Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Hey guys .................. watch this ........... 2 BETA MALES go on yet another mission to expose Fibo ........... and look how easy I am making it for them .............. their names are postman and Rufus_Leakey

My Avatar is in the video, go find her, call her and ask about Big Joe. Its soooooo easy, already gave you the instgructions. The gals in Mumbai told me that some english prick called and was rude and insulting to fibo right off the bat, so she hung up on him. I'm guessing it was Rufus_Leakey.

You know me ....... I love to entertain the losers ... why? They have the right to make a profit too. 🤣🤣

Look for her in the video, its easy, she has the same look but is a few years younger.

Hey guys .................... Fibo interacting with Brits is a fck up from day #1. Conceptually shown nicely here. 😗

Bonus is when you add the American/Brit component. That's when it goes off the rails. Self-evident is the staggering difference in breadth of thought, breadth of GAME, breadth of foresight, breadth of practicality vs theoretician +++++++
and then throw in the wet humor vs dry tightass uptight prick professor and you nailed Fibo's problem here at T2W


Thread title:

Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

Success to the nth degree ALREADY

Why & how so?

(1) Whole world, 180 countries brought to her/its knees in a matter of 3 weeks. dig that - 3 weeks to knock out the world. I can tell you this: even an extraterrestrial army of spaceships could not knock out EARTH in under 6 months - and anticipating the nuclear angle, they cannot use it as they themselves have it in their laws that nuclear affects are far reaching outside of EARTH. So this is a no no.

(2) Jobs, jobs, jobs, gone gone gone, 40% unemployment claims, moratorium on rents and mortgage payments nationwide to high % of population. Government essentially paying people not to work as they make less money working.

(3) Auto, airline, cruise ships industries collapsed. Hertz rental car company bankrupt and all the other rental companies on their knees. 40% Small businesses not returning to work even after Cerveza Virus was dying down for wave 2 reprieve.
.............. etc. etc., etc,.

(4) In 3-4 weeks the magnificent Fibo's BEAR market surpassed the entire crash of 2008 which lasted 18 months and also blew away the first corresponding drop of the Great Depression of 1929., 1840 and 1720, i.e. blew away every past BEAR market first wave drop by a zillion miles. A total eclipse, baby
lots more examples but you get the picture.


The spectacular depth and breadth of the FIBO Bear market Call THREAD:

Lafffffter is the best medicine, ...
These cats never learned Colonial History - what I'm doing now is what they did to 25% of EARTH peoples.
I know my colonial history- the British made >25% of the Earths people LAUGH like they never laughed before.
🤣 🤣🤣🤣
Fibo you crack me up man..
He is funny to laugh at yes.
Not allowed to post on any other thread not allowed to send or receive PM's.
He's here to remind us of what can happen if you stop taking your meds.
Hey guys ................... just remember this and take pride in it ..................
A secret:
When BEAR saw me jump on the horse years ago and go ALONE with WAVE MECHANICS, I thought I saw him smile in approval. I was too inexperienced back then and am still quite inexperienced now but I remember that look. It stayed with me. And only later much later did it dawn on me that what I decided to become an expert in, actually encompasses every aspect of SCIENCE including PSYCHOLOGY and HUMAN BODY, Quantum Mechanics, Partial Differential Equations, Aerodynamic (my field) and Aircraft Structures.

Proud? You don't know the half of it!!!!!
Yes Fibo you are inexperienced, so much so that you still dont understand the basics of your one area of 'expertise'. Let me explain ...
Hey guys listen up.
Fibo trader preaches only one thing Elliot wave theory, no other trading style. But guess what, @fibo_trader doesnt understand Elliot wave theory! Or maybe he does but he just likes to lie to us.
Here's a basic intro.
Wave 1: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave one is when the first wave of a new bull/bear market begins.
Wave 2: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one.
Wave 3: In Elliott Wave Theory, wave three is usually the largest and most powerful wave in a trend.
We'll stop there for brevity.

So here's the basics the very basics and this shows how fibo doesnt understand the one thing he posts about EVERY DAY.

1. "wave two corrects wave one, but can never extend beyond the starting point of wave one."
If your market sets a new high you are not in a bear market! Did fibo not see the Nasdaq setting new all time highs (in what fibo says is a Bear market).

2. When wave 2 is complete wave 3 THE BIG Down wave starts. On June 5th @fibo_trader calls wave 2 COMPLETE!


But Fibo the markets are still going up like I told you they would!

"Wave 2 complete". He even date and time stamped it!
9:43 AM, Friday June 5, 2020 ................. Los Angeles, CA
Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET
This is Fibo - Stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm for 13 years (a fibo number). 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

So as of June 5th markets were going to see the biggest crash since antediluvian times - his words!

Just in case we didnt get it he doubles down (losers average losers fibo).
"Repeat and reminder of utmost importance .......................... from original post on June 5th, 2020
- Wave 2 is complete "
Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET
Every subject under the sun except a real time trade, I rest my case! 🙂 Why? because he cant trade and doesn't want you to know it. He is no longer Fibo he is now FOBFO (Fear Of Being Found Out).

The brits are a civilised race and we banned freak shows long ago but it appears T2W is still allowing the general public to gawp at a freak for entertainment purposes.
Time to close down this victorian cirus show, no one wants to see @fibo_trader the bearded lady dwarf anymore.
T2W's Timsk collides with Fibo from day 1 at T2W ...................

Timsk then tried to get Fibo banned by calling for an oral examination in which he prepared 27 questions .......
as usual, a girl sprung Fibo and fcked their plans to ban him real good 🙂🙂🙂

Vix 1H ................ if failure to play the new continued LONG, then 161.8% can happen so one has to be fast, fast fast to take loss quick and make it small. Otherwise stay for the big swing. Risk risk risk baby = brass balls = YMCA likelihood = who gives a fck? = never ever had a blown account yet = they say its coming big Joe = but it never does. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

View attachment 283362

Vix 1H
see chart in quote first, then this update .............

Hey guys ....................... look at the precise reversals on 1H at Fibo's levels all done in advance as opposed the English style (hindsight) 🤣🤣🤣🤣

See my comments about RSI at the 60 level from earlier posts - yeah baby, she is now taking out the 60

then dig this ................. Vixie is now attempting to take out the 200-pd ema on 1H and right above is the significant trendline

dig this too ............. see my trendlines unchanged in the RSI panel and how they are being respected like Konigs? yeah baby

Hey guys ................................... BEAR consequence ............. only one of them ............ 100s more ................ but this one is significant. After all is said and done, there is nothing better than an abundance of money & good p***y

The Exodus of Alphas out of the WEST and into Asia already took a steeep angle of ascent in BEAR's Wave 1. Now watch how the articles pour out in Wall street Journal, CNBC, New York Times, LA Times about the sudden drastic high slope acceleration of MALES out of the WEST and to Asia. #1 recipient of largess = Japan ............. #2 = Thailand

Fibo discovered all this waaaaaay back when it was just merely aborning = best time to invest when the smart money starts nibbling. Fibo was there and boy did he nibble 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Brace, brace, brace ....... tomorrow, april 1st ............. $100 billion in RENTS & $100 billion in Interests payments coming up

Hide & watch how there are Asks and No Bids

The Great BEAR that Fibo called is living up to its reputation and its only the beginning, aka 1st Wave down with a recovery wave .

Slam Dunk!!!! 🙂 🙂 I said April Fool's Day would be a solid prank by BEAR and it sure as heck was a stunner

Nobody, nobody nobody anticipated the massive tsunami in rent and mortgage defaults ............ only Fibo saw it coming. Latest stats reveal that 40% of renters are taking advantage of the MORATORIUM on rents

Brace, brace, brace ....... tomorrow, april 1st ............. $100 billion in RENTS & $100 billion in Interests payments coming up

Hide & watch how there are Asks and No Bids

The Great BEAR that Fibo called is living up to its reputation and its only the beginning, aka 1st Wave down with a recovery wave .

Fibo preparing for the Slam Dunk of slam Dunks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See above for the april 1st tsunami called in advance.

Now pay attention to the next tsunami called in advance ............. which will have to be averted by even more money printing or else the homeless population skyrockets and a revolution is sure to hit bigtime like a friggin all out war ...............

The rent/mortgage moratorium expires July 31st. This means, this month, guys. 20 days from now. The $600/week money from the FED to every single American on unemployment was a lifeline. If not renewed/extended, prepare for catastrophies of epic proportions.

Holy Tamale!!!!!!!!!!!!! Donald just simply gots to extend this or else there will be total chaos.

Hey guys ....................... BEAR throws another zinger our way 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 BEAR kicking ass, baby

British government says it will pick up half the checks at restaurants to help boost economy
Published: July 9, 2020 at 7:02 a.m. ET


The U.K. unveils £30 billion jobs plan to prevent mass unemployment
Published: July 8, 2020 at 12:05 p.m. ET

🙂🙂🙂Poor fellas, they are soooooo distracted from running down America's problems they don't know wtf to do now
Hey guys ................... welcome to p***yLand 🙂 🤣

Just after Elon Musk denounced coronavirus lockdowns as infringements of freedom, research shows Britons are too scared to leave their homes anyway
Published: May 4, 2020 at 2:27 p.m. ET

Hey guys ................... welcome to p***yLand 🙂

The T2W Report button:
I always knew it's a total p***y feature for wimps, BETA Males, transvestites, 2-mo0n-junction-grinders and reprobates ................. vessel for sea going snitches. Disgusting!! How can anyone respect a so called MAN who rats on his fellow man for fcksake? disgusting!!!!

How many reports were fired off regarding Fibo? Thousands 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Now watch how the disease is rampant not only at T2W but also in the whole of Britain. What a bunch of dumbphucks!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

People are so scared that neighbors will spread the virus that more than 200,000 have called the police to report rule breaking by their fellow citizens

Fully one-third (33%) of Britons said they would feel uncomfortable meeting friends and family outside their household, according to polling released by research firm Ipsos Mori on Friday. Just under two-thirds (61%) said they would feel uncomfortable using public transport or going to bars and restaurants. The data also showed 67% saying they would feel uncomfortable attending large public gatherings, such as sports or music events, compared with how they felt before the pandemic.

Is Fibo the only one who sees all this sh*t as Welcome to LaLaLand?!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pay attention now, guys ................................... 🙂🙂

The RALLY from the March 23rd lows has done a great job in drawing them back in ......... All over the place THEY are exclaiming, "The Market has bottomed!"

Fibo reminds the fellas: SAme thing was said in the Great Depression 2nd wave rally and 2008 rally. Exact same thing.

The job of the 2nd wave aka Bear market rally is to draw the suckers in by accelerating FOMO to a new level.

Done. Wave 2 has done its job. Sure it can do more. But I believe its done plenty. Caution is now thrown aside.

Looking around on the ground in the city things look near normal except for the face masks. People are out in force and traffic has picked up bigtime. Beaches are going to be full this weekend. By Sunday nite they are going to say in unison, "Hell is gone, its over, we have survived, we are back in business now, time to heal and move forward"

These are the CONDITIONS ripe for WAVE 3

Wake up, clowns! Your worst enemy, Fibo is helping you and has been from day #1. You're just too stupid to see t. Thread is a century too early and belongs on another planet.

Raise your hands if you do not see Fibo's call for GREAT DEPRESSION 2 or GREATER DEPRESSION playing out as called! Anybody have doubts?

Prepare, prepare, prepare. 😗😗😗
Hey guys ........................... Thread CALL is already a success/winner ...............
but Fibo wants more .............. ain't satisfied .................. so here is the rest of the story

GREAT DEPRESSION 2 ..................... Dow targets = 6450 = March 2009 ..................... will update further targets in a few months

Reminder: Only Fibo knows where we are going. Why is this so? Because only Fibo knows the BASICS and has put in the work because he know-ed from day #1 he was going up against a formidable foe, a merciless foe. But the foe plays by certain rules. One such rule is he will retrace aka crash the market into the previous 4th wave of one lesser degree. This being the March 2009 bear market low. Theoretically I could just fck off and go on holiday and just meet the crash train at the March 2009 lows right on time to close the short and go Long for the next years
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