Just for information can anyone explain why Dax prices on fins are 20pts away from underlying ?
Requoting and slow execution seems to be getting far worse
Also, to help you with your slow fills and executions:
I realised this myself the other day when I had friends round to trade with me.
The platforms take up a lot of memory, for this reason I only have one PC dedicated purely for the platform only. I always get quick fills and I do over 50 trades a week and I am also full time. I realised (once again) that by having open my skype and running a gragh on the same PC, it tended to slow up on occassions, this resulted in slow executions and price rejections.
Remember that the prices are streaming in live time, if your computer is only slightly slower in displaying them, by the time you have clicked the price and its been sent down the line to them, although instant, the computer only has to delay this by a second or two for it to be rejected or slow filled. This is the same with online computer games and commonly refered to as ping rate or/and framerate per second. You shoot the enemy in the head but you didnt get them, its because in there time, they had moved before you pulled the trigger.
Remove all cookies from PC and use it only for the platform, nothing else, no gadjets, no web surfing, no chat, nothing (apart from obviously a virus checker).
Even my printer runs off another PC.
Also, just to add, computers are relatively cheap, for around £400 you can pick up a brand new decent one. How much are you prepared to lose before investing money in the right equipment.