Explorer crash with finspreads / msjava.dll exception / QuickTime


Junior member
Hi Techies,

🙁 11th June, was experiencing repeated Explorer crashes following sign-on + entry to Finspreads default online trading page (bombed out immediately before display of pricing).

[Environment: InternetExplorer 5, Windows 98]

:?: Checked out FAQ on Finspreads and drew a blank. Researched on web (e.g. "msjava.dll + explorer + crash") and possibilities included disabling JIT compiler for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) + upgrading JVM (see footnote).
Not keen on dabbling with the Java environment so gave it further thought and recalled how I had downloaded a QuickTime update / plugin(?) to view a Chart the previous day ....... had a similar Explorer crash last year featuring QuickTime so ............

:idea: Uninstalled QuickTime (option from Start->Programs->QuickTime) - OK'd the 'delete all files' prompt / confirmed complete.

:cheesy: Returned to Finspreads, problem solved (without need to re-start PC).

:!: Not saying the above was the right way to go, but hope the above experience may prove useful to other T2Winners. Suggestions re: upgrading JVM took me to:


........ contains a lot of jabber + no clear cut view of where to get your hands on a new JVM if at all possible.

Feel free to post any views on better options - although my problem's solved, your expertise might benefit others in future.


Microsoft can no longer supply the JVM due to court action by SUN.

Cheers Johnny / Oatman - I see the ruling on JVM is fairly recent and most of the web advice was out of date.

I'm happier not to have taken the plunge on JRE upgrade and risk further time without online SB ......... maybe next time, but at least I'll know where to go 🙂)
You can still get the MS JVM from here:
which will route you to here:

Sun's JVM is still quite buggy. If you're going to use the Sun JVM, make absolutely sure that you delete any old installations first because mutliple Sun JVM installs make the browser crash quite often.

Here are some instructions which might prove useful:
According to other newsgroups that I see around the internet, this issue happens when you have multiple JVM versions installed. Here's the method I used to determine if I had mutliple versions installed on XP. You can probably translate these instructions to your own OS.

Start->Control Panel->Java->Java->Applet Runtime Settings-View
Start->Control Panel->Java->Java->JNLP Runtime Settings-View

If you see more than one JVM enabled there, you should disable or
the version(s) that you don't want to use. That appeared to fix the
for the people in the newsgroups complaining about it. Evidently
installations interfere w/ each other as there were some defects in the
JVM installation programs that left remnants of older versions still
installed and enabled. The intent was to let Java developers switch
between different versions, but I guess there were some bugs in Sun's
installer code.

Here's a link to some of the newsgroups complaining about this.