The war that raged on between the few outnumbered yanks and the thousands of Brits at the expat forum in SE Asia ........... was crippling the handful of americans. Every single post, they were bombarded and ridiculed
We met at Duangatawan Hotel and soon they asked in shock, "you can help us, Joe?" My answer: "I can not only help I can fck 'em royally so they never walk straight ever again and take their attention off of YOU guys and put the weight on ME"
Billy replied, "but then they will hound you for eternity and come to your house and throw firebombs!"
I smiled and replied, "Good!" I'm a crack shot at even a 1000 yards and I am armed!
So the next morning I registered in the forum and waited for the first 3 posts to go past the moderator to be approved for posting, then I dropped the hammer. All attacks against americans stopped cold and were then diverted to ME in abundance!!!!!!!
What did it?
Comparing the UK to the USA is akin to comparing a frog's p***y to the Panama Canal!"
The gringos went berserk and could not stop partying for days. Peace reigned from that point on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, trade on the 1-minute timeframe like friggin premature ejaculators and wonder why you have no time for life like NVP, whose greed has exceeded his wisdom by light years = marry in UK and then get f***ed with no ex for decades yet pay all the bills for college ed. and the wife's continuing frills and fantasies
As opposed to, travel light, own zip, but have a fox sit on your face at any time anywhere you want and always make a clean getaway.
This is a foreign language to thee doopey brits.