Once again many people want to believe this is the holy grail. It's no different from any other method of trading apart from paying two lots of commissions.
Even the title of the thread gets em all in - Barjon's Money Machine - And Barjon himself would know this attracts many, look how popular the thread is.
If I launched a thread called 1000% in minutes I would expect the same responses. The bright ones, the traders and the ones who figure it out for themselves know straight away where the obvious flaws lie and move on to something more substantial or look to keep it simple. The hopeful ones, the losers, the wannabe's and the noobies all believe it must work because someone said it does and work on it till they curve fit it then lose money and disappear.
If that doesn't call for lulz I dont know what does.
Going back through the years we can all see it's changed dramatically, the information is available to all of us, just by picking dates at random I can see so much change.
Here's some more dates:
20/07/11 Dow closed at 12571 and ftse at 5853 making a difference of 6718
Just a couple of months before:
01/06/11 Dow closed at 12290 and ftse at 5928 making a difference of 6362
That's an extreme of 356 pts in less than two months. I've already pointed out over 2,000 pts in two years, where does this end - I know, when someones broke. 😆
come on people, help me out here. If I am missing something and this really does work because "THE MARKETS ARE CORRELATED" then please show me some evidence at least. Not just some "its moved 30pts so that's extreme I'm gonna trade it"
Where's the stops at, what's the target prices on either of the markets. Where are they actually correlated and by how much. It looks good over the last couple of months but that's about it. Typically this means it will throw you out and make you puke as soon as you get comfortable with it. This is simply curve fitting.
No doubt this post will make some peoples blood boil but then all I would say to that is welcome to reality, that's if I can be bothered to post back, to which I probably wouldn't waste my time doing, I've got better things to work on.