Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Combining the SPX daily chart with the SPX/Vix chart I therefore believe that once the trendlines shown are both broken, we could be on our way down south in Wave 3.

Note: some fellas, especially the uneducated ones like counter-violent, who constantly prove that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing when he tries to call me off on some wave counts 🤣🤣🤣

The grid discussed in the SPX/Vix chart and the comparison with the SPX was for the time period March 2009 to Feb 19, 2020 top. The was the grid because we were looking at the drop in the coronavirus crash. That reatracement by SPX was to 38.2% and SPX/Vix to 88.3%. But the market has moved on higher since so the current grid is at November 2020. So if you look at where the coronavirus wave crash ended it is now close to 50% of the grid from 2009 to Nov 2020.

I take the trouble to point this stuff out now because Sharky took away all counter-violent's virus priveleges to come into my threads and spew ignorance all over the place and cause me to have to wear a mask and do social distancing. Now that he is gone, I will explain these things because Sharky said to me, "it won't be fair if these viruses are not here to defend themselves!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If the Duke shows up here and sees the SPX daily chart, for sure he will ask why I drew the trendline out so far to the right? And it is a very good question if he does ask it.

Its the line thru' wave 4. Wave 4 being a penultimate wave, tells us to get ready to go short because wave 5 is the terminal wave up inthe sequence

Am I right? Fck knows! 🤣🤣🤣

Londonistan: who would have thought?

Very depressing to watch ....................... how it got to this is a whole other ballgame of explanations and coverups and fckups.

IMO, any 3rd world country eclipses this jailhouse and even Somalia might be better.

Coronavirus hotbed quite likely. Clear out boys, scape, escape, escape. Swallow your pride and move to America or Thailand.

Londonistan: who would have thought?

Very depressing to watch ....................... how it got to this is a whole other ballgame of explanations and coverups and fckups.

IMO, any 3rd world country eclipses this jailhouse and even Somalia might be better.

Coronavirus hotbed quite likely. Clear out boys, scape, escape, escape. Swallow your pride and move to America or Thailand.

BEAR market now has another station in addition to the antediluvian Purgatory which sort of aided fellas like Fibo who had to atone first. But BEAR might be very tempted to add Londonistan to the Heaven/Purgatory/Londonistan/Hell.

To Fibo at first glance it appears that Purgatory has now gone up in my estimation to at least a 4-star resort.

Katie Hopkins! You mess with her, you mess with Fibo! 👍 If she runs for PM and Americans are allowed to vote, she gets mine on the spot! 🙂

Banned from Twitter = Phd#1 ................ banned from T2W = Phd#2

Katie! What a doll! 🙂 But she can't change BEAR's plan - the total annihilation of the middle-class and the war of colors. Thanks again toTrader333 for giving me the initial scoop on her.

Courage? Yeah!

Man oh Man did Fibo make the CALL of the .......... not just the century, the 75-million year Galactic Confederation Call. January 26, 2018. Almost 3 years ago.

Slowly, slowly, slowly, the slowpokes are coming in one by one and calling the GREAT BEAR. But its not hard to call it after BEAR has already brought 180 countries to their knees and wiping out entire industries. These are the hindsight champions. None compares or can compete with Fibo.

Nevertheless, the best of the best of the hindsight champions is Professor Richard Wolff. He has all the Mammon world credentials. He has however run into a problem that Fibo solved a long time ago, namely, you cannot serve both God and Mammon - you must make a choice. Choose the former and your life might go thru' immense hardships for a while - choose the latter and he will give you material goods that will please you but at the same time bury you and take you further away from HOME

Say Hi to Richard .................. sensible Man, explains things quite well. My apologies that he is American so this might not sit right here but a reminder is in order .................... American lives matter 🙂😉😎🤣

Fibo Economics Axiom #1: You need an American to make a mountain out of a molehill - economy wise!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Enjoy amigos, get out of that Ignorance funk you've been in since 2001

BEAR market ........................... Coronavirus crash reversed at Fibo 38.2%. Financial crash of 2008 ended at SPX = 666 (sign of the Devil)

Now throw in this into the Londonistan mix

Sadiq Khan is described by fans as: Admirable, Confident, Cultured, Empathetic and Assured.

Look back and one will discover the surreal line was crossed October 2007. That was when Wave A down began. It ended March 2009 and the long still continuing Wave B up began and has lasted 10 years thus far.

Duration is a key arena of jokester, BEAR: Wave B = 24 months (Corona core) ................. Wave A = 18 months

Wave B/Wave A = B divided by A = 6.66666666666666 ............ there is no harder imprint of the DEVIL than this. 🙂🙂

Fasten seatbelts and ride out of Dodge, boys.


Always good to see that somebody gets it - in this case its a billionaire with how he validates Fibo's #1 profession and the single, sole ability Fibo was born with to bring down prey with a single jugular bite. 🙂🙂

Then see #10 ................. another Fibo tantalizing inner trait!! 🙂

Fibo's BEAR at 2 degrees of TREND is kicking the butts of those who underestimated it - there was ample warning shown here at T2W - how many times? - 50 times over the last few months by myself ..................

note that when the first wave of Coronavirus showed signs of easing, the YOU-nanimous cry of joy was, "its over, we defeated the pestilence, we won, the Devil lost" In Fibo language was they were bellowing thru' megaphones was, "Fck Fibo's BEAR, its a p***y, we beat it"

Read below slowly - I realize that most here are not loaded in the acumen dept., so read slowly this time and let it sink in. This is how a BEAR at 2 degrees of TREND operates - it ein Waves that come and recede just like tsunami waves/waters

The Phuket Thailand tsunami of 2004 did exactly this. The first wave came and hammered them, then they startd rejoicing that they had survived it. Then the next wave came and demolished them. That tsunami was a wave a zero degrees of TREND in that it was a mere 3-waver, an A-B-C. This one, Fibo's BEAR is a 5-degree affair, which means a full blown motive wave aka Impulse wave.

What remains to be seen is the the fractals at which it operates. Too early to tell right now. What this means is that after 5 waves up it completes Wave (1), then everyhting subsides again during the recovery wave down (2) - then (3) up begins and so on. This info we will only have when Fibo has observed the first 5-wave sequence. Only then will he and can he take a stab at the fuel tank of BEAR.

See below how/why a BEAR at 2 degrees of Trend can fool everyone so easily and deeeeeply - but not Fibo. Fibo was heard by BEAR and seen by BEAR saying, "BEAR, you magnificent bastard, I read your book, nobody else has or will" 🙂

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.
Fibo's BEAR at 2 degrees of TREND is kicking the butts of those who underestimated it - there was ample warning shown here at T2W - how many times? - 50 times over the last few months by myself ..................

note that when the first wave of Coronavirus showed signs of easing, the YOU-nanimous cry of joy was, "its over, we defeated the pestilence, we won, the Devil lost" In Fibo language was they were bellowing thru' megaphones was, "Fck Fibo's BEAR, its a p***y, we beat it"

Read below slowly - I realize that most here are not loaded in the acumen dept., so read slowly this time and let it sink in. This is how a BEAR at 2 degrees of TREND operates - it ein Waves that come and recede just like tsunami waves/waters

The Phuket Thailand tsunami of 2004 did exactly this. The first wave came and hammered them, then they startd rejoicing that they had survived it. Then the next wave came and demolished them. That tsunami was a wave a zero degrees of TREND in that it was a mere 3-waver, an A-B-C. This one, Fibo's BEAR is a 5-degree affair, which means a full blown motive wave aka Impulse wave.

What remains to be seen is the the fractals at which it operates. Too early to tell right now. What this means is that after 5 waves up it completes Wave (1), then everyhting subsides again during the recovery wave down (2) - then (3) up begins and so on. This info we will only have when Fibo has observed the first 5-wave sequence. Only then will he and can he take a stab at the fuel tank of BEAR.

See below how/why a BEAR at 2 degrees of Trend can fool everyone so easily and deeeeeply - but not Fibo. Fibo was heard by BEAR and seen by BEAR saying, "BEAR, you magnificent bastard, I read your book, nobody else has or will" 🙂

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.
read quote first .............


The Queens food pantry line video was from Wave 1, months ago. Now we are in the early stages of Wave 3. So the lines will be exponentially longer and longer and often will go into overnighting ...............

BEAR letting it rip with humor that is only in its early stages - its going to get funnier.

World Health Org. stated that Video Games addiction was a mental disorder. However, nowadays its highly recommended.

Desperate casinos are now taking bets on the weather

Strip club dancers are now making ends meet by delivering food

I saved the best for last ................... background first: California issues state unemployment benefits on debit cards issued by Bank of America. Recently hundreds of thousands of Californians have had their debit cards blocked due to an outbreak of FRAUD. The stolen cards are being swiped all over the place including internationally

Bank of America is not motivated to solve this because of the huge fees it gets every time a card is swiped - as per its agreement with the Employment Development Department.


Fibo has been saying repeatedly in this thread since May 2019, get the cash out of the banks. Inconvenient? Yes. But pain not even close to lost or swiped cash for good.


Also said by Fibo a few times: its called f***k-you money - $20k in cash stashed. Hey, think about it this way: if these sons of b*tches can hoard toilet paper, you can hoard cash

Its only the beginning ................................... Wave 3 ain't even here yet
California restaurants close all in-door and out-door dining starting Wednesday. Not yet a total lockdown but that oughtta come shortly .................

Keep eyes, ears and nose and throat open for the following monstrous BEAR market of this caliber .....................

Boredom will hit astro levels
Husbands and wives will really hammer each other, divorce rate will skyrocket but will go nowhere as all the courts are closed.
major +point for fellas like Fibo who are race car enthusiasts .................... drive your rocket as fast as you want anywhere starting Thursday and you won't get a ticket. In fact nobody will pull you over. They just won't bother. Roads will be empty, no traffic, terrified people will be locked in-doors, but the adventurous cats like Fibo will drive, drive drive thru' mountains A L O N E .............. no social distancing reqd. and no masks. I'm looking forward to it!!! 🙂

The END is coming soon 🙂
Look out, we're in for nasty weather 🙂

BEAR delivers another zinger ................. homeless people have been moved to Hotels a while back, but wait, it really gets bizarre here now, many have moved back to the streets. Go figure.
Shocking, shocking, shocking ..................... scientific discussions between top scientists about the actual start of the coronavirus have been ongoing for months - they have been trying to determine when exactly the Virus arrived in the United States. They and we know it originated in Wuhan in October, November or December. They place the odds for December. Then they get really confused about the 2 cases in Seattle who instead of having corona might have just had the flu. They ain't sure and are fumbling. Then the discussion continues and still there is no agreement as to when the virus arrived in the United States.

When Did the Coronavirus Arrive in the U.S.? Here’s a Review of the Evidence.​

Was the virus here in January? In December? Earlier? Here’s a look at the evidence of how the virus emerged from China and landed in the United States. Bla bla bla, hocus-pocus, all unnecessary stuff - see below why their stuff is inconsequential - like scratching your bum for the answer when its sitting right on your nose


Shocking, shocking, shocking that not single one of these geniuses bothered to ask Fibo for the answer. I was and am dying to tell them that the answer is oh sooooo simple and soooooo accurate it will knock their socks off!!!! 🙂😎🤣

The virus arrived in the United States on January 17. Went into high gear on Feb 12, 2020. It started multiplying rapidly and then went into broad hyper mode on Feb 19th. So friggin easy, but nobody gets it.

What is the significance of Jan 17, Feb 12 and Feb 19?

The Dow Jones Transportation Index and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index topped on Jan 17. The Dow Jones topped on Feb 12. The SPX & Nasdaq topped on Feb 19.

All answers reside in BEAR. The stock market is the very best and best-est timing indicator in existence. It has no rival, no 2nd place contender, never had, never will. Built into it is GREED & FEAR. How can an evaluator go wrong when you have these 2 metrics readily visible?

Yawn! 😎😎😎😎
Shocking, shocking, shocking ..................... scientific discussions between top scientists about the actual start of the coronavirus have been ongoing for months - they have been trying to determine when exactly the Virus arrived in the United States. They and we know it originated in Wuhan in October, November or December. They place the odds for December. Then they get really confused about the 2 cases in Seattle who instead of having corona might have just had the flu. They ain't sure and are fumbling. Then the discussion continues and still there is no agreement as to when the virus arrived in the United States.

When Did the Coronavirus Arrive in the U.S.? Here’s a Review of the Evidence.​

Was the virus here in January? In December? Earlier? Here’s a look at the evidence of how the virus emerged from China and landed in the United States. Bla bla bla, hocus-pocus, all unnecessary stuff - see below why their stuff is inconsequential - like scratching your bum for the answer when its sitting right on your nose


Shocking, shocking, shocking that not single one of these geniuses bothered to ask Fibo for the answer. I was and am dying to tell them that the answer is oh sooooo simple and soooooo accurate it will knock their socks off!!!! 🙂😎🤣

The virus arrived in the United States on January 17. Went into high gear on Feb 12, 2020. It started multiplying rapidly and then went into broad hyper mode on Feb 19th. So friggin easy, but nobody gets it.

What is the significance of Jan 17, Feb 12 and Feb 19?

The Dow Jones Transportation Index and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index topped on Jan 17. The Dow Jones topped on Feb 12. The SPX & Nasdaq topped on Feb 19.

All answers reside in BEAR. The stock market is the very best and best-est timing indicator in existence. It has no rival, no 2nd place contender, never had, never will. Built into it is GREED & FEAR. How can an evaluator go wrong when you have these 2 metrics readily visible?

Yawn! 😎😎😎😎

Kinda reminds me of this wild party on Anjuna beach in Goa with people from all over the world, all drunker than skunks and fck knows on what else ................... the musicians amongst us were playing all kinds of good stuff and the discussion moved to the best rock and roll tracks of all time. Many voiced their opinion and all were satisfied with the varying answers/opinions. The acknowledgements were just the usual, "hey Man, that was a good one, and that too, yeah yeah yeah" .............

When it came Fibo's turn I mentioned the 2 tracks below as the all time greatest ever and 2 guys got up, walked to me and shook my hand and the third fella walked up to me and saluted me

In order from best to 2nd best both from the same album

Fibo's BEAR is still only in its infancy ...................... but has delivered plenty ......................

Judge Orders Los Angeles to Move Homeless People Away From Freeways​

The order, which takes effect next Friday, will apply to about 6,500 people living under freeways and on their ramps.

Help them father for they know not what is coming, have no clue whatsoever, cannot study history, do not read, have zero interest in educating themselves ......................... akin to casting pearls ...................

The Warren Buffet Indicator that has stood the test of time .................... the ratio of these two data series represents expected future growth relative to current performance. This is similar in nature to how we think about the PE ratio of a particular stock. It stands to reason that this ratio would remain relatively stable over time, and increase slowly over time as technology allows for the same labor and capital to be used ever more efficiently.


How hot is that indicator engine running? Hot, hot, hot, burning hot ...............................

BEAR is the ultimate teaser - nails Robin Hood and the $1k account holders with simple teasing, "when I ask you for your number, you have never gave answer ................................. drives them wild with greed ..................

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