Bayer Investments - a boiler room?

Hi all
Why does spain have the most boiler rooms, is it that the spanish authorities dont care or are telephone rates cheaper from there. I lost money last year to a boiler room GLOBAL ASSET MANAGMENT, i was told they were somewhere in spain although they said Luxemburg.
How long did your cousins friend work for the boiler room. Did he get fired or leave as its unusual if he was scaming people out of money he would admit it, a lot of people would love to know what your friend knows, there was an interview with a dealer for a boiler room on BBC the other day.
yes I did see that program aswell, and Im not sure why they are all coming from Spain, but it said on the tv program that there are over 500 boiler rooms in spain alone! 500! thats insane!
and I think he left, at least thats what my cousin has told me because it was ''immoral''.
strange how the company that stung you last year are also saying they are form luxembourg when they are really in spain aswell could be exactly the same company just with a changed name.
ill try and find some more info out hector
Taken in by Bayer Investments

I am afraid that I too was taken in by Bayer and have invested a huge amount of my life savings in the following companies :
Savior Energy Group
Nextgen Bioscience Inc
Financial Media Group
Evolution Global Capital Partners Inc.

I have received share certificates which certainly look genuine to me, but after reading the posts here, I am beginning to think that they might be worthless. I was originally contacted by Robert Green, then My "portfoliot" was handed over to John Hills (An American").
A couple of months ago I was contacted by a company called Citadel offering to sell my shares in Savior Energy Group. They wouldn't take no for an answer and four different people from the company phoned me about selling my shares. This made me feel that Bayer were genuine. I had to tell them in no uncertain terms to stop pestering me and not to contact me again. They sent me one last e-mail saying that I would regret it as Bayer were a Boiler Room outfit and couldn't sell my shares for me. The last time I had some American shares I had a difficult time selling them but eventually managed to sell them through Natwest Stockbrokers. I have not yet contacted them about selling my present shares, but intend to do so. I will let you know how i get on.
So many people claim to see that the share certificate looks real enough. (usually because people dont want to believe they are copies)

If you've been given a foreign note and dont have any others to compare against how would you know it looks genuine.

All a share certificate is is a peice of paper with numbers on them and the companies name amongst other things.

Just for reference I used to trade stocks on a regular basis for many years and have done thousands of trades. Each share certificate (even on U.K stocks) differ from one another. It's hard to tell a forgery as this is exactly what they are...copies.

Check them out with the house that has them registered and see if your name appears on the matching number on the certificate.
So many people claim to see that the share certificate looks real enough. (usually because people dont want to believe they are copies)

If you've been given a foreign note and dont have any others to compare against how would you know it looks genuine.

All a share certificate is is a peice of paper with numbers on them and the companies name amongst other things.

Just for reference I used to trade stocks on a regular basis for many years and have done thousands of trades. Each share certificate (even on U.K stocks) differ from one another. It's hard to tell a forgery as this is exactly what they are...copies.

Check them out with the house that has them registered and see if your name appears on the matching number on the certificate.

I notice that the share certificates are issued by the Nevada Agency and trust company, so I have sent them an e-mail asking them if they can check if they are Genuine if I send them all the details. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
I notice that the share certificates are issued by the Nevada Agency and trust company, so I have sent them an e-mail asking them if they can check if they are Genuine if I send them all the details. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

O.k, Good luck with this.

Be sure its the real agency and not a part of any potential scam where they say 'sure its registered' then the other guys ring back and sell you more.

Here's the link, be sure to check it matches with the details you have before sending or recieving any details.
Welcome The Nevada Agency and Trust Company Website
Bayer Investments

I note your discomfort when working for the above. I am involved with this company as a "corporate" share holder. They have been in ther process of selling my portfolio as part of a corporate block ... I am told that the sale has now been completed through Inter Stock Transfer. They say they are in Luxemburg?
I was contacted by IST to get details of my account (Corporate Trading account)
I did previously have a 90 day account with JP Morgan Chase but it was closed as the sale did not take place at that time ... about a year ago.
Is this legit?
Am I different from the many people who have complained about Bayer which has meen described as a Boiler Room as I am "corporate" ?
Your advice would be most welcome
Thankyou... John Richards
John Richards

'Corporate' most probably is just a name they've made up to try and make things look official.

Be careful though, because if any company offers to 'help' you sell your shares but looks to charge a fee then 99% chance it's another scam, using the advanced-fee concept, ie there's great money to be be made but first you have to pay for it to be released...
anyone requiring info on boiler rooms can contact me at [email protected] as i have worked in them for some time and i may be able to stop you from loosing more money

Hey pal, lets get real here.

Nobody contact this guy.

How do you think people have been scammed before, come on, you used to work for them. "contact me, I'll help you b0ll0cks.

If you want to help people then do it openly where it will educate many others that read and not just the individual.

Also, I assume you have contacted the correct authorities, you know, the ones you would run and hide from. Give them all the details they need to bust these guys, numbers, names, addresses ect.
Not saying that JJ isn't legit but if he starts asking for money AT ANY TIME in order for you to make money then you're going to be scammed.
Not saying that JJ isn't legit but if he starts asking for money AT ANY TIME in order for you to make money then you're going to be scammed.

The scam works a great deal better if you give free advice on what to do then when the potential client asks if you can help further, you say something like. "Sorry, I cant help you but when I had my troubles, this firm helped me, I recommend them and they're not too expensive, they'll help you get your money back".
The scam works a great deal better if you give free advice on what to do then when the potential client asks if you can help further, you say something like. "Sorry, I cant help you but when I had my troubles, this firm helped me, I recommend them and they're not too expensive, they'll help you get your money back".

100% agree. That's something to watch out for everyone.
Financial Media group

I have just received confirmation that the shares I purchased through Bayer in "Financial Media Group" are in fact genuine. However they said that there is a rule 144 Restriction on them. Does anyone know what rreule 144 is please?

I am afraid that I too was taken in by Bayer and have invested a huge amount of my life savings in the following companies :
Savior Energy Group
Nextgen Bioscience Inc
Financial Media Group
Evolution Global Capital Partners Inc.

I have received share certificates which certainly look genuine to me, but after reading the posts here, I am beginning to think that they might be worthless. I was originally contacted by Robert Green, then My "portfoliot" was handed over to John Hills (An American").
A couple of months ago I was contacted by a company called Citadel offering to sell my shares in Savior Energy Group. They wouldn't take no for an answer and four different people from the company phoned me about selling my shares. This made me feel that Bayer were genuine. I had to tell them in no uncertain terms to stop pestering me and not to contact me again. They sent me one last e-mail saying that I would regret it as Bayer were a Boiler Room outfit and couldn't sell my shares for me. The last time I had some American shares I had a difficult time selling them but eventually managed to sell them through Natwest Stockbrokers. I have not yet contacted them about selling my present shares, but intend to do so. I will let you know how i get on.
I have just received confirmation that the shares I purchased through Bayer in "Financial Media Group" are in fact genuine. However they said that there is a rule 144 Restriction on them. Does anyone know what rreule 144 is please?

Good news on them being genuine, unfortuntely this is still not good news for you.

Here is an excerpt from the SEC on Rule 144:

Rule 144 generally applies to corporate insiders and buyers of private placement securities that were not sold under SEC registration statement requirements. Corporate insiders are officers, directors, or anyone else owning more than 10% of the outstanding company securities. Stock either acquired through compensation arrangements or open market purchases is considered restricted for as long as the insider is affiliated with the company. For example, if a corporate officer purchases shares in his or her employer on the open market, then the officer must comply with Rule 144 when those shares are sold, even though the shares when purchased were not considered restricted. If, however, the buyer of restricted securities has no management or major ownership interests in the company, :!:the restricted status of the securities expires over a period of time.

You can simply google it or better still contact the SEC(for verification), unless you want someone to tell you every thing is fine on a chat forum.
I have just received confirmation that the shares I purchased through Bayer in "Financial Media Group" are in fact genuine. However they said that there is a rule 144 Restriction on them. Does anyone know what rreule 144 is please?

Bill Fish - Financial Media Group are a scam - please don't be fooled in to thinking that you'll get any money back, anytime. The confirmation that you have received is worthless.
I have just received confirmation that the shares I purchased through Bayer in "Financial Media Group" are in fact genuine. However they said that there is a rule 144 Restriction on them. Does anyone know what rreule 144 is please?

A question in my head keeps rising up.

No offence but you dont have seem to have made a savy investment here, the question is:

Who gave you confirmation that they 'are in fact genuine' and that everything is fine?
A question in my head keeps rising up.

No offence but you dont have seem to have made a savy investment here, the question is:

Who gave you confirmation that they 'are in fact genuine' and that everything is fine?

Plus, even is the share certs are real is there actually a proper company behind it, or is it just a shell that has no assets and no business? When for example did it file its last accounts and what did they report?

Sorry that we're all so so negative but honesty in these situations is always best.
A question in my head keeps rising up.

No offence but you dont have seem to have made a savy investment here, the question is:

Who gave you confirmation that they 'are in fact genuine' and that everything is fine?

The share certificate was issued by :
Computershare Trust Company
350 Indiana Street
Suite 800
Golden, CO

I visited their website and there was a contact e-mail address, so I sent them the details concerning the certificate and asked them to confirm that it was genuine. They replied saying that I was indeed the owner of the shares but there was a rule 144 restriction on the stock. They also supplied a phone number in case I had any more questions for them.
bayer investments

Have you got a contact number for Bayer? I`d love to see if they are the same guys who called us from Luxembourg calling themselves Prestige Asset Management

My contact number for Bayer was 08003112752 a Mr Philip newman(LIason officer)
He apparently did some 'Insider dealing' on the US stock exchange & was dismissed.
This misbehavior meant that our portfolio was in some way contaminated & we were required to pay a LEVERAGE charge of approx 20% of our portfolio value, in the form of shares.His successor was Mr Ralph Gilbert ( on the same nmber), as recent as mid- june this year 2008, we were purchasing shares to finance the setting- up of a corporate US share account to receive the proceeds of the portfolio sale.The shares were purchased, at the end of June BAYER were declared bankrupt. I was contacted by aMr.Richard lee of an inter-trading company who gave me the name of Harvey & Baxter of DUBAI who might be able to act for me & my portfolio. David Irvine is my contact 0845 363 6194.