yeh i agree with most of this too, seeing their pictures today made me take back everything i ever said about first impressions, the whole incident was truly disgusting.
I think that when a member of society breaks the rules, agreed upon by all, through agreement implicit by their membership of society (this applies particularly members leeching off others, which i have no doubt these people were) that they forfeit their rights to be treated as equal members. I think it appalling that the notion of paying for their protection is even being entertained, i think even prison is borderline but at least law abiding citizens reap some benefit.
There are certain grey issues with this thinking obviously but in this case jail is too good for these people. Their actions weren't those of humans so they do not deserve to be treated as such. I hope it isn't long before a system is constructed that allows these issues to be tackled.
I agree too. Too much is made of human rights and equality.
My principals are always the same and I apply the same rule as I do for taxation.
If equal people are to be treated equally - than unequal people should be treated unequally.
All this Human Rights bs where criminals locked up can sue authorities is utter contempt of law and their sentences should be extended as such.
As for capital punishment and this was a fact when I studied it back in the early eighties - majority of the public if it ever came to a referendum would be in favour of capital punishment. Statistics showed these people were more likely to be the lower working classes as a whole. Upper classes and so called elite were opposed to CP as it was barbaric and there was the possibility of miscarriage of justice etc etc the normal run of arguements.
So when ever the vote gets to parliament MPs vote were based on their conscience and as they are elitist toffy nosed thiefing bastidods they'd vote against the bill. You are less likey to get it passed the Lords. Parliament sucks big time when it comes to representing the people.
On another note there have been amazing cases of cruelty to children here and abroad where three year olds are left to die from starvation. Couple of guys were released from prison only withing a matter of weeks to kidnap a 10 year old bugger him and then strangle him throwing his body to a road side ditch. God only knows where they are but I'm sure they are some where nice and warm and safe watching telly all day.
We don't have Human Rights. We only have selective rights. All a load of BS supremecy to me.
When ever a British citizen is tried elsewhere in another country - immediately the press are all over the foreign justice system - their cells - how they were treated etc etc.
Reminds me of a story of the nurses in Arabia some place. The authorities went to extra lengths to treat them with prissy clinical due attention and courtesy. Instead the news you heard was that they were mistreated and abused. They were couple of drunk tarts who went too far and pushed another out of a balcony out of jealousy or something. I don't know the exact details but treatment of other judicial systems are always frowned upon. When I look at our system I am ashamed.
Teenagers steal cars drive wrecklessly crashing stealing causing havoc on the roads and on the Police chase video footage comes the sentence - They were let off with a warning and suspended 3 months sentence. Oh **** I'm so scared I'm crapping in my pants.
I can as we all can go on and on and on. The culprits are the politicians and the lawyers who support and endorse the effed up system.
I should add sociologists in the 70s in their too who suggested we study these psychos so that we understand them and fix their problems. You know 40-50 years later the psychos will be running the country.
I wonder what the National Front party will say about it's famous party member.
Come to think of it - do these Nazies really fancy them selves as the supreme aryan race. Beggers belief...
I know I lost the plot guys -- Sorry -- Rant over...