Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The Galactic Confederation of Planets has its eye on Teejeeack (Earth) ................... they are watching the Global Dow Jones with keen interest as its broken a monthly trendline and a bunch of dailies. Still above the 200-day ema and that's a good thing. But the trendline breaks are not.

No matter one iota to Fibo. From the east side of Paradise Fibo always catches the twist and turn and head fakes. If they amount to nothing so be it. Vigilance counts. In a BEAR at 2 degrees of Trend, shenanigans are to be expected. Throw in BEAR manipulating Donald Trump and Sleepy Joe Biden, its really hard to say what surprise is in store at this monumental juncture?

Now BEAR could make the whole shabang a non-event like he did in the year 2000.

But he won't be able to fool Fibo when the 3rd wave arrives - it will be too obvious that it has arrived. Why? Because the dynamic will have changed - and the TERROR gauge will blast north blasphemously and posthumously 🙂🙂🙂🙂

El magnifico Global Dow Jones

The Galactic Confederation of Planets has its eye on Teejeeack (Earth) ................... they are watching the Global Dow Jones with keen interest as its broken a monthly trendline and a bunch of dailies. Still above the 200-day ema and that's a good thing. But the trendline breaks are not.

No matter one iota to Fibo. From the east side of Paradise Fibo always catches the twist and turn and head fakes. If they amount to nothing so be it. Vigilance counts. In a BEAR at 2 degrees of Trend, shenanigans are to be expected. Throw in BEAR manipulating Donald Trump and Sleepy Joe Biden, its really hard to say what surprise is in store at this monumental juncture?

Now BEAR could make the whole shabang a non-event like he did in the year 2000.

But he won't be able to fool Fibo when the 3rd wave arrives - it will be too obvious that it has arrived. Why? Because the dynamic will have changed - and the TERROR gauge will blast north blasphemously and posthumously 🙂🙂🙂🙂

El magnifico Global Dow Jones

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When the 3rd wave begins it will be meteoric. Corona 3rd wave is already in progress but PRICE (stock market ) is the boss and until that plunges, the 3rd wave cannot be said to have arrived. 3rd waves are not only not slouches they are planetary gale force winds. Ther eis no mistaking them. There is no kindness or political correctness in them. They will shock the living daylights out of Trader333.

Fibo waits for the arrival. Fibo has no tools just yet to gauge correctly the arrival of this beast. But once HE does arrive Fibo knows that he will follow his own bone structure, aka 5 full motive waves with the 3rd of 3rd being the most full throttle.

DEATH after witnessing such power in a lifetime is enough for Fibo. I don't give a rat's ass if I die after that. I'll have seen it all.

I reckon so!
The Tiger Tank:

The only way to take out a Tiger Tank is to sneak up from behind and shoot it in the ass. There is no other way. There is no way to defeat the King of Porsches

The Joy-mans (Germans, Jeremans, Deutsche Aktiengesellschaft) ............ embodied in the German DAX Index .......... make no mistake about it ................ the Fibo studied at Frankfurt University, met the swedish girl there who told him, "I'll have a beer with you but will not sleep with you" ................ then took him to Sweden deep in love. We spoke German to each other and Fibo had a knack for putting the verbs at the end after a preposition - friggin gave me a headache to let the action of a concept appear at the end of the train of thought - but hey, these are Joy-mans and they started 2 world wars - gots to take them seriously and learn them inside out. Heinz, at the beer stall in Sachsenhausen, hated Fibo more than anyone else and always would remark to the other beer drinkers when he saw Fibo walking in, "here comes the American who will not give us Germans any respect - SCHEISSE!

My standard greeting to Heinz was, "Heil Herr Oberst Kurfürstendamms" with a salute Nazi style. They were all Nazis there, every single one of them and they always gawked at me but dared not make a move. The swedish girl was terrorized when she first witnessed this but later understood my teaching her this prime concept of how to deal with the Joy-mans ............... you just simply bugger 'em right from the first ogonblick eye contact and they shut the fck up. Always worked, always will work even in Los Angeles today

Fibo knows psychology - given a chance they'd do WW3 in less than 2 years. Getting slapped around by an American is their best medicine to keep them human. 🙂🙂

BEAR laffffing his ass off? Could be the joke of the centuries. But let's give it a few days/weeks, then we will count the days/weeks/months/years from the Great Depression of 1929 to see the huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge coincidences in the FIBO sequence.

Thus far:

(1) If SPX has topped .................. then its the exact same day as the top of 1929 (Great Depression)

(2) Years between tops = 89 (margin of error is + or - 3 but usually falls within "1")

(3) Sharky joined the exact same day in year 2000 as the upcoming US election year 2020 (-1 ) ................. i.e. just one year shy of 21 which is a major FIBO number. So major that no trading system with the 21 ema can EVER fail. Also significant features in Physics, Biology and Waves & plants & Science and whatnot use the number 21. If Sharky survives one more year he will have hit this magic number 21. It will, almost surely be a major turning point for Sharky's T2W

More to come - thus far I refrained from such calculations due to the fact that the goddamn SPX TOP has been evanescent

Hide and watch
BEAR laffffing his ass off? ..................

Trader333's bannings of Fibo are a period length of 21 days. The reductions in the ban length have been knocking it down to "3" .............. another stunner of a FIBO number.
The time interval between the 9 bannings can easily be counted and should turn out to be FIBO numbers

"8" was the last ban of consequence. Now that all viruses cannot enter my threads t will be damn hard to ban me. Because of this I might never get to the next Fibo number "13" 🙂

Gann was big on "144" ................. a monster FIBO number. How monster? When the 144 crosses the 200 or 233, sh*t like waterfalls declines get underway in earnest. "233" is the actual FIBO number but the reason that corporations and institutional stock market players dive into and out the market on a 200-day cross by Price is because its reasonably close to 233. The actual juice resides in "233"

BEAR just sent me a text that says Lightning McQueen will be rolling on the floor lafffffing his ass off in sheer X-stacy reading this chillum hashish sh*t 🙂🙂🙂🙂 As long as there is no C-word used, he can't pull on the draw
Slam Dunk!! 🙂 see quote ................ the east side of Paradise is beckoning? see right side of chart for the breakout candle. False breakout? Tight trading stops, amigos, do NOT give back profits until the TREND proves itself. Too many traps and tricks on BEAR's part during this week before elections.

I thought I was alone. Everything is quiet. The mountains have only fog and mist. There seems to be nobody. But I know somebody is there to set traps and capture the innocents and unwary. I can smell Segundo. I know he's here.

Tight, tight tight stops

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Slam Dunk continues!!! see chart update below. The horizontal red line once inch above Price is a monthly level. If that gets took-ed out, watch out, amigos, it will get real mean!

The killer (USD) awoke before dawn, he put his boots on and then he walked on down the hallway
He came to a door and he looked inside and said to the Mexican Peso, "I will destroy you, surrender now"

USD-MXN correction to complete now or soon. I have a possible reversal at 20.3114.

Why is this important? Because the Slaughter of the Innocents is about to get underway in earnest. Who be the Innocents? The Innocentes are Emerging Market Currencies soon to be renamed by Big Joe as Submerging Market Currencies.

Mexico vacation at 30 pesos to the dollar? 45? 60?

Jesus H Christ, Americanos are going to have a ball. Imagine this: Tecate large bottle for 10 cents. Yeah, retirees will be singing and dancing in the streets.

Que buenissimo!!!!
The END is coming soon. Look out, we're in for nasty weather. Have you ever seen the rain coming down on a sunny day?

is satisfied with the accomplishments of WAVE 2??? Repeat theory for Duffer Central: 🙂🙂 ............ Wave 2 up mimics the massive bullmarket that preceded (2009 -2020) ............ so extreme bullishness and action in the stock market and other stuff .............. stock markets worldwide have delivered the BEST-est rally in 75 million years.

People are outdoors again in droves, beaches are packed, sooooooooooo many have shunned masks and whatnot. The Health authorities are scared stiff as CAUTION is thrown to the wind

WAVE 3 down, which is next, demands utter performance from Wave 2 in drawing in the masses.

Slam Dunk!!!! see quote title (The END is coming soon. Look out, we're in for nasty weather. Have you ever seen the rain coming down on a sunny day?

Now look outside and note its a beautiful sunny day 🙂

BEAR market starting song is now confirmed

For historians only ................................ 1 Klick tsunami on its way

Fibo has been warning folk for 2.5 years ............................ I said, "prepare, prepare, prepare"

I hope you get your things together

I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'

I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing

I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Slam Dunk!!! for the 3rd wave after calling the 1st wave correctly and not only that, but even calling the bottom within one day on March 23rd, 2020

see inside quote and then repeat of the chosen song as representative of the initiation of Wave 3 down

I hope you get your things together
I see a bad moon a-rising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'

I hear hurricanes a-blowing
I know the end is coming soon
I fear rivers over flowing

I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Remindante: reminder repeated now ..............

play close to the chest with tight stops and ultra high caution because of the presence of a magnificent curveball thrown by Bear in September. Nobody ever lost money by taking a profit. Remindante: Bernard Baruch, my teacher because of his vast experience in the Great Depression of 1929 (wish I was there and suffered, got hit hard, nailed to the wall and recovered to make a trillion = cost of tuition) ............... He said-ed, "I made my millions by selling quick"

Stops, Stops, Stops, trail trail trail. If my THREAD CALL is correct, there is a sh*tload of money to be made, but this right now in this unit of time lurks a tiger in the room ........................ until that Tiger has passed, the stops will remain tight, trail.

The Tiger in the room:

The SPX drop from the Sept. top to the wave low Sept 24 is a 3-wave structure. Therefore it could be an epic trap. Why? Because a 3-wave move is countertrend, which therefore means the trend is still up. If true then this current crash is nothing but a C-wave to complete the overall down wave A-B-C correction. When it is completed the market will resume north and take out the September top. It will die no doubt as per the thread call, but this current crash as just a mere 4th wave cannot be ruled out just yet

Extreme caution as all this now is in the bend in the trend

see grey ellipse in SPX to pinpoint the 3-wave starter move.

Remindante: reminder repeated now ..............

play close to the chest with tight stops and ultra high caution because of the presence of a magnificent curveball thrown by Bear in September. Nobody ever lost money by taking a profit. Remindante: Bernard Baruch, my teacher because of his vast experience in the Great Depression of 1929 (wish I was there and suffered, got hit hard, nailed to the wall and recovered to make a trillion = cost of tuition) ............... He said-ed, "I made my millions by selling quick"

Stops, Stops, Stops, trail trail trail. If my THREAD CALL is correct, there is a sh*tload of money to be made, but this right now in this unit of time lurks a tiger in the room ........................ until that Tiger has passed, the stops will remain tight, trail.

The Tiger in the room:

The SPX drop from the Sept. top to the wave low Sept 24 is a 3-wave structure. Therefore it could be an epic trap. Why? Because a 3-wave move is countertrend, which therefore means the trend is still up. If true then this current crash is nothing but a C-wave to complete the overall down wave A-B-C correction. When it is completed the market will resume north and take out the September top. It will die no doubt as per the thread call, but this current crash as just a mere 4th wave cannot be ruled out just yet

Extreme caution as all this now is in the bend in the trend

see grey ellipse in SPX to pinpoint the 3-wave starter move.

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Referencing post #6,170 ................................. the remindante of remindantes

If BEAR has throw-ed a curveball, there ain't many tools to use in defense except this one:

Refer to the SPX chart above and see the wave within the ellipse. Call this Wave "A" So, then SPX went up in rally to October 12 to complete Wave "B" .................. then SPX went down sharply n Wave C.

A weakness of BEAR is in his bone structure. He has a strong tendency to generate a Wave C = Wave A. This is therefore the standard outcome. When it violates this equality measure, BEAR will take it to 161.8% x A. There are 2 levels as possibilities for Wave C but the odds do not look strong for these because then other wave rules would be violated.

So, therefore Wave C = Wave A is the one to watch to be free and safe from the curveball. Then on 1H or 30-min. or 15-min. or lower you can nail the bottom of wave C, close shorties and reverse and go Long for the continuation bull run past Sept top.

The above applies only to the event that this is a curveball 3-wave decline shown in ellipse in chart

Good luck

Refer to post #6170

Fibo is the only survivor of the LAW OF TRADING = every mother's son busts at least one major account and goes bust.

Not Fibo. Ain't happened yet. Do not want it to happen. Does that mean I'm a shallow trader who escaped PAIN? Fck NO. My PAIN came during study and preparation just weeding out & drop kicking all gurus out the friggin window. That was painfully stressful and cost nites of sleep. THAT was MY cost of tuition. It was paid in full.

The TRADER song did NOT happen to Fibo. Fibo escaped. See lyrics

Israeli cabinet member pronounces the word, Terror thusly ................... Terrrrrrrrorrh!

Find him and sit near him so you can see his reaction when the trendline in the Vix chart breaks topside.


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Israels were trying to tell Fibo in Thailand that they're so tough that people just move out of their way. They got scared when I replied to them, "I've never heard an American ever say, watch out, there are 2 Israelis walking towards us" But now substitute 2 black guys for 2 Israelis and you will at least get into the ballpark.

They got this look. The look of not just FEAR, it was TERROR as they saw-ed the fire in the Fibo's eyes After what they did to Jesus, shown nicely by Mel Gibson, they ain't no friends of Fibo. While they got all of Beverly Hills and Manhattan, New York to give Mel Gibson the shaft, Fibo declined and instead praised Mel for such a great epic movie. I made a h*tload of enemies that time period.

I heard it thru' the grapevine that the Jews were pissed at Fibo. Had it been today, I would have told them, "get in line to nail Fibo, T2W gets first dibs"


See the Terror Gauge (Vix) chart updated below


Repetition for Loser Central: BEAR's Lead horse is the one and only US Dollar that will crush SPX et al worldwide!

What will be the fuel for the rocket blast? Will it be Gasoline, kerosene, propane, jetfuel, coal or nuclear? None of them! What then? Fuel chosen is Vix (TERROR)

THEY is going to find out for the first time (they got a taste of it in the crash of markets in 2008 when the Dollar blasted north) the sheer depth of the reserves of power of this stallion. Reserves of power that ain't never been tapped EVER!

Who is the chosen one to ride the stallion on the TREND of the millenium? Fibo.

The current last several months is the stumble of the stallion seen on the US Dollar Index daily chart.

Watch him play catch up and blast past. The charge/surge is so intense that Fibo almost fell off.

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Slam Dunk!!! 🙂🙂

see update and observe that Champ is at the 3rd fanline of Fibo. Take that out and Fibo can tell them for sure, "Gold is not in a corrective 4th, so no higher high in Gold likely" ................. but the condition is that USD must break the 3rd fanline northbound

I said that a worldwide FIRESALE is underway in this BEAR ................... the lead horse is USD, his fuel for the charge is Vix as both burst northbound.

Behold the 2 lead horses below .................... Fibo's kinda horses 🙂 🙂

Hey guys .................... remember what I said sooooooooooooooooo many times .............. opportunity like this only comes once in 75 million years.

We trade tight tight tight until the US Dollar Index breaks out above my trendline. Then its whole hog. The EurUsd must also breakdown simultaneously. That's the only confirmation signal you need to go whole hog.

Millions and millions to pour in ......................................... 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Its soooo nice to reverse my 2-month slump that I have switched from Negra Modelo to Tecate, Kirin and Sapporo.

CHEERS!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Why the USD Index must breakout above the fanlines to keep Fibo happy? Because if there is no breakout, then it means that GOLD is in a 4th wave correction and will make a terminal high in the next move north to finish the long rally noth. I am unsure of this. It does look like it could be a 4th. Needs more thought!
There is only condition under which Fibo will go under 1H into the depths of real time. That be a fast paced market, so fast that it keeps lockstep with KASSAV. I have the sound on, dance in the chair for hours as the market moves by dropping to the frame that might give me some fast action instead of the slow poke stuff the market proffers 😆😆😆

Like so ............................... the Paris boys thrill the Fibo at Place St. Michel for years now ................

Don't look. Don't see chart above. Especially do NOT see the nice trendline on SPX/Vix (lower panel)

Then for sure do NOT look at the right edge of today's update. Defo do not look at the crack of the trendline. Maybe its nothing, maybe its something. Will it go to kiss the underside of the trendline as its been foretold in the Bible? Bible says one last kiss before fleeing south. Me? I'll believe it when I see it happen. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

BEAR is full of tricks and shenanigans now so its, "show me"

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Remindante: do not see quote, it will blind you. Do not look. Save yourselves now from becoming pillars of SALT. Run, run, run from Fibo

I am updating the ratio chart (SPX/Vix) for today's action. I strongly suggest not to look. If you do look and then notice I am not here no more, send a PM to Trader333 and ask how many complaints he got from T2W members to ban me on the spot for Life for such vulgarity as shown in this chart. It will be #10 banning. I know Trader333 is just dying to pull the trigger. I can feel it. Death ain't no stranger to Fibo. 🙂🙂

Holy Mother of God, will you look at how the low is taken out in the ratio but SPX has not yet done so. Is that some Leading Indicator of epic proportions or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Celebratory song now dedicated exclusively to the ratio SPX/Vix is also the song that took my own life up several notches. It has been performed many times at the Zenith in Paris, their playground. Its called, "Zouk is the best medicine for you" It sure as heck works for me, makes me a shit load of money in trading in fast moving markets.

The group delivers stunning Wave 3s like nobody ever could. Its only competitor is Brian Jones of the rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix. No successors in sight. Might never ever see one ever again


1:33:26 ............... is when Wave 3 begins. This band has a reputation for a clear swing up into the 3rd wave.

1:33:50 ............... morphs into the 3rd of 3, the fiery part of the Wave on full horsepower

Remindante: do not see quote, it will blind you. Do not look. Save yourselves now from becoming pillars of SALT. Run, run, run from Fibo

I am updating the ratio chart (SPX/Vix) for today's action. I strongly suggest not to look. If you do look and then notice I am not here no more, send a PM to Trader333 and ask how many complaints he got from T2W members to ban me on the spot for Life for such vulgarity as shown in this chart. It will be #10 banning. I know Trader333 is just dying to pull the trigger. I can feel it. Death ain't no stranger to Fibo. 🙂🙂

Holy Mother of God, will you look at how the low is taken out in the ratio but SPX has not yet done so. Is that some Leading Indicator of epic proportions or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 290183

Celebratory song now dedicated exclusively to the ratio SPX/Vix is also the song that took my own life up several notches. It has been performed many times at the Zenith in Paris, their playground. Its called, "Zouk is the best medicine for you" It sure as heck works for me, makes me a shit load of money in trading in fast moving markets.

The group delivers stunning Wave 3s like nobody ever could. Its only competitor is Brian Jones of the rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix. No successors in sight. Might never ever see one ever again


1:33:26 ............... is when Wave 3 begins. This band has a reputation for a clear swing up into the 3rd wave.

1:33:50 ............... morphs into the 3rd of 3, the fiery part of the Wave on full horsepower

crank it up a notch, actually waaaaaay more than a notch .......................... why? Because Institutions like Goldman sachs just wait and wait for the 200-day ema or sma to be hammered before reversing.

The green line is the 200-day. Now sit down and notice that the SPX/Vix is already way below its 200 but SPX herself is still above hers. This alone would cause Goldman to bet 300 million on the Short - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of the rest of the investing Universe that wants to go Short including George Soros

For Saint Trader333 ......................... Leonardo DiCaprio portrays Jordan Belfort in a scene from "The Wolf of Wall Street," which is laced with profanity. Does swearing have a place at work? Mary Cybulski / Today


ET Law: Profanity of Wall Street allowed freely in the forum. The C-word is no different than the word Cheesecake but nowhere near as boring

Jan. 27, 2014, 7:19 AM PST
By Linda Federico-O'Murchu, TODAY contributor
Does profanity belong in the modern workplace? Hell yes, say some business insiders.
“Wall Street is a hotbed of profanity,” says Dennis Gibb, a former Morgan Stanley trader and Bear Stearns junior partner. “You’ve got a lot of high-testosterone people with big egos making a lot of money. When you’ve just bought 100,000 shares of something, profanity is a pretty appropriate response.”

Nothin heavy, just a thought ......................... cussing is a beautiful thing ............... and can put a female totally off a cliff and be funnnnnny ........ see next post

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
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