Scientists like Fauci have stated YOU-nanimously time and again that 65 million years ago is when the dinosaurs became-d extinct.
The correct number is 75 million years ago, the time of what is now known to the cognoscenti as Incident (II) . So therefore the Science guys are off by 7 years, not a big deal in Fibo's book! Same ballpark is good enough generally speaking but precision is what matters to Fibo.
So therefore 75 million years ago is the date of Incident (II) on Teejeeack
The Peoples' army loyal to the populace revolted thereafter when they discovered the giant scam perpetuated by Xenu. He was captured thereafter the the Teejeeack Incident (II) and imprisoned in an electronic fortress from which there is no escape - there is no such meaningful term as imprisoned for Life . this concept only applies to Teejeeack. Everywhere else they oive for hundreds of thousands of years and more. Why else do you think they can make such progress? They don't blow thessselves up every 500 years and they don't have the forgetter mechanism implanted in their minds so knowledge from one life passes on indefinitely.
For new_trader ............................................ 🙂🙂
Always wishing you well, Dolly, even when you exponentialize your hatred towards me, tuck this under your hat, you will need it real good when the time comes .....................
Hope you live forever but in the event you do perish and die, at the moment or instant of DEATH you will for the first time consciously realize that Fibo has always been your friend. Do not follow the light. This is what the dumbphucks do after body death and they get another dose of implants from the closest implant station that currently resides outside the spaceship enterprises of Teejeeack, so can never be reached. Its a TRAP
When you decline the Light Tunnel you will be impelled to pick up another body and start this whole rigmarole yet again , this time however as a whole new identity. The forgetter mechanism kicks in at the instant or moment of body impact on the baby body you pick up. This picking up of the new body is not so unknown as you Brits might believe - you will wake up suck*** on a breast at a hospital where to get that baby's body you ran into intense competition amongst other participant beings who wanted the same thing and were and are dying for a body. Remember that 280 billion beings per planet were nailed to the cross and all need a body but the bodies are in short supply here on Teejeeack.
Your best option is this:
Make the decision to go after Fibo's locatiion in California or wherever his might be. You will get there. Fibo has no babies, so pickup the nearest one you can find, at he nearest local hospital. YOU will run into Fibo sooner or later by postulate and design as a teenager and your life will be firmly on the first rung of the ladder. You will not know it is fibo due to the forgetter mechanism but there will will be something so compelling that it impels you to his heart. You will have made it! recognition will come to your eyes when you actually meet fibo whether in the current body or the next iteration, the eyes cannot deceive, you will know its fibo. YOU will be a friend thenceforth with stunning prospects in Life. Your hatred will have been cured for good.
You will have finest of clothes, cut the bread as big as a door if you choose to and willnot have to work no more. You will have entered the priveleged domain of THE DISSENTER
That's my Word of Life to you , new_trader.