Donald John Trump, President of the United States 👍, surrounded by Beta Males and females that are 65% Males, remains true to himself without apology for being who or what he is as per Fibo's Law ...............
Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
For the females who are 65% male, Fibo has the best medicine - no, its not Zouk music in this case, the music would not work. I have devised a far better medicine, far superior that has stood the test of time and antediluvian History. Furthermore it has God's plan encoded into it - one just can't go wrong with this cure. Its angelic and comes straight from the CAUSAL UNIT who resides so far up the reality levels as to be almost at TOTAL STATIC
TryCoxAgain is the miracle cure for all dry c***s.
Application of Fibo's Law to T2W:
Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
Those who fall into the category of "those who mind don't matter" .................. counter-violent, postman, timsk, trendie, Trader333, almost all of T2W, perhaps even 99.9999999999999% of T2W
Those who fall into the category of "those who matter don't mind" .................... Sharky. Just ONE fella
The odds are staggering. Any arguments or disagreements? Raise your hand.
Only Sharky can reverse the bull trend of Fibo. Only Sharky. Nobody else. Will he do so? I don't know the answer to that. But I do know that even if it did happen nobody can point a finger at any crack in my concrete that says, "Fibo started becoming untrue to himself"
DEATH don't mean doodly to Fibo. Its Living that's hard! Like the Fibonacci Principle, Fbo knows that when its all said and done and we report to the Pearly Gates on Judgement Day, Money, Condos, houses, boats, fast cars, don't mean a goddamn thing, there is only one yardstick used for gauging entry: "SCARS"
And unlike Trader333 who repeatedly did not apply theT2W FORUM laws to Fibo's repeated requests (12 in total) for months and months to block all viruses from posting in my JOurnals, GOD will not do so. God will honor the rules of Heaven, regardless Fbo being the astounding negative parabolic minority.
The T2W Law of Forums:
This forum allows members to create restricted threads. Thread starters can choose to allow replies from members on their contact list, or disallow replies from members on their ignore list. Email [email protected] if you'd like to change the privacy setting on your thread.
I reckon so!