Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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nope its not snide......I had a trading mate who was banned a few years back who was and still is a genius trader .....and it infuriated people here that he was so good ....albeit very confident in himself .....

in the end we all got banned for a while and he left the site .......however you see it he was good for T2win as it ignited the community and got people talking .......I personally was already ok with my style of trading but had a ball bantering with him and some of the guys he trained guy in the thread below (major magnum) was actually achieving even better results than F and we corresponded a lot after he was banned from T2W....but sadly MM passed away a few years back .....

at first I was negative towards F .....but then remembered my days on trading floors and how he was just like those guys i chilled and went with the flow and learned a lot from him .....he was and is the real deal still .....


This is the real NVP .............. in a serendipitous moment bypassed the stupidity & crippling pressure of the T2W HERD and said what he felt.
took a look at Gold myself earlier ....not really my bag but i have traded it in the past ...mainly using Strengthmeter analysis

Granted - Gold has been impressive since June ....and that 1320s - 1540's kicker was all off of a strengthening USD index 10/10 for effort ...

currently rangy ....USD has softened in the last month but it hasnt kicked Gold Bulls into action as yet ....

personally i need to see some action ........I wouldnt chase it up without some confirming patterns .....

loads more fun stuff out there to trade than the paint drying daily's .....

having said that I do like what Golds doing on 1 hour TF ........that crash south worth a rebuy at moment ....usd coming off the pace today but gold holding nicely so far .....I would chase up if it breaks the 1488's and take a tight stop say on the latest lows 1482...........especially if usd keeps tanking today


Fibo loves NVP 🙂 .............. but can NVP be himself or is he just another provincial uptight tight-ass Brit? God said to try, so Fibo is doing so.
I am flattered by being referred to as a leader .....but in truth i'm pretty anti-leader and solitary type of guy ...Loner mainly

I trade what I see and will keep an eye on Gold ........its meandered up to 1494 highs off the earlier observations here on 1 hour charts so no complaints ..... but that was hardly an inspired call as the recent 1482 extended sell was screaming for a little correction based on good patterns a few pips available

regarding calling big plays I tend to stay off predictions consistently and profitably is hard enough as it is !


NVP is a special chap in fibo's book
Fibo - an interesting observation and very useful to me ..... especially as I am doing a little introspective work at the moment with a very trusted and close friend who is helping me (again) to find my path........which may soon send me away from trading sadly.....

Yes the "good" and helpful side of me is definitely on duty at has sometimes gone a little dark at times but generally over the last 10 years of posting and contribution its been a nice outlet for me to spread some meager knowledge and fact the person who is helping me at the moment suggested me sharing my trading and gambling experiences back in the early 2000's when i was in a very dark place in my career and personal life still took me a few years to eventually get to T2win.... but it has helped me a lot ......

I can however assure you that some very dark demons exist within me (locked away most of the time) and we are not as different as you believe.....I would humbly suggest that I am certainly not as "nice" as you see in the posts here at T2win and that in fact you are not as "dark" as you portray............sure you are rattling cages and pushing boundaries here and elsewhere in your life.............but I never met an exceptional trader who didnt do that as long as you can walk the talk who cares ?

just share the knowledge at times if you can with people willing to listen ... but in your own way and your own time ...and if they dont listen ...well so what ? .....

In the end theres only 1 person we must answer to for all our actions and deeds - and thats one else matters..........

(Drumroll....exit stage left)


Without NVP holding this T2W graveyard up, this place would have died long ago.
i'm sure they will survive.....hahahahaha

meanwhile on the validation point we are a little more sensitive here on public exposure vs our US cousins ......I've never really produced any validated data or returns here on my Trading performance as I'm a very private individual.

Any coaching and Training I have done in last 20 years has been through people approaching me mainly for help and advice and from personal recommendations again there was no need or desire to reveal such data.

many years ago when a few of us old uns at T2win were having some real desputes around the antics of my ex trading mate Forexperian and Major Magnum (a little similar to your experiences so far) the best i did was post some daily results I was delivering at the time here at T2win on my thread .....nothing crazy like 37/37 as I remember........ as I was testing a few things ....but it was scalping at 90% + i think ......and hopefully gave people an insight into what was possible if you know what you were doing ......but it was dismissed as lies and heresy so it went no further ......Forexperian and Major magnum got the same treatment .......It actually doesnt bother me much as I have developed an emotional hide like a rhino in the last 60 years ....but I know Major magnum especially got upset ...and believe me he was an incredible trader .....I have rarely seen such a talent (Based on my private dealings with him) and it was a tragedy that he passed away recently still so relatively young.....

anyway my point is 10/10 for offering your own track record here at T2win...... but dont hold your breath on others returning the favour .....we brits are cut from another cloth


read last sentence of NVP above .................. take it from me, this man, NVP is an international MAN, a lone single international man among stucukups of the nth order 🙂 No exceptions.
Duke - pm me here or at my website (listed in my profile )...always happy to talk about trading


After I introduced Duke (ssam) to NVP and recommended NVP for simultaneous trading study. No change in this till today. Still recommended.

Duke is the one other Brit who is an exception. He lacks the trading experience of NVP but what he lacks in this regard he makes up in spades with "kahuns" and willingness to turn on a dime. There are no other contenders here at T2W to these 2 fellas. Both would hold their own at even ET, a place of considerable violence in trading and traders. The others here as is resoundingly obvious by all the T2W vs ET thread would be buggered in a flat 24 hours and split with their tails between their legs back to T2W where its safe and coddled ............. no risk
yep ive been banned a few times at T2win ......because i stood up for what (or who) i believed in at the time ....right or wrong trading you have to put it out there at times......

got banned for life at babypips ...but still not sure in truth why ....I was challenging a few traders there on some rediclulous naive teachings on forex scalping and pairs correlation from some obviously untutored traders on that particular subject ....but thats another story ! - Ha


I've said before that its only when a trader has scars is he worth a shit - this includes getting banned. NVP scores high in this regard. GOD would welcome him because he has the scars to prove his worth. That he is irreligious does not bother fibo one bit.
must get back into trading stocks and shares where drama is high....its great for making quick bucks still for me until i can get more time to trade other stuff

interesting times on XAUUSD and its related nemesis the usd index

heres the monthly .....ive got my 20ma goldmeter and a basic USD index below it

we can see the low and grinding rise of the green usd index .....trying to drag XAUUSD down since 2012

however Raw Gold index (see middle chart in violet) is having none of things and is strong in itself and generally overriding the strong USD negative drag since DEC 2014 with strong pushes above its 20ma (above zero)

my challenge is how long can Raw Gold index stay bullish ? ....and equally will USD index stay bullish ?

crack those conundrums and you're home and dry ....


found some old posts from 2015 when stuff went a little crazy here at T2win .....and the closest i ever got to sharing performance in the subsequent Threads ...just tasters to what is possible scalping

looking forward to it all warming up now again and seeing traders delivering some serious profits ......

Fibo has completely different style to me but anyone batting 37/37 is the real deal .......


yep agree with the youth trip and sentiments .....I was fascinated from the moment i was sat in my grandfathers betting shop at age 7 (mid 1960s) ...all the phones ringing and the blackboards with betting prices written on them ...lots of people coming in and out with cash in envelopes....and endless noise and activity ....still close my eyes and remember the scene if it was yesterday .....they couldnt stop me from getting involved and by 13 I was a seasoned professional - betting serious money using one of my dads own personal accounts (he was a bookmaker and professional gambler like my grandad).....i graduated into trading eventually but my "miss-spent" gambling youth kept me pretty flush through my teens and taught me plenty about money management, Risk , markets and how to read people also taught me the power of data, numbers and statistics and how to be ahead of the market .......happy days

we are much more conditioned in our youth to future career paths than we think complaints from me except perhaps not becoming a professional trader in my early 20's - instead deciding to qualify as accountant first (as promised to my mother who didnt want her son ending up as yet another bookmaker in the family)

got back there in the end though ...better late than never


hey FT

Dont waste your valuable time on the Big thread (unless you really want to) ...someone of your talents will learn little

It grew and grew into a beast as i continued to refine certain areas and test new boundaries ......I also met many fine traders and programmers along the way and they helped me create many derivatives of the humble core FXCorrelator model (that regrettably will never be offered to the General public)

I ditched the intermarket analysis (a la Murphy and others) years ago as for me it does'nt work - like many trading systems that are claimed to work by mysterious gurus and other bullshit artists....I do not mean to sound disrespectful of his work as it was better than most of the thousands i have studied....

Sure on the face of it intermarket correlation and fuzzy logic naturally exists at a superficial level ......and moderate returns are possible when the patterns and correlations are right ......but I have found them transient and insufficient to justify extended focus and interest

in the end after hundreds of mutated experiments I am pretty simple and purist these days .....My strengthmeter and its derivatives give me an edge in spotting the best pairs to trade and then my secondary more PA / indicator based systems flag up key patterns and signals when they offer......candy from a baby as long as the market has volume and time is right

all i do these days at T2win and other forums is share some really basic ideas and concepts around relative strength and try to enthuse and encourage Forex traders to perhaps use them in their strategies

I cannot believe how dumb most forex traders are......just following 1 or 2 key pairs religiously when the G8 offers 28 pairs to trade ...... 24/7 ......3 main trading sessions a day and 5.5 days a week .....they trade just say 5-10% of the available active market and feed on scraps ......happily

more money available to me I guess and Traders like yourself where you have a phenomenal edge and are bemused and amazed that others dont see it or follow it ......about 95%+ of them in fact (again luckily for us)


I can trade a variety of ways based on what the market is telling me

1 - Continuations into trend
2 - Breakouts (either direction)
3 - Range bound S/R trading
4 - O/B and O/S - retraces

so pretty much the whole range of core stuff most traders use ........probably 35% of the time i'm on strategy 1 when i scalp as long as market is suitable .....35% on Strategy 4 , and 15% on the other 2 ........its hard to be generalist as each market / session is different ...I scalp 90% of the time as any higher timeframes are like watching paint dry and i have less control on external market News and unforseen events...and holding a trade over a weekend would put me in an early grave regardless of ATR and Stop involved .....just my own personal trading personality and character ...I like it fast and tight .... and was made for scalping

my previous post in truth is probably a little too simplistic in truth about "follow what the G8 are doing" and relative strength / weakness .......I do also follow a lot of specific patterns and behaviours of the individual G8 currency indexes and also many tribal / group patterns that give big clues to what is going to happen next .....

again pretty confidential although i let a few out on my thread over the years ....but many are not rocket science Yen and USD in pattern formation both strong or weak is a great market dynamic that will offer easy money on trading the other currencies against them ....although as you are aware these collaborations can disappear much faster than the good old days of Risk on risk off ......(god i miss the easy days of the past )...sprinkle in some CHF correlation as well to spell a full risk pattern and it was easy times.....

there are many many ways to find an edge in trading ......but as in life and business - only a small % master their art and harvest the returns and profits therein ......the others merely exist to feed them as they blindly follow the next faddish system or market with zero discipline or understanding of the trading art.....

anyway enough of me ...this is your show here F and i will continue to follow with interest and respect .....hope you can stay in the game and not get a lifetime ban...although to do so does bring eternal notoriety and reverence ..... and im sure you wouldnt lose sleep about it pm me your contact details before that happens...

good trading

Scientology as well F ? ......jees you really are on another level 🙂😆

never really got into it myself .....tend to walk my own path .....


thanks - will do .....I may do a little trade hunting on Dax or DJ other threads are Forex here ....but my raw systems are pretty good on anything ....N
Excellent - Good to see you realise how much fate and indeed serendipity appears in the path we all walk

some traders can fall apart when a few trades unwind and things go pear shaped ....but in truth its part of the game and removes the losers .........

as a scalper i do lose on some trades ..part of the game ....


on and on it goes ........................ 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

then the HERD kicked in and probably tor NVP a new one with, "get off this Fibo train, we don't tolerate americans here, its our tradition"

NVP will not admit it but its clear as nite follows day ............... and he said as much with, "I go eith the flow"
Closing word to NVP ........... even with a stab wound, it is hrd to dislike you, amigo. All the best

If this is your HOME, you are treating it like an outhouse by letting all sorts of sh*t go to make this anything but HOME.

HOME is where the heart is and in your heart how do you tolerate demo trader posing as real traders, no entry trades and other outright shenanigans? Take an overview as I know you DO know .............. the level of trading here on a scale of 1-10 barely makes it to "1" and that's being generous.

YOur HOME, your court.

I've done my part. God is satisfied.

fibo_trader said:
Midget in a crowded elevator smells things differently

NVP's response
wicked wicked man FT.......


Only HE gets it. At ET there were quite a few who would catch it instantly and we had a blast. This place is a dead duck. 🙂🙂

There was a poster at ET who had been a forum lurker by his own admission for years. He worked in an office cubicle - he finally took the plunge and jumped right in after he saw my posts directed to NoDoji, a top female poster of incredible depth and trading skill - but she was way too serious. Fibo finally got to her. The male poster above said he was warned several times by his boss that he was disrupting the office environment due to his loud lafffter - he told his coworkers he was reading my posts and could not stop laffing and that all of a sudden his job became bearable. 6 other posters from his office joined ET. He introduced them all

All of ET had a sh*t fit when Nodoji, after a long no-response to Fibo, posted this out of the blue and without warning .............. ET went wild - thread jumped to way beyond most read .............

Man going sideways thru' airport turnstile is going to Bangcock

Fibo then hammered her with, "Virginity like bubble, one prick all gone"

She didn't bat an eye and replied, "It takes many nails to build a crib but only one screw to fill it"

Within days the several other female posters at ET were hammering Fibo with all sorts of stuff - those were the days. all gone now - the bastards banned NoDoji and as a result all the other female posters left in disgust. Many of the male posters, she had a wide following - left for good.
see previous post right above (#2,237) especially the part about going to the beach .....................


8:27 AM Pacific, April 22nd, 2020

Get out of the water now
, walk up the beach, get dressed, then get in the car and get out of Dodge. Do not stop for grub while still in Dodge. Dyin ain't much of a livin!


Yesterday saw a program with 7 of the top world experts on Market direction ............... not one had anything to say definitively.

BEAR has cnfused th sh*t out of everyone by this long rally since March 23rd. Perhaps what BEAR is waiting for is for these last few remaining experts to throw in the towel and state to all, "GO LONG, the bull continue for years"

Then BEAR will bring in the Wave 3. He wants 'em all to climb aboard. This is the personality of a Wave 2 rally - its job is to draw in the blood/meat. Then and only then can the slaughter begin.

We wait.
When the March 23rd low is taken out, prepare for the following:

(1) Rich people will become the target of confiscation of their savings for the good of the masses
(2) Pensions will be seized to the tune of billions that will dwarf the 2.3 billion The Argentine govt. stole
(3) Under the guise of protecting us citizens the govt. will ban all stocks as risky and make it compulsory to own Treasury Bonds. Boom! Nailed all 4 trillions dollars with the wave of a new Law. done! But wait it gets better: then it will raise the penalty for early withdrawal to 100%. Nailed! Hammered! Over and out!

The party is only just getting started. It will be a wild party for those prepared, the slogan for us ready-to-roll cats to the women will be, "bring beer and come naked"

FUN, outright fun across the board as theft takes on new stratospheric levels

You see, WE the warriors have thought it all through and through. Sure there will be surprises but not of the fundamental level to capsize our boats.

For the rest of the world it will not be safe and they will all need a bigger boat and will never find one.
Fibo has isolated the HOME(s) of HOMES ................... all ready for riding out the BEAR .............

(1) Current home, California which has SUN, SEA, DESERT, MOUNTAINS & SNOW. Its got it all. Dessert too.

(2) Quetzaltenango, (XELA) Guatemala in the high mountains where Fibo will be on horseback. He is a guerrilla fighter and can work wonders off the back of a horse. Fully armed, even with bow and arrow setup Can take out attackers from 1000 yards with a single shot from stationary but 400 yards from moving targets. 12 horses already ready for those who will be going with me. Ranch fully setup and prepared for a 20-yr stint.

(3) Thailand ...................... 2 different destinations, both secrets. Fully setup.

(4) Himalayan hideout - secret location, not fully setup but good for 2 year stint.

(5) Rajasthan, India .......... Sargeant Plummy will be a base camp, easy setup. Horse country too, perfect for Big Joe

Is all this really necessary? Its FUN. Its entertaining and its preserving those that are important to me. If none of it is necessary, there is no loss, all is given away already in WILL anyway

But why so drastic?

The wave 1 up from year 1700 into Wave 2 down ........................... saw a staggering WAVE 3 that ended January 2000 in the United States. What I've done is spliced and combined the waves all the way from year 1700 to current. Therefore the current year 2020 top is actually a culmination of 5 high-degree waves. Tsunamis of epic proportion are due - could last for 50 years as this will be an A-B-C correction. the "B" portion will be a bullmarket or a triangle.

Besides, its an honor to foresee and not underestimate a worthy opponent or enemy such as BEAR at 2 degrees of TREND.

That's why. 🙂

A stock market truth that NEVER fails but has outfoxed many many into thinking that FUEL TO LAS VEGAS does not matter, that its irrelevant. Circular motion with the right hand for such cats..


Current rally from March 23rd low on shrinking VOLUME = dead giveaway? = Low conviction = might never reach Las Vegas


And you guys thought that Trader333 is just another cop with guns but with no smarts ............ wrong!

posted by Trader333
Jul 20, 2019
Volume was the key in my view for the sell off. Because it gapped up by such a large amount then many investors would have sold very quickly knowing that the gap was very likely going to be closed.

Conclusion: he not only shoots but he can play too.
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