes next that Fibo has stated over ane over again as the Wave 2 setup for Wave 3, aka TRAP ......................

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.

Help 'em Father for they know not what/who they up against!!!
For Sharky - San, already posted chart for new_trader on Gold and fibo's stunning 61.8% level providing a massive halt on the decline and crash in Gold.

Hehehehe, oh my oh my oh my, can you dig it, she's still providing THE HALT. Hehehe and the trade is so obvious - break support and its a screaming high profit SHORT!!!! This type of short will set new_trader's bum on firenze!!! 🙂

updated Gold 1H chart for Monday June 21/2021

No change same chart

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Fibo's 61.8& golden ratio still holding the Price decline in gold so nicely. Think about the value of such in terms of respite and time to think - like so ........ gold falling and gapping down down down, gapping down thru' huge chart space, seems like total disaster so the inexperienced trader would be so terrorized as to drop his Long load which he should not be Long in the first place but let's say he is and terrified but he gets time and peace and a halt at 61.8% to see if he still has a chance. If the level fires, he might have a chance to claw back in and reduce lossess and at best it could be a total reversal in which case he is in rapture ..................

So, the golden ratio is still holding nicely - she has not fired yet. When she fires it will be clear as daylight with a nice green bar. The flipside is failure to ignite which is also a boon for the trader in that it means a clear short signal continuation
Nasdaq SHORT of the Galactic Confederation upcoming soon

See my 61.8% olive horizontal line support for Nasdaq.

When the b*tch breaks that its a short o 93% gain on the short side! don't miss it!

Doble pattern ending diagonal is waaaay too much for Nasdaq to countenance!

RSI suggesting that Peter from New Zealand already has a finger in her bum!!! Peter did this once with a couple from London, friends of mine. She whacked him so hard and so tight that Perter had a broken jaw!!!! Bums are now off base for this reprobate! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Reminder ...............................

Nasdaq SHORT of the Galactic Confederation upcoming soon - Short-sters will make millions & billions. Yet another lifetime retirement vehicle for the fellas who don't miss the forest for the trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yippie kai yeh
Where is that boy, T2W's quietest and most civil member, Inquisitor? This boy was the first one, the very first one to say something to me when I first arrived at LaLaLand (T2W). In hindsight, what he said to me back then in May 2019 remains the only thing of value I got from T2W - from that point forward it was all downhill with one retard after another posing and pretending non-stop.

Then, the boy delivered to Big Joe yet another singer of importance and value with his question, "you keep telling us how great it is in California ............. yet ............" .................. how rare is it for a Brit to address an American in a tone other than 1.1 on the Tone scale aka Covert Hostility? So rare esp. at T2W, its rarer than a diamond.

So, for this boy and this boy only ............................ here are some things about California that only the cognoscenti know but others feel as self-evident and still others have learned over the years and decades and are still learning ................

CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!
Where is that boy, T2W's quietest and most civil member, Inquisitor? This boy was the first one, the very first one to say something to me when I first arrived at LaLaLand (T2W). In hindsight, what he said to me back then in May 2019 remains the only thing of value I got from T2W - from that point forward it was all downhill with one retard after another posing and pretending non-stop.

Then, the boy delivered to Big Joe yet another singer of importance and value with his question, "you keep telling us how great it is in California ............. yet ............" .................. how rare is it for a Brit to address an American in a tone other than 1.1 on the Tone scale aka Covert Hostility? So rare esp. at T2W, its rarer than a diamond.

So, for this boy and this boy only ............................ here are some things about California that only the cognoscenti know but others feel as self-evident and still others have learned over the years and decades and are still learning ................

CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!

CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!

Skipping over all the usual great stuff about California here are other angles to view

If California would all of a sudden cease to exist and just simply vanish, Teejeeack (Earth) would have lost so much creativity and levity and humor as to in a mere ogonblick go Brit (Boring)

Take away California from the equation and the IQ of the world drops from 175 down to 50.

Take away California and the entertainment differential equation becomes mere Algebra

Take away California and EARNINGS potential vanishes as soy-tenly as nite follows day

Take away California and the birthplace of the INTERNET perishes quicker than "poof"

Take this one to the bank and cash it in for a trillion dollars: when a Californian travels to any part of the United States they are easily spotted as being from California and the envy is self-evident. The Californian has to tone oneself down, slow down, drop to 2nd gear in order to be able to fit in, if fitting in is the way to maintain harmony.

A foreign woman abroad spots the California Man with 100% accuracy in a group of American Men from all states.

Restaurants & Service Industries worldwide bask in the fact that a Californian is an exquisite tipper, rivaled only by a New Yorker

Women the world over know that a California Man has a native tendency to spoil a girl so is auto the most desired boyfriend, hands down!!

In Thailand for example, women do not know the difference between any Europeans or Australians and so on and they sure as heck don't know the difference between the states within the United States but if they see you as hep on the first encounter, they might instantly blurt out, "You from CALEEEFONNIA? If you say YES .............. all other competition disappears and from that moment on, SHE sees only YOU!

CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!

Quadruple Bonus: California has this .................​


CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!

Creme de la creme bonus for the fellas of California ........................

LA woman

CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!

California feeds the world​

The weather is so good that even Mother Mary calls Cali HOME! And dig this: Mother Mary loves the fact that California feeds the world!!!! The Credit score of California is at persistent, perennial high of the max. possible at 850

California wines? Legendary! ......... but little known is that the state is the fifth largest food exporter on the entire planet. The state exports food to hundreds of countries, with major products including strawberries, avocados, grapes, cotton, and wheat. Other major exports, such as figs, artichokes, almonds, and raisins, are actually exclusive to California, so you’ve probably eaten plenty of Californian produce in your life!

Half a million earthquakes per year

California is home to the highest and lowest points in the country​

California is the most diverse state in America​

The film and TV industry often portrays Californians as a homogenous group of blond-haired, sun-kissed, white Americans, but this is far from the truth. California is actually the most diverse state in the country and one of the most diverse places on Earth by a wide margin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The state is one of the only “majority-minority” states in the US, being home to the largest Mexican, Russian, Chinese, Indian, and Nigerian populations in the country.

California was once part of Mexico​

This partly explains why the state remains to this day a major center of Latin American culture and continues to enjoy a close relationship with Mexico and its people.

And this is why, Fibo says, "we cannot and should not block out the peoples of Latin America from coming here! Its a native instinct, artificial walls to block them out is a disgrace! There must be a better way but nobody knows of one and neither do I

Driving down to San Diego once with 3 others in the car, it was 2 AM and all of a sudden I had to brake real hard as lo and behold a Daddy, Mummy and 2 kids were bolting across the freeway terrified. The headlights on their faces told Big Joe the whole story in one ogonblick!

One of the fellas said, "Joe, the Immigration Center for border check is only a mile away and we should tell them what we saw so they can go pick 'em up!" There was very little traffic, actually almost none, so I stopped, backed up and yelled, "esta bien, amigos, no estoy La Migra, mucha comida para ustedes ....................... the fellas in the car were shocked .......... Big Joe emptied the car of all snacks, food and beer and wine and soft drinks and gave it all tot he family and told them to run, run, run and then eat first before continuiing ..............

One of the fellas said to me, "you can go to jail for this Joe!" My answer to him, "I don't give a f***k"

There was dead silence in the car till we got to SD.
Nasdaq ............. see earlier posts to be ready for short of the Millenium ................. avalanche could start when the top steep trendline is taken out and then of course the shallower one will bring in tons of shorts. After the 200-day is taken out, it will be FREEFALL/WATERFALL

This one plus USDJPY (Long) should be retirement times 3000%. The profits from just these 2 trades can be passed on to your next of kin for the next 700 years, all they have to know is when to add more and when to sell which you will have to teaach them from the grave. Do NOT put new_trader in charge of decisions 🙂

For the kids who are learning, do not bother with books and books of TA about Buy and Hold style of Investing. Just a photo of new_trader ought to suffice! Then tell the kids, "do NOT do this!"

Countdown has now begun for new_trader to charge out the gate with yet another .................

Markets are inflationary boom, Nasdaq going to the Moon!

And for the average fella (99.99%) it is true the Nasdaq is pointing to the Moon!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
CALIFORNIA: You can check out any time you like but you can NEVER leave!

Nowhere else can you find such a realistic car chase - and esp. considering how long ago this was done!!!! The word "stunning" fails to adequately describe such a California act and scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For girly, new_trader ...................... Gold 1H ......... Fibo's 61.8% magic Golden Ratio providing good support and respite for those beset with the disease BUY & HOLD! Gold can go up she can go down but what nobody can dispute is if you take profit at 61.8%, you've made a f***in killing and that money is banked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who gives a f*** what happens thereafter? But the buy and holders are sweating bullets and their stress level causes their middle-legs to wax and wane and efffusticate!!! Very unpleasant!

Macd rising and approaching he Zero line but NO trend violation of the downtrend thus far. the thing though about trends, is that they tend to continue but can reverse with zero notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

same chart, Simone, no changes on 1H.. then wait for the daily chart ...................

For girly, new_trader ...................... Gold Daily .............. a whole new view, so much better than the view in oral sex ................

See the Macd below pointing down at sharp angle but a saving grace has showed up, namely, the histogram bar is decreasing - kind of early to tell but hey its worth looking at

But Big Joe don't give a f*** one way or other because the profits are banked on the short side already. Now I just yawn and yawn and yawn and revel in the golden ratio mechanics firing or not firing? Cross that line to the downside and big Joe has a new short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Newy, You'll never be the girl, never be the girl tycoon of T2W without Fibo! You've been here 20 years and been a disaster but seen as the top trader at T2W which shows how low this site has sunk from day 2008 crash!!!! Save your countrymen now, Newy, come kiss Fibo.

Fibo is a very forgiving chap and never holds grudges after a kiss!!!! Come to Daddy-O now, baby! 🙂

I know you're in your 60s, so reast assured I'm not gonna f***k you. But I will save you. that's worth much much much more to me!!! Mother Mary looks down at me and from the Heavens and smiles and drops a tear or two and responds with, " I love you, dearest Joe!" 🙂

Come to daddy-o now!!!!!

Daddy-O is always there, doing his thing with his best weapon of all time in real life taking the shot from 1000 yards away which no more than 50 on Earth can pull off. But even daddy-O knows his own limitations!!!! This is why he calls upon the supernatural thru' Mother Mary, my Mom!!!!

USDJPY: TLP 110.7 then go to sidelines and get drunk!


Fibo at his best when dancing and singing and goofing off!!! Never ever gave a rat's as for the business world and Mammon's domain! f***k 'em both! Not interested!!!!



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