Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Fibo trader says
"...nobody) can say that Fibo did not warn them about the impending breakout - how many times?"
Yep you incorrectly called the top 8 times what a loser.
Fibo trader says

"What comes before Wave 3 down? Answer: Wave 2 up."
Yes it does and you called it complete over a month ago on 5th June. so convinced were you that you date and time stamped it AND a week later reminder us of it.
BUT THE MARKET KEPT GOING UP! You were sooooo wrong. AGAIN.


Hey guys listen up.
Fibo trader preaches only one thing Elliot wave theory, no other trading style. But guess what, @fibo_trader doesnt understand Elliot wave theory! Or maybe he does but he just likes to lie to us.
Here's a basic intro.
Wave 1: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave one is when the first wave of a new bull/bear market begins.
Wave 2: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one.
Wave 3: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave three is usually the largest and most powerful wave in a trend.
We'll stop there for brevity.

So here's the basics the very basics and this shows how fibo doesnt understand the one thing he posts about EVERY DAY.

1. "wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one."
If your market sets a new high you are not in a bear market! Did fibo not see the Nasdaq setting new all time highs (in what fibo says is a Bear market).

2. When wave 2 is complete wave 3 THE BIG Down wave starts. On June 5th @fibo_trader calls wave 2 COMPLETE!


But Fibo the markets are still going up like I told you they would!

"Wave 2 complete". He even date and time stamped it!
9:43 AM, Friday June 5, 2020 ................. Los Angeles, CA
Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET
This is Fibo - Stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm for 13 years (a fibo number). 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
So as of June 5th markets were going to see the biggest crash since antediluvian times - his words!

Just in case we didnt get it he doubles down (losers average losers fibo).
"Repeat and reminder of utmost importance .......................... from original post on June 5th, 2020
- Wave 2 is complete "
Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET
Every subject under the sun except a real time trade, I rest my case! 🙂 Why? because he cant trade and doesn't want you to know it. He is no longer Fibo he is now FOBFO (Fear Of Being Found Out).
The brits are a civilised race and we banned freak shows long ago but it appears T2W is still allowing the general public to gawp at a freak for entertainment purposes.
Time to close down this victorian cirus show, no one wants to see @fibo_trader the bearded lady dwarf anymore.
Hey guys .................... get thee a load of Fibo's BEAR. Brute force.

United Airlines laying off 36,000 ............ almost half its workforce. Burning thru' 40 million per day ............ soon govt. tired of feeding this deadbeat?

Lufthansa & British Airways in the same boat and saying they don't expect a recovery to 2019 levels for between 3-5 years.

Slaughter slaughter slaughter ..................

The BEAR nails 'em all and dig this .................... he ain't even really started in earnest yet.
Hey guys ..................... study this chart carefully, I mean juggle it, go deep and notice the nuances, take your time. You will know more than even doctor Fauci and the Center for Disease Control about the state of the Cerveza Virus Epidemic's brute force and lieutenant power of the sender, namely BEAR

I wanted to send this to Trader333 but he is so busy playing God he might just say, "why are you saying these things to me?"


Has the Cerveza Virus fired 6 shots or only 5? Its easy to forget in all this excitement. But given that the eye of Fibo is ultra-keen, piercing & perspicacious, it could blow the head off this conundrum in a single glance - thus blowing away the entire MEDICAL PROFESSION's kindergarten views of "how, for how long, when, where, how far?"

Stay tuned ........................... The Peregrine Falcon takes the dive into the abyss to have a good look.

Hey guys ........................ The Cerveza Pandemic

Latin America:
( yellow line) ........... An extended Wave 1

Asia: (light blue line) ............. 1st hump is Wave 1, then steep rise is Wave 3, which will go into remission sooner or later to deliver a 4th wave correction and you can expect the CDC and medical field to chime in unison, "Cerveza Pandemic is over. They will be wrong. Because after the reprieve comes a 5th wave and I expect it to be brutal. Only after the 5th wave do we get a termination or if no termination at least a loooooooong period of REPRIEVE.

United States: {aka The mighty One} BEAR thinks he can take out this warrior? Dream on! This is the kind of country that does not give up. Hide & watch how she pulls thru' this disaster. (dark grey or black line) ............ Clearcut Wave (1) up underway which will consist of 5 subwaves, wave 1 up into mid april, then recovery wave 2 into June , and now Wave 3 up. I don't have the raw data but if I did I would razzle dazzle the Center for Disease Control by pointin gout to them that at the very least on a logarithmic scale Wave 3 will equal wave 1 but most likely will go to 161.8% x Wave 1. It could also go to 261.8% x Wave 1 or 423.6% x Wave 1. This is why the United States is in such a brutal condition now - its a full blown Wave 3. Doctor Fauci was correct in stating that he expects the daily new cases to hit 100k/day - we are already at 60k/day

Africa: (red line) Extended parabolic type wave 1 that is now going into acceleration mode

Europe: (dark green line) ... Wave 1 up complete and Wave 2 down in progress.

Europe: (dark green line) ......... extra notes of the stupidity of the Medical profession when lacking WAVE Mechanics

Europe is saying all sorts of sh*t about the United States right now because the Cerveza pandemic has slowed down compared to the USA. But they are at best dopey ass fools. That is what a Wave 2 does. Its his job. His job is to mimic the lovely conditions that prevailed just prior to the Cerveza onslaught. And its doing a terrific job. Europe has therefore grown bold, bold, bold and is stating that they will not tolerate Americans coming into the eurozone = blocked! .............. But dig this: they will cry tears of blood when Wave 2 turns the baton over to Wave 3 and buggers Europe with a 12 inch c**k.

The world will cry in unison< "Jesus H Christ, look at wtf is happening to Europe - they are getting raped, plundered, hanged, tortured and ravished by Cerveza. That's Wave 3 for you. Dumbphucks always make this mistake in thinking they have gotten away relatively scottfree but Wave 3 then comes in and disabuses them of this notion at lightning speed.

Help 'em Father for they know not what's a-coming.
Like Warren Buffet, the young warrior named Fibo is always with the United States 100%. She will take a beating, but will dig deep into reserves of her power that ain't never been tapped yet ........... and come up with a blistering finish against Cerveza Pandemic and BEAR. Scars? For sure. But so what! She gets up to fight. She won't quit. She ain't no wimp. That's a champion.
Hey guys ................. keep this in mind ......................

Look everywhere here on T2W, I mean everywhere, literally everywhere. The entire site has one common denominator. Every single cat plays for chump change. This means they will always be stuck in front of a computer playing for small teensy weensy rewards. Like the McDonald's employee, the difference being the Mack employee gets a firm paycheck, but these cats lose and win and lose and win and die from stress and in the end make less net than the Macky worker.

Is this what you want?

No exceptions.


Special reminder: The only bad guy here at T2W is Fibo. Nuff said. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hey guys .............................. reminder about the challenge and upping the ante now today, July 8/2020

30 Brits versus 1 American = 30 Brit Beta Males versus just 1 American Alpha Male: Trading records live showdown recorded in London in year 2020.
Dilipende, Richard Joyson (Mr. Charts must be there)
(showdown in person venue London, UK in year 2020 , date open)

T2W poster,
Inquisitor said this to me: post #207 on Page 14
"I don't visit the site that often and this is the first visit since the last post I made here. Not to worry I am sure we can work something out"

Senor Inquisitor, months have gone by but you have done nothing after 12 reminders in the thread. Your WORD is worthless and weightless. Get cracking Mr. Yellow, arrange the duel now or you are just another Brit wimp who yacks but dare not go up against this American. Do it now, Sissy. Arrange the meeting in London.

Here's a sweetener for you, Inquisitor, #clownshoes ................

All 30 core T2W oldtimers together in total TRADING earnings for 2019 if > Fibo's TRADING earnings for 2019, you earn 10k USD cash as commission and each one of the 30 pricks gets 1k USD cash on the spot at the nearest local bank in London.

What are the odds that Fibo can defeat 30 seasoned traders combined from since year 2001?

Set it up, #clownshoes, Inquisitor.

Sharky must be present. Ditto for politically correct God aka Trader333. Their presence is a must.

Its time to settle it - 1 American takes out 30 Brits. what a friggin disgrace for the Brits. Jesus H Christ, they can't even take out 1 loneley American, but unarmed Indians and Africans and Irish they kill by the millions 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Let the games begin!!!!

Fibo 🙂🙂🙂
Hey guys .................. Fibo described to a T. Again!

Confidence, power, not giving a rat's ass what anybody thinks, driven, driven, driven, ultra-high energy ++++

Hey guys ..................... goddamn its so easy but I see so many Men take it in the ass ALWAYS - losers. They know zip about psychology. No different from Stock Market Psychology

One standard winner that is a pure domain of Fibo, which means Fibo is the originator of the concept ............. when a girl I dig tells me, "Joe I'm not happy bla bla bla bla" ............ I listen intently and then query with "so you want to end it?" If she says "yes" .... big Joe drops the hammer of hammers, the multidimensional winner in the realm of PSYCHOLOGY. Never fails.

"OK, got it, how soon can you leave?"

Boom! She now never wants to leave, EVER!!!!!

And yes, I am the resident expert with this technique. Never ever failed me. I know every single nuance of it

In Hawaii, walked into a bar and ordered a drink and observed the fellas one after another were hitting on this one stunner who was just simply turning them down left and right and some of these guys were good looking males. They would all go to the empty stool right beside her and lay their spiel on her and get hammered and scamper off like chickens, broken spines, dishing out nsults under their breath.

I went, sat down on the stool, said, "Hi" and then immediately said, "hey, can you get the ck out of this seat, my girl is coming over in 15?"

Banged her 1 hour later. (My Financial Markets technique = at major crossroads, do the opposite of what the crowd individuals are doing - in a nutshell = waste it = dscard it)

Vix 1 H no change in chart, same-o, same-o .............


Vix 1H with Fibo grid, now at 50%, can turn here or if not at 61.8%.

Vix 1H ................ if failure to play the new continued LONG, then 161.8% can happen so one has to be fast, fast fast to take loss quick and make it small. Otherwise stay for the big swing. Risk risk risk baby = brass balls = YMCA likelihood = who gives a fck? = never ever had a blown account yet = they say its coming big Joe = but it never does. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hey guys .................. these T2W BETA Males are so lost in the realm of BETA I feel I should at least show them an idealized version of what an Alpha Male is and the effect he has on a woman. Its uniform for all Alphas, some more than others but the stratosphere is a constant plane of action

🤣 🤣🤣🤣
Fibo you crack me up man..


Lafffffter is the best medicine, 2nd only to li*k*ng good p***y and 3rd to Pay-shunce is the best virtue in a BEAR market. All 3 sorely missing in this godforsaken BritLand.

First the beer run out, then the whisky, then the gals fled due to no Alpha Males, the gals got fed up with all the BETA fellas they had to throw into the friend zone and as a result their p***ies were shriveling up and drying out - then, I showed up and the Beta Males screamed and screeched in agony going on now for a year with no end in sight.

T2W poster, Tomorton said about me, "Fibo has been driving a double-decker bus thru' the forum and not giving a sh*t about who he runs over" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

These cats never learned Colonial History - what I'm doing now is what they did to 25% of EARTH peoples.

Thread title:

Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

Success to the nth degree ALREADY

Why & how so?

(1) Whole world, 180 countries brought to her/its knees in a matter of 3 weeks. dig that - 3 weeks to knock out the world. I can tell you this: even an extraterrestrial army of spaceships could not knock out EARTH in under 6 months - and anticipating the nuclear angle, they cannot use it as they themselves have it in their laws that nuclear affects are far reaching outside of EARTH. So this is a no no.

(2) Jobs, jobs, jobs, gone gone gone, 40% unemployment claims, moratorium on rents and mortgage payments nationwide to high % of population. Government essentially paying people not to work as they make less money working.

(3) Auto, airline, cruise ships industries collapsed. Hertz rental car company bankrupt and all the other rental companies on their knees. 40% Small businesses not returning to work even after Cerveza Virus was dying down for wave 2 reprieve.
.............. etc. etc., etc,.

(4) In 3-4 weeks the magnificent Fibo's BEAR market surpassed the entire crash of 2008 which lasted 18 months and also blew away the first corresponding drop of the Great Depression of 1929., 1840 and 1720, i.e. blew away every past BEAR market first wave drop by a zillion miles. A total eclipse, baby
lots more examples but you get the picture.

Hey guys ................... just remember this and take pride in it ..................

YOU are taking part n the greatest event in the HISTORY of Planet EARTH. No single event has ever taken place that has had this depth of impact in such a short period of time. Things is: people are still in a state of shock = when a mountain lion nails a domestic dog on the top of the head and puts it into shock - then the lion can haul the doggie away in peace to his lair to feed"

People are just simply in a state of utter shock.

The ferocity and magnitude of destruction is unprecedented.

And now, watch the Brits' rear ends puckering up when I say this, "only an american named Fibo could call such an event, be shot 8 times by an Irish cop and still be alive to go up against the tsunami wave for the next phase"

Yeah baby, its a once in a lifetime ....... wait, once in a quadrillion year lifetimes' span - achievement.

How proud is Big Joe of this call?

The only person on Earth that BEAR respects as a MAN is Fibo. He can kill Fibo but he won't. He knows its rare to come across a warrior of substance who is not afraid and will go to battle singlehanded and alone. He knows this. As the economic malaise rained down hard nd nailed every mother's son around me, not a scratch occurred to my body, or mind or being. That's the kind of care BEAR took not to harm me.

That means a lot to me. There is not anything else that means doodly to me. This is it!

A secret:

When BEAR saw me jump on the horse years ago and go ALONE with WAVE MECHANICS, I thought I saw him smile in approval. I was too inexperienced back then and am still quite inexperienced now but I remember that look. It stayed with me. And only later much later did it dawn on me that what I decided to become an expert in, actually encompasses every aspect of SCIENCE including PSYCHOLOGY and HUMAN BODY, Quantum Mechanics, Partial Differential Equations, Aerodynamic (my field) and Aircraft Structures.

Proud? You don't know the half of it!!!!!
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