Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Hey guys ................. as we are on the cusp of the Dow Jones taking a permanent turn south into a voluptuous BEAR of epic degree, I am still researching and learning about the British Empire! Why? Because my entire Technical analysis data charts start from around the 1700. This is a span of time of British influence. YOU guys know how it is: you give Fibo more real correct data and he can work magic like nobody else can. that's the thing, guys: The DATA is the key, its gotta be accurate or at least reasonably so. I have zero control over this accuracy so I'm basically f***ed at the starting gates!!!

T2W's Rufus_Leakey brought up a good point a while back that Britain was not the originator of CONCENTRATION CAMPS although making he Germans looks like saints!!!!! There appeared to be yet another originator, a starter of the disease, the biggest mofo of them all. But for Fibo this is now evanescent as whenever I feel I'm getting close to the correct culprit the confusion pours in again and its back to square one. So its a work in progress. Britain is defo at least the #2 Concentration Camp King. But yet to establish is, "was Britain the #1??

Stay tuned!

Yes I do buy that the mOngols wer even more brutal than the Brits!!! Romans too! But look at the BEAR markets of the Mongols and the Eye-talians. both are asinine, hovine, bovine nincompoops in 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have paid the price and are still paying it and this BEAR will bury them for all transgressions against humanity! Germany should refuse to bail them out no more!
BEAR at 2-4 degrees of TREND ..........................

thing to notice is that all the c********* empires of the past from Europe are now pariahs. Portugal, Spain, Italy, UK, Germany et al ............... all reduced to a bunch of bums, reprobates of the Third Kind!

The Holy Ghost and Angel of Mercy are metering out justice that has long since been due!

Things have a way of evening out despite taking at times a hundred or more years. Time don't mean a thing!!!

Noah's Ark comes to mind! Those clean, go free of slotter but even they suffer and take a huge hit! that's just the way it is!

Similar to the concept that "only the tigers survive and even have a hard time"

This BEAR that fibo called will be and is the final reckoning that will even the tide and give the planet a clean slate!!!!

All the poor needs is one leader of the caliber of Fibo and boom, poverty will be gone for good. why? Because Fibo cannot be bought! Fibo would start from ground zero and lift the poor in ways that would fire their souls to strive and excel. Nothing more would be required as the bottom rung will lift the entire ship as a bull market raises all boats.

Help would pour in from Mother Mary and Co.
Lord have mercy on their souls if Fibo's chart is correctly pointing to a trend change? Its an IF ..............

US Dollar versus SPX

Mes-sage to the Dow Jones Transportation Index, the Lordess of the Economy:

Are you f***ed or what? You can recover from this? Kiss my ass!!!

Fibo born on the wrong planet in the wrong milleniium! Dumped here in ice cubes to go insane by hanging out with dumbphucks! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Implanters of the R6 bank had the right idea!!! Nothing kills a guy quicker than those he has to hang out with!

There is even more proof!!! Want to know anything of any consequence about a fella, any fella? Just look at who he hangs out with!

Now take a lookat T2W in a new unit of time!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fibo born on the wrong planet in the wrong milleniium! Dumped here in ice cubes to go insane by hanging out with dumbphucks! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The Implanters of the R6 bank had the right idea!!! Nothing kills a guy quicker than those he has to hang out with!

There is even more proof!!! Want to know anything of any consequence about a fella, any fella? Just look at who he hangs out with!

Now take a lookat T2W in a new unit of time!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Want more proof of Fibo's axiom?

Go have a talk with new_trader's husband!!!!
For Trader333,

Slight uptick has been spotted by Fibo in the United States Corona scene. I await confirmation from the UK for a likewise upturn tick up, then we gots to have the slowpokes like Othello (Australia) rocket north from the doldrums for the next wave up to be a genuine WAVE 3.

If and when it does occur, colonel, all previous conceptions of doctor Fauci and other docs will blow out the window as they will gasp, "vaccines = 4 barrels on the shark and the sucker can still dive to depths and come back to kill us all"

Take Sharky to the bunker now

Don't miss special guests at White House likely in May-June

Slam Dunk!!! see 1st para in quote for Othello (Australia). 🙂🙂

Remember how quiet Covid-19 was in Australia? How everyone thought they had conquered it? But thru' all that hocus-pocus Fibo know-ed that the 3rd wave was on its way, just a matter of timing it!!! How did Fibo know? He just know-ed, thass all!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


If the TRADER gives up totally after trying and trying and trying and losing and losing and losing, then gives up totally and splits just at the darkest hour just before DAWN, the one time in the Universe when its almost guaranteed GOD will provide a miraculous intervention, then there is only one guarantee - that he never ever ever will ever make it as a TRADER as the door is fully shut by him, himself - and God will just look on in dismay and not override that decision!

see T2W member named LeslyTarqTow

Fibo tried his best to help this girl but failed miserably! Big loss for fibo as I felt I had her, was very close to rescuing her, to bring her back from the brink of total surrender, she was soooooo close to turning it all around. Sheesh! all that struggle and pain and loss and losses and she just threw it all away just before the lights were to come on!!!! Terrible!!!

She came back once into another trader's thread and threw off a sh*tload of negative stuff about failure - all of this is to be expected, you gots to let the steam run its course ...............




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SPX versus TERROR! daily chart ............... in 5th and final wave up now, can end anytime!

Prepare for years of downtrend worldwide!

Historians will send this thread to the Nobel Prize Dept. but Fibo will tell them all to take a hike as the Nobel prize is too puny!!!!

This is bigger! This is the galactic Confederation of 76 planets - PRIZE creme de la creme!!!

What a country! Never been nothin like the United States!

BEAR don't got no offense against socialism!!!!!! Can't slam dunk!!!

One basket with just 2 fishes and it regenerates to feed millions and billions of people!!!!! GOD did it! It must be right! Republicans? or better called, "Replicants?" F***k 'em. They just tried to kill average Americans in 23 states by trying to cancel unemployment federal boosts!!! dumb, dumb, dumb!!!!!

The revolt has begun! Replicants are finished!!! The BEAR market is now totally on socialist weaponry, thwarting BEAR left and right just at the right time when Wave 3 is coming!!

America still got a chance to make it out of this one!!!!!!

A Petition With Over 2 Million Signatures Calls for $2,000 Monthly Stimulus Checks for Every American​


For new_trader .......................... you'll never be the girl as long as Fibo is around here ............. team up with Tomorton and find a way to get Fibo expelled for LIFE!!! Bring in Timsk and all the fellas from the thread below for a new attempt in a new unit of time ...................

See Fibo's Gold!!!!!!!!!!! See how nicely nicely nicely Fibo's 61.8% line keeps supporting Goldie!!

Can you dig it?

In High School it was the same thing!!! The Central Police Training College, full grown adults much bigger in size than us boys, got whooped the moment Fibo became Captain of the School team. Their consultations were legendary as they were overheard by one of our spies planted in their Mess Hall. Their one and only strategy was this, "we gots to take out that menace Fibo very early in the game with a fracture of the shin bone, the rest of the team will fall apart within minutes!"

They came close but never really succeeded! Games went into unheard of # goals!!!!


For new_trader .......................... you'll never be the girl as long as Fibo is around here ............. team up with Tomorton and find a way to get Fibo expelled for LIFE!!! Bring in Timsk and all the fellas from the thread below for a new attempt in a new unit of time ...................

See Fibo's Gold!!!!!!!!!!! See how nicely nicely nicely Fibo's 61.8% line keeps supporting Goldie!!

Can you dig it?

In High School it was the same thing!!! The Central Police Training College, full grown adults much bigger in size than us boys, got whooped the moment Fibo became Captain of the School team. Their consultations were legendary as they were overheard by one of our spies planted in their Mess Hall. Their one and only strategy was this, "we gots to take out that menace Fibo very early in the game with a fracture of the shin bone, the rest of the team will fall apart within minutes!"

They came close but never really succeeded! Games went into unheard of # goals!!!!

View attachment 302328

Like in the Roman Empire they kept sending the case to different governors to decide and adjudicate, here at T2W, Sharky bypassed all this crock and sent it straight up to Saint Peter to decide the case of Fibo's expulsion ...............

Saint Peter's reply was stunning, to say the least .................. he addressed, Timsk, Tomorton, Trendie, Cantagril (now Covid-19-ed?) et al .............

"Up here in Heaven we go strictly by stats, performance stats! When you fellas spoke or talked or wrote at T2W, people esp. newbies fell asleep and snored in deep boredom and unconsciousness. But when Fibo spoke or wrote, people PRAYED!"

Petition denied!

Forgive 'em Father for they are sooooo utterly daft they have no concept of WAVES despite going to Spain for ocean waves at the beach 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Its also never occurred to these cats that brains work in waves, so does blood flow, so does electromagnetism, Astrophysics, Aerodynamics etc., etc.,

As a result of such outright gross stupidity it will never occur to them that the former 6ft social distancing rule is now out the window with the new variants. How so? The variant, each variant, as it gets stronger, it does not follow the Arithmetic Scale, it follows the Richter Scale as per the Waves on Earth.

Expect social distancing to be 30 ft minm. Yeah baby, I already warned you it was going to get mean. Flying on holidays on airplanes? Make your WILL, have some drinks now and enjoy, odds are ..................

Buckle up!

Third waves in action currently in just a few countries as examples, but all will follow soon enough. When the United States, aka The Head Honcho joins in, then it starts in earnest!!!!!

Behold the following 3rd waves - sheer behemoths of sybaritic splendor





South Africa


United Kingdom






The mighty United States just rounding out into a turn of epic consequence that will herald the 3rd Wave. Now hear this: this type of 3rd wave is about Richter equivalent of 14 in the realm of ROGUE WAVES

Prepare them Father for they have no clue what's a-comin

For new_trader .......................... you'll never be the girl as long as Fibo is around here ............. team up with Tomorton and find a way to get Fibo expelled for LIFE!!! Bring in Timsk and all the fellas from the thread below for a new attempt in a new unit of time ...................

See Fibo's Gold!!!!!!!!!!! See how nicely nicely nicely Fibo's 61.8% line keeps supporting Goldie!!

Can you dig it?

In High School it was the same thing!!! The Central Police Training College, full grown adults much bigger in size than us boys, got whooped the moment Fibo became Captain of the School team. Their consultations were legendary as they were overheard by one of our spies planted in their Mess Hall. Their one and only strategy was this, "we gots to take out that menace Fibo very early in the game with a fracture of the shin bone, the rest of the team will fall apart within minutes!"

They came close but never really succeeded! Games went into unheard of # goals!!!!

View attachment 302328

The phantom striker, the lone goal scorer for T2W, and mind you unlike Maradona who played a great passing game back and forth, Fibo has nobody to pass to and nobody to pass to him, therefore has to do all the work solo, including scoring the goals.

So what did the phantom striker do this time to add to the magnificente gold chart on 1H?

GOLD not only respecting and honoring the 61.8% golden ratio line of fibo but now also nicely bounded by the 50% resistance line!!!

It don't get much better than this! This is TA at its finest. LONG on breakout above 50%, continuation short on breakdown below 61.8%

Millions to be made while new_trader is fast asleep on the wrong side of the tracks - as usual

Historians will remark the obvious from benefit of hindsight - they will say that Fibo was a feno-menon that was so out of the realm of T2W that it invoked the Axiom, "the incredible is invisible" 🤣🤣🤣

There's going to be a whole lot of Slam Dunks coming up once the Dow Jones turns but there are already so many and none were foreseen by any expert! NONE!

Case in point .................... Russia!!! Slam Dunk!!! Called by Fibo already!!!!!!!!!!!!

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