Bayer Investments - a boiler room?


All these names and numbers and information you're being given are complete crap. The company in Golden, CO is nothing but a mail drop for example.

You've all been conned once, you've lost your money, there's nothing you can do to get it back so please write it off and learn from your mistakes. The more 'hope' you put in the situation the more you're likely to be scammed again because that's what the conmen are looking for, people who have their guard down and are willing to do anything to make money or get back lost money.

Just to iterate further..

YES your share certificates are valid and you do own the shares


They are virtually worthless. NO-ONE will buy them from you for other than a next to zero price - that's assuming you can even find a buyer.

When you purchased those shares the boiler room you traded with took a huge percentage of your money as "commission" for the transaction.
My contact number for Bayer was 08003112752 a Mr Philip newman(LIason officer)
He apparently did some 'Insider dealing' on the US stock exchange & was dismissed.
This misbehavior meant that our portfolio was in some way contaminated & we were required to pay a LEVERAGE charge of approx 20% of our portfolio value, in the form of shares.

And you honestly believe this rubbish?

It's like a friend telling you they were caught speeding today but you have to help pay some of the fine because you know them!

The above is a classic example of the complete rubbish these conmen will say to people to get them to 'invest' more money, money which will again be stolen.

Can you imagine how much these 'really nice and sincere brokers' are laughing at how stupid their 'clients' are when they're out on the piss? And guess who's paying for all their drinks, coke and hookers?

Get real everyone, realise that this is a bad bad world we live in and ANYONE that wants something from you must initially be treated with the utmost suspicion.

PS. Don't take any of this personally anyone. All I've been trying to do over the last several years since I've been active on these boiler room threads is to drum it into readers heads that they must be highly vigiliant especially when it comes to investments. And plain talking is the best way of getting my point across. Hopefully I've saved some people thousands of pounds, ie they haven't invested because what they have read.
All these names and numbers and information you're being given are complete crap. The company in Golden, CO is nothing but a mail drop for example.

Actually, the transfer agent's address is pretty worthwhile.
The transfer agent is the only person who may get the restriction removed on those shares.
Once that's done, you can give them to a real broker and sell them in the open market.
I checked, and a few of those companies mentioned are actively traded.
You probably won't get anything near what you originally paid, but it's better than nothing.

Plus, the companies don't stay artificially inflated in value when you sell off their shares, so if someone else checks to see if they're "real", they won't see a $300MM market cap and get suckered in too.
Actually, the transfer agent's address is pretty worthwhile.
The transfer agent is the only person who may get the restriction removed on those shares.

Think what you like but surely massive warning bells must be going off as you're dealing with a financial firm that operates out of a Mailboxes Etc shop.

Plus I'd bet that the people behind the 'transfer agent' are also the related in someway to the original scammers. It's the scammer's job to string their marks along for the maximum amount of time, always offering them 'hope' that they can easy money or make back their previous losses.

I'd also suggest that you ask the individual companies that you bought shares in for their latest set of AUDITED accounts and then check out if the Auditor actually exists or not. If they balk at this request, which as a shareholder is your right then you'll know for sure that the shares are worthless.
Re the 'transfer agents' see 'TA' from the list below -

Boiler Room Slang, Jargon, and Definitions

I'm not trying to be hard on anyone here and am really sorry for your losses. It's just that I'm trying to drum into everyone's head that there's a 99% chance that they're in a spider's web of corruption. Everything you've been told and are told is lies, all there to support the scam. So the sooner you realise this and write the money off as lost the sooner you'll be able to get on with your lives without thinking that 'maybe' there's a way you can turn a profit or get back your losses.
Plus I'd bet that the people behind the 'transfer agent' are also the related in someway to the original scammers. It's the scammer's job to string their marks along for the maximum amount of time, always offering them 'hope' that they can easy money or make back their previous losses.

Of course they're related, they get paid for being the transfer agent.
That said, there are many transfer agents for scam companies that are legitimate.
They don't run background checks; it's just pieces of paper and entries in a database to them.
Due diligence is implied when dealing with these things, but I guess that doesn't go unsaid when trying to help people who bought shares from a boiler room.

Anyway, my advice is go to the pink sheets, see if your stock is listed there, find out who the TA is from there, DO NOT DEAL WITH THE BOILER ROOM OR FRAUDULENT COMPANY WHEN INQUIRING ABOUT REMOVING RESTRICTIONS (I can't believe I actually have to write that), and look up who else the TA deals with. If it's only other scam companies, then caveat emptor. If there are some real ones mixed in there, they are probably somewhat legit and just don't turn down business from people who create shells and issue shares like they're going through toilet paper. Can't blame em. They're not interested in losing their license or legally sticking out their neck for some sham company, however.

Someone posted a detailed saga of getting their restrictions removed on investorshub. It does happen 😉 and you can possibly pull some money back out of the stock. Plus it hits these scammers where it hurts them most - the share price.

You will have to pay a fee, that is normal, it's how legitimate TAs make their money.
Most (all?) of them have PO boxes, that is normal too.

Again, this is all just my advice. Maybe it's too involved or requires a little too much research for people who buy from boiler rooms, dunno, but it's what I would do if I somehow ended up with some restricted shares.
Hi I am new to this forum and was gathering information on Bayer Investments.

I realised my elderly mother has been conned out of a rather large amount of her money by this company.

I have to say, I am somewhat surprised that she even ventured into this way as she used to have a stockbroker dealing with all her matters and was always rather cautious when buying/shares.

Now I find a spreadsheet with a number of the companies names mentioned on it.

I would be very interested to know what the latest information is regarding this company and the individuals concerned as it would be very nice to have them brought to justice for fraud.

I have also been in contact with Operation Archway.

Sorry to hear about your mother's losses. Sadly there's little you can do about it as they're good at covering their tracks. Your best bet is to hope the Police catch them, thankfully more resources are being put into squads like Operation Archway but it's still not enough.
Thanks for your response.

I bet that they target recently bereaved individuals in order to make money out of them, it is worse than elder abuse.

Sadly, the paper work that it comes in looks genuine even non-disclosure agreements 🙂; agreements, receipts of money confirmation, what look like genuine share certificates. So there is nothing to say that they aren't...

But hey ho, the Internet and a little search. I can not believe that she has done this without even discussing any of it with us.

I did try to talk to her about it in September and told her never to pick the phone up re. cold calls.

These people are living on my mothers and others life savings and I hope the police DO get them.

The other companies: Chadwick and Co.
The strange thing is that my father always had audited accounts of every company and read them religiously! He would have been rolling over in his grave.

I can't talk to her yet about it as she is not well at the moment and has just moved. We are hoping that this will stop as new telephone number, e-mail address but we are going to have a serious talk with her including possibly Power of Attorney.
Good luck Fiona, I have a relative who is developing dementia and I've read the rule book to him several times - but who knows what he could get talked into when he's home alone. He gets confused easily and his wife's financial knowledge goes about as far as 'the money's in the cyberspace thingy somewhere' - so it is a worry.

Fortunately we do get power of attorney if anything happens to one of them, but until that moment it's a case of constantly repeating to them not to accept any financial advice over the phone and not to move any money before consulting us.
Thanks for your response Hoggums, I think we will need a bit of luck or whatever, these people need to be brought to justice, charged and the key thrown away. What's worse these people pray on old people who are bereaved. The scum of the earth and their assets ceased from Proceeds of Crime because that is what it is. It is elder abuse.

The situation is difficult to raise at the minute because she has only just moved, hopefully it will stop but will be persuing it however long it takes even if it is after her death.

Phoney non-disclosure agreements, legal undertakings, and certificates, they all look legimate.