Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Fck me, another stunner by francky, now confirmed with background by Marisol ......................

Remindante: Martial Law, Civil War, Dictatorship = expected ingredients of reversal Wave down
Remindante: S E C E S S I O N (called way back in early 2019)

These are the supplies Fibo will need. He has them already. See the bedroll? Its highly advanced material, light and strong and waterproof. I expect I will encounter several Grannies during the journey, they all be friends of Fibo and will load up the horse with essentials, beef jerky being the most important. Never in all my days have I ever met a Granny who didn't treat me like her grandson.

They just don't know the creativity of Fibo. They are clueless. Out in the open country in a Secession and Civil War there is no Trader333, no moderators, it the ultimate Wild - the kind of Wild that Fibo thrives in - his specialty? guerrilla fighter on horseback - moving targets don't mean doodly - long range shots are for the buffalo gun

Remindante: Martial Law, Civil War, Dictatorship = expected ingredients of reversal Wave down

Fibo don't got no beef with Injuns and high mountain drifters, none whatsoever ....................

Fibo always always always looks for the early EDGE, then the mountain belongs to him - when there is no Edge to be found, Fibo just wings it = high risk taker = high plains drifter .......................

Remindante: Martial Law, Civil War, Dictatorship = expected ingredients of reversal Wave down

See the 2 Americans buried in the sand up to their heads? Fibo goes up the hill to see Trader333 to rescue and set free the Americans. Seems to me it would just be a whole lot easier to put up a banner across the hills stating, "Americans not welcome here - keep out" .................. but no, they let them in and then slaughter them one by one due to the ultra small numbers against vast opposing force numbers.

This type of a truce of blood, guts and sweat and tears is possible at T2W? Dream on! A truce here is not worth the paper its printed on - a p***y juice truce. 🙂🙂

A blood handshake is the ultimate truce of honor. Such WORD has been extinct! But it belongs in Fibo's world. Its the only WORD that counts. How good is such a WORD? Does Gold or USD even come close? NO! Diamonds? NO! Not even in the same Universe. How wealthy is a Man who has such WORD? Immeasurably wealthy in every sense.

Remindante: Martial Law, Civil War, Dictatorship = expected ingredients of reversal Wave down

That's why women love a Man like Fibo. The only thing that ranks above all else in a woman's mind regarding a Man is that he can protect her at all costs. When she sees this, she surrenders and follows obediently.

Fibo is quite likely only one of 50 Men in the western world who can pull this off with a Western woman, who in general have bigger d***s tham western men - they try this sh*t with Fibo and are disabused of the notion in an ogonblick!

As per Nature's Law, the Injun woman in the scene will now go to the ends of the EArth following the Man who rescued her - a prime Alpha in her estimation.

That's just the way it is!

Remindante: Martial Law, Civil War, Dictatorship = expected ingredients of reversal Wave down

Buzzards and worms gotta eat too. Ditto for the 8 billion Politically Correct dumbphucks who inhabit thisonce beautiful planet. When they yak yak at Fibo they get slapped around pretty good and then spend YUGE amounts of time putting together a firing squad and ambush plan. Its never worked. Never will.

Entertainment so I can stomach the absolute boredom here 🙂🙂 Christmas is coming soon, boys. Start ordering your booze now, it might disappear faster than toilet paper this time around due to the skyrocketing of suicides because of lockdown. STRESS? HEART ATTACKs? All in rampant bull markets due to the lockdown. Not to mention divorces and fights at home and breakup with live-in girlfriends. Its a disaster, boys. If she asks you to break up, ask, "how soon can you leave?" When she does leave, thenceforth, rent, rent, rent, rent every damn thing - when your time comes to go, its all been a rental anyway!!!!!

What triggered the T2W long-time poster, Trappist monk, named Trendie when he dropped this bomb on Fibo ?


I have the answer, clear as daylight .......................... see Trendie's eyes at 1:54 & 2:02. The wink from Fibo was more than he could bear.

Fibo offers help to the fellas ............................. not taught in school or University ............... 😎😎

If the marriage ends, throw a friggin gigantic party and go back to your roots as a MALE, like when you were 18 yrs old

See Corona Virus thread for 100% T2W member consensus that the whole game is rigged, its a conspiracy!!

So I ask, what about this conspiracy to take away the fellas' most prized possession since antediluvian times? Our unrivaled freedom to wander with not a care in the world, hunt for food, p***y and drink and be merry - Life was one big party. We used to not give a rat's ass about nothin, run a comb thru' our hair, shower in under 1 minute and out the door on the hunt for food, money and p***y. We nailed any piece of ass that came our way. We was flying high high high! Buy a house? We didn't give a fck! An apartment was our style! The fridge? Virtually empty except for beer.

That simple!

Then, over time it all changed to what is now a total travesty of our freedoms as warrior Men. 🙂 🙂 🙂

98% are married to Internet fatties, have a sh8tload of kids, the last time any of 'em licked ANY p***y was 2 decades or more ago. They've been relegated to the basement while the wife and kids have taken over the entire living space - God help you if you call your fellas over for the game and booze.

In One Chart​

Stock-market values reached levels seen on the eve of 1929 crash by one measure​

Last Updated: Dec. 2, 2020 at 1:43 p.m. ETFirst Published: Dec. 2, 2020 at 9:58 a.m. ET

Mark DeCambre

BEAR really f***in with us now? Sending a oker type message? Right at the exact point when the graph hits the 1929 high? Yeah baby, it could be. But sait a friggin minute! Do you see the 3-wave move that preceded (2000-2011)? Have a good look at it. Why? Because the wave is so big, it just simply cannot possibly b a part of the previous bull run from 1980 - 2000

Therefore the current monster rally all the way into the current high is a .......................... wait for drum roll ...........

Wave B
Wave B

are sucker waves intended to draw every mother's son into the game as it sure as heck is doing so with the Robin Hood guys who don't want ot miss out on this largesse. This is the job of a Wave B. Its the setup for the dynamite killer tsunami down named Wave C

Thanks to YALE's Robert Shiller for the chart. He of course knows zip about waves so that part belongs to only Fibo.
Fibo loves this guy! ......................... what a president! Stellar! Got the Chinks by the kahunas!

Donald John Trump! 👍👍👍👍

Win Donald, win, win for Fibo. Don't let the sleepy ass mofos take the reins.

Fibo says this .............................. why even bother talking about whether there was election FRAUD!?

For something as obvious from day 1, as the level of fraud mounts and mounts, then the fact that CNN et al will not acknowledge it, is resounding proof of the level of hatred for this stellar guy.

Such courage to stand up to them!

Go Donald, go, stick with it! I've already envisioned you in there for another 4 years. Then change the Conny and run it like Vladimir 🙂🙂👍

BEAR out in full force and Dow JOnes still has not topped!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus H Christ!!!!!

Thought for the UK ....................

Monday to Friday, every damn week, the UK thinks out loud, "we must wait for direction from the United States"

Hey hey hey, just you wait till Biden, if its Biden runs it - directions will come from China. They just roll the tanks in and gobble up your Tea. It will be a cakewalk for the chinks given the level of political correctness in the UK.

China will do to the UK what Saddam did to Kuwait and others

On August 2, 1990, at about 2 a.m. local time, Iraqi forces invade Kuwait, Iraq's tiny, oil-rich neighbor. Kuwait's defense forces were rapidly overwhelmed, and those that were not destroyed retreated to Saudi Arabia.

Where will the UK retreat to? France? Spain? Italy?

Circular motion with the right hand!!!

Wake up, clowns before its too late
Best advice for the dumbphucks here ................................. enjoy enjoy enjoy as much as you can now, drink, lick good p***y and have great grub ......................... the END is close at hand! The whole sh*thouse might go up in flames.

Dump the wives for a couple days and go out and get Fibo's level of girls and go primal on 'em for 2 days straight. Then go back Home to your internet fatties. At least you will have took-ed a well deserved break!

Imagine a voice like this 0:43 in the video below, a voice that impels you with every single stroke into her Amazon forest, the ultimate voice for an Alpha Male's soul - anything better in this Universe? No way, Jose!

She comes on at precisely 0:43 and fires a rocket at your loins, heart and soul. Be like Fibo. Partake, partake, partake! Dump the fatties you are enslaved to at home. You gave up your freedom too fast, too soon and bought into your own imprisonment about how its the right thing to do to make a Man civilised!!! That is Law #1 in the Feminist run world of today.

CALL for 2021 .........................

TREASON will be dished out left and right and deservedly so!

CNN = non-stop vaginal effluvium, Hydrogen Sulphide effluent. Cuomo's finished.

Slam Dunk confirmation that Coronavirus arrival in Feb 2020 was only Wave 1 - exactly as Fibo called it and pointed out that the next wave, after the recovery (wave 2) s the dreaded Wave 3.

We are in Wave 3 now. Any doubts? Raise your hand and let me have a good look at you. Bring your tailor too.
Now hear this:

Wave 3 will be subdivided into 5 segments (subwaves) ................. so just like during the months of May, June, July the general PUBIC was exclaiming that the danger has passed and that everything is back to normal, are already getting it in the ass ...................... but wait, it gets worse. During the next subwave recovery mode when conrona drops nicely again, they will once again bellow, "its over"

That will be the most inoportune time to make such brash statements. Why? Because what they are living thru' is just Wave 1 of Wave 3 down and then the recovery which is Wave 2 up of Wave 3. The next wave down is the 3rd of 3rd for wave aficionados. This segment of the wave is when BEAR pours on the coal and goes full throttle.

The significant and eternal learning lesson of the 3rd of 3rd wave is that it has a name - its known as the RECOGNITION WAVE

meaning what?

The general public (PUBIC) will for the very first time say to thessselves in agony, "we're f****ed, we will never recover from this, its all over, Armageddon is here"

During the 3rd of 3rd, BEAR will rise just like the fish rose out of the water showing all of his might and majesty (Old Man & the Sea - Ernest Hemingway)

It will be something to behold - such raw power!!!!!!
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