Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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If the Top CALL shown here in this SPX monthly chart with a perfect TRENDLINE, WAVE#s & MEASUREMENTs ignites = produces joy soon, .............................

remember that Fibo will be in full battle mode, SHORT-issimo, horse saddled and ready, plenty of beej jerky for the journey south. Strapped across the hips is my fav 2-gun rig, also carrying a rifle and buffalo gun on the pack horse with bedroll and other gear. For hunting meat I have a full fledged bow and arrow.

The charge out the gate might be so swift that even I, an experienced rider might be thrown off, so I gots to hold tight.

Wrong = more waiting = a fckup, but that's Life.

Right = big-essimo money. How big? Yuge!

View attachment 292009

If the CALL strikes the jackpot, then those who want to meet up for a chat and drink and enjoying the old times when we were warriors, here are the instructions that will hold true for after March 2021

Sometime I in Volcano zone sometime I in Kona
Sometime I gone down to Waikoloa to check out the scene
Well I'm always keeping on the move, I love to roam
So I want the ladies to know its hard to find me at home

I wake in the morning, I leaving the stables
I don't know what time in the evening I'll be coming back
So you see it don't make any sense for you to call
You'll just be wasting your time
I'm hardly ever at home at all
So meet me on the Parkway in Waikoloa
If you miss the train you can get Bus 44
If the Top CALL shown here in this SPX monthly chart with a perfect TRENDLINE, WAVE#s & MEASUREMENTs ignites = produces joy soon, .............................

remember that Fibo will be in full battle mode, SHORT-issimo, horse saddled and ready, plenty of beej jerky for the journey south. Strapped across the hips is my fav 2-gun rig, also carrying a rifle and buffalo gun on the pack horse with bedroll and other gear. For hunting meat I have a full fledged bow and arrow.

The charge out the gate might be so swift that even I, an experienced rider might be thrown off, so I gots to hold tight.

Wrong = more waiting = a fckup, but that's Life.

Right = big-essimo money. How big? Yuge!

View attachment 292009

see quote

"The charge out the gate might be so swift that even I, an experienced rider might be thrown off my horse , so I gots to hold tight "

even with a near fall off my horse, be damn sure that I will finish the BEAR run in 1st place with an announcement of the REVERSAL at least 1 month before it actually happens sometime in 2021-23

The blood on the feet of my horse is the underhanded work of the T2W vigilantes - all part of the game so no complaints 🙂

For the times clearly evident in this thread when BEAR was waaay too much, much too much for me ................................ I did the same thing that God does when he puts the weight of progress on me - I put the weight on HIM - the Angel then steps in in an ogonblick

For Sharky .................................. SPX view of entire bull run from March 2009 low hits a perfect Fibo this month.

There is only one trading day left in this month for the monthly candle to complete.

If correct, this can topple governments. If wrong, its just another kick in the ass for Fibo. I'm here for either one.

For Sharky .................................. SPX view of entire bull run from March 2009 low hits a perfect Fibo this month.

There is only one trading day left in this month for the monthly candle to complete.

If correct, this can topple governments. If wrong, its just another kick in the ass for Fibo. I'm here for either one.

View attachment 292036

Sorry Sharks, the lines are no clearly visible in grey so changed to white.

If the Top CALL shown here in this SPX monthly chart with a perfect TRENDLINE, WAVE#s & MEASUREMENTs ignites = produces joy soon, .............................

remember that Fibo will be in full battle mode, SHORT-issimo, horse saddled and ready, plenty of beej jerky for the journey south. Strapped across the hips is my fav 2-gun rig, also carrying a rifle and buffalo gun on the pack horse with bedroll and other gear. For hunting meat I have a full fledged bow and arrow.

The charge out the gate might be so swift that even I, an experienced rider might be thrown off, so I gots to hold tight.

Wrong = more waiting = a fckup, but that's Life.

Right = big-essimo money. How big? Yuge!

View attachment 292009

update: nice, nice, nice on the T2W prime premature ejaculator timeframe belonging to T2W poster, NVP, the master SCALPER 😆😆😆

Since the overall downdraft in SPX is slow, i did some magnificent rapid f***in just to try out what T2W poster, NVP does 8 hours per day, 5 days a week in his scalping. Gotta tell you guys, the money is good but the super frequent premature ejaculations, not to mention the wanton waste of ejaculate is hurting my c***k, urethra, vas deferens and seminal vesicle. Its waaaaay better on 5-min. timeframe as the demands on my c**k are much lower, but this is only temporary until the move gets underway in earnest. Then I can go to my resting zone of DAILY = a good, hard, long f**k goes a long way and makes her sing sing sing for weeks. Yeah good money but hardly worth the LIFEstyle it demands.

To ease the pressure on my c**k I am guzzling some Chimay from Belgium

T2W traders are 99.9999999999% Scalpers = premature ejaculators. So its not just 1 out of 3, its almost universal. In thepremature ejaculation field its 1 out of 3 Men suffering the malady ....... its happened to all Men so we're all familiar with the downside and distress. But for the fellas who do it as a routine, God help their women - they must be the most unhappy females on EARTH


Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual disorders in men. But it is not just the men who suffer; it also causes increased psychological strain and stress in women, as a new survey conducted by Andrea Burri, a clinical psychologist at the University of Zurich, reveals. Around 40 percent of over 1,500 women polled from Mexico, Italy and South Korea indicated that ejaculation control is very important for satisfactory intercourse. It is not the short duration of the act of lovemaking that is primarily regarded as the main source of sexual frustration by the majority of women, but the fact that the man is focused too strongly on delaying ejaculation. As a result, he ignores the sexual needs of the woman and is unable to satisfy her individual desires.

The wives and girlfriends of men who suffer from premature ejaculation are often frustrated—but it’s not for the reason you may think.

The girlies nailed it real good with this universal explanation .........................

In thinking about the finish line, it’s easy for men to neglect sexually stimulating acts like kissing and caressing, which the women who were surveyed said are equally important to their satisfaction in the bedroom.

Of course the girlies were too shy to mention that a good hammering with the tongue eliminates 95% of the time factor of actual intercourse duration.

There you have it! No medication reqd., just good Technical Anal-ysis 🙂🙂🙂
Marisol: 😎👍

Marisol is a Spanish name. Its derived from “Maria de la Soledad”, the Spanish term for the Virgin Mary. Its also derived from Spanish “Maria des Sol” and “mar y sol”. (Maria of the sun & Sea & Sun)

All true but the one that stood out is, "Lonely beautiful Maria of exquisite femininity so soft, so tantalizing, so molasses-like as to render a fella with deep thoughts of the Amazon in fruit of so many different flavors - mango and guava together especially, a rare combo.

But this particular Marisol was Creole French + Irish white = stunning & dazzling skin luminescence and aura.

Right away I could see in her eye that she is no player but a woman of substance, of education to the nth, around 27 years old, close to little experience with men and still waiting waiting waiting for the knight.

I knew this right away! Its like the wave count when I get it right in one ogonblick
Marisol: 😎👍

This was the effect Marisol had on me when I walked in the door to the recent party of parties - I threw all Covid-19 caution to the wind and decided I had to go to this party. I was compelled and impelled like never before. The moment I walked in the door of the host I know-ed why in an ogonblick. As a CLOSER who is always closing I take in the entire scenario in one glance, sort of like I do in Technical Anal-ysis of the Financial Markets and Sentiment Anal-ysis of crowds. I am a specialist on the crowds of ET and & T2W. Both are at my beck and call. Just over one year at T2W and I am there already. More improvement yet to come? Of course! Fibo is always an estudiante of ferocious intent akin to knife thru' butter.

I just stood there in the doorway, having eliminated the entire spectrum of females in the party and the host noticed my gaze on Marisol and introduced me to her. She dropped her eyes the instant of full on eye contact, a specialty of Fibo. In that ogonblick she submitted to Fibo. I noticed she started trembling, The host told Fibo, "Joe, you're scaring Marisol" I turned to the host and said, "NO, I'm not, let's ak her?! ..................... Marisol shook her head and smiled. The host (an older female best friend of Fibo) backed off with, "OK Joe, I got it" 🙂
Marisol: 😎👍

I just stood there in front of her and we talked and since I am a closer I got to the point real fast when she mentioned she is from Paris, France. Whereabouts in Paris? Her reply, "Sorbonne Uni area, a student now learning INglit in USA" and upon elucidation, her hangout is Place St Michel" This did it for Fibo. Coincidence? Serendipity? Miraculous Intervention? Who the fck knows!!!! But it was too staggering to ignore.

So with firm gaze I asked her, "Zouk music?" Her face lit up like a Christmas tree and juice exuded her Amazon forest to such an extent that even though I was standing 3 ft away, it hit my nostrils like an atomic bomb of flavor nonpareil. It rocked me to the core. The blood was pumping ferociously. After acknowledgement and telling her that we had similar and quite possibly exact tastes, I asked her to put on a couple tracks on her phone on to the TV stereo (host helped with this with the stunning 300k stereo from Wilson Audio, a high end store of superfine hi-end sound)

I then asked Marisol to dance with me. She did and we started to dance. Our eyes were firmly fixed on each other. Now, Fibo is a good dancer, but Marisol is sooooo much waaaaay better with her moves esp. pirouettes, she spurred me to do better. I did. Or at least I tried my best to rise to the occasion of such excellence.

The guests at the party were mesmerized
Marisol: 😎👍

In the 2nd track she played
, I could not hold it back no longer as I was about to burst with throbbing desire - I grabbed her by the small of her back, pulled her in and whispered in her ear, "you're mine now, you belong to me" ................ then with a 2 second interval I could not help it, I let out a low frequency growl right up against her ear that I would have to say was flat, not -3db down to 10 Hz. The impact it had on her was to generate a 24k kHz shriek/scream of ecstasy that shocked the daylights out of the guests watching in awe. Within a split second of that shriek, she jumped on me with both legs wrapped around me and her head on my shoulder in an announcement that SHE HAD ARRIVED at her destination!!!!!

She now belongs to Fibo 100%.

She has her own money and comes from a wealthy family in Paris and has a visa for the United States so that eliminates any shenanigans. Besides she thinks I'm a traveler bum reprobate anyway!

Perfect! 🙂

Jesus H Christ does Fibo love France and the French!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember the French Resistance? I have written about this extensively. They earned Fibo's respect in spades.
Marisol: 😎👍

Marisol made Fibo's century and Millennium with these 2 tracks of Place St. Michel Zouk music. Now remember, guys, since this is a UK site, Zouk music took the UK by storm and tore them a new one in the 1980s. But perhaps the Brits have forgotten and moved on.

Zouk was the music that rivaled the Beatles, Stones and Doors. The former hits/zaps the Genetic Entity that resides in the solar plexus area of the body and the latter hits the zone of the Being dead center between the eyes. The latter has almost no effect on the genetic entity, but the former impacts both and IMHO is therefore the clear winner. I am a fan of ALL, esp. Mick/Keith but this pales in comparison to Francophone Africa.
Marisol: 😎👍

Marisol blows away Fibo with this rendition(s) of these 2 classic tracks. The geeeetarist was like Richie Valens of the United States, took his geetar even into the bathroom. dedicated? You don't got a clue how dedicated these cats were!!!
Buddy Holly know-ed Ritchie Valens would win the coin toss. He know-ed it!

Yeah baby, send Fibo to HEAVEN with the 2 fav tracks of Marisol below ................ can't get over it .......... hear to the end esp. the first one tht has the French version of Christmas = stunning-issssssimo!!!!!!!!!!!

Marisol: 😎👍

At 1:50 to 1:55 in the transition to pure unadulterated Zouk with origins from Ahhh - eee - tee (HAITI) in video #2 shown below, Marisol knew she would nail Fibo to the wall in a heartbeat. She was spot on. I still have not recovered! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂👍👍👍👍👍👍

God told Fibo that this a dual terminal Universe and women are my strength. He was not kiddin!


Fibo's BEAR kicking butt bug time ...........................................


California hospitalizations soar, may spur more restrictions, Gov. Newsom warns​



Regardless, we gots to keep our spirits up and +ve. DEATH ain't nothin to Fibo

So Fibo continues to celebrate the oncoming Christmas season as he always has ............ the Frenchies have nailed my ass pretty good with Silent nite from the Caribbean, Martinique and Guadeloupe and St. Michel, Paris. Fibo don't got a chance to survive the onslaught of the frenchies 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Hey guys ......................... Topping Indicator born of Fibo & T2W ............. reliability = 100% for intermediate Dow Jones Tops .............

When/if Fibo gets banned, the Dow JOnes Top will be the following day.

Latest hit = Feb 11th, 2020 banned. Dow topped Feb 12 and delivered the greatest/fastest BEAR ever.

Check with Trader333 for the other dates of banning and then chart them and count the #days in between. You will notice they are all Fibo numbers.

Trader333 is a gift from BEAR to Fibo. Before he bans me, he sends a warning that he's about to send me on holiday - again! This timing is almost always in the 4th subwave. The next and final upwave is therefore the terminal wave for the sequence. His timing is meticulous.

Enjoy 🙂
Hey guys ......................... Topping Indicator born of Fibo & T2W ............. reliability = 100% for intermediate Dow Jones Tops .............

When/if Fibo gets banned, the Dow JOnes Top will be the following day.

Latest hit = Feb 11th, 2020 banned. Dow topped Feb 12 and delivered the greatest/fastest BEAR ever.

Check with Trader333 for the other dates of banning and then chart them and count the #days in between. You will notice they are all Fibo numbers.

Trader333 is a gift from BEAR to Fibo. Before he bans me, he sends a warning that he's about to send me on holiday - again! This timing is almost always in the 4th subwave. The next and final upwave is therefore the terminal wave for the sequence. His timing is meticulous.

Enjoy 🙂

Wish I kept better records of the bannings as they now appear to have a wealth of Fibo coincidences type info buried in them .......................

here's another ................... not for intermediate top, this one addresses the Minor Top and bottom. Fibo banned on Sept 13, 2019, reinstated Oct 6 (2 days after the Monor bottom) ........................ +/- 3 is acceptable in the realm of FIBO calculations.
I know, I know, I know its a friggin crime to be having such a good time when there is so much suffering and I'm in a place that is perennially depressed and devoid of humor of LIFE, but loaded to the hilt with hatred towards Americans esp. this one, but hey we gots to have fun, Life goes on. 🙂🙂🙂

Jesus H Christ I'm already partying like a fiend and its not even Christmas yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎🤣👍

They say that Fibo put hissself at yuge risk during the previous party and in the aftermath ............. hehehe I don't give a fck, its a good way to GO if that's in the cards ..............

Marisol: 😎👍

Now confirmed for Fibo definitively that my original assessment of Franky Vincent as one of the greats is spot on. I had heard that the governments of the Caribbean countries of Guadeloupe and Martinique had requested his help to bail them out financially due to the tourism fall/decline - they asked the right guy. He made this video and tourism jumped by staggering-issimo numbers ...................... almost all of France visited.

Confirmed by Marisol with even deeper insight into the artist's significant other tracks that I was not exposed to - rare stuff that is not available in the United States.


Fibo is in Paradise

Here's Francky in action that bailed out the entire French Caribbean in sybaritic splendor .................

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