Here is a contreversial idea for society to determine the distribution of the social cake.
The elderly are increasingly supported in elderly peoples homes consuming a large part of council budgets. This problem along with pension crises is likely to get considerably worse in the next 20 years. In some cases it takes a minimum of two nurses to care for one elderly immobile / handicapped individual. Quality of life for these elderly people seem to be in and out of bed and sit around watching TV.
% of money spent on the elderly is considerably higher than what is given to look after young children.
If the elderly are not supported by their off-spring is it not a great burden for society supporting such people who's quality of life at 80+ is considerably restricted?
This concept of prolonging life using science to the point that any individual is a breathing vegetable on a bed or armchair is one that can not be sustained by society. If one has personal wealth and means all very well.
I feel the whole concept of life has to be addressed. Stupid bureaucrats even make it a crime to tank your self with the help of a loved one!!! :-0 What freaking right does the judicial process have over my sad existence of life?
My whole ****ing existence belongs to some **** heads in social services yet no one is accountable or takes responsibility for my existence.
A very big contradiction?
Hence, poor vulnerable incapacitated people have to go to Switzerland to be able to die humanely.
Other side of coin is lets spend a fortune and cause suffering to loved ones looking after a severly handicapped person who wishes to cease to exist.
I reckon where any individual reaches an incapicated state such that they can not bath or go to the toilet by them selves is ready for the far side. Unless they or their families can look after them then they should be retired to sleep... (On a personal note when I get to a ripe old age and I can't wipe my own **** this is no doubt what I will be doing with my current frame of mind. )
If people can retire and stop working then no reason why they shouldn't retire to eternal rest, sleep and peace. :idea:
Vikings used to jump off a cliff when they were no longer fit to fight in wars as it would bring dishonour to their family. They were not too far wrong about being a burden on their tribal existence.
Placing so much emphasis on bureaucrats and politics to deliver an impossible solution when no one is prepared to pay taxes is also just shovelling crap and nonsense without taking the difficult decisions.
Not doable/viable/profitable imho.
That Fergy royal tramp also recently did a program about orphans and handicapped children in Romania and Turkey recently. Really don't know why the silly tart who probably hasn't seen any hard ship in her life doesn't start with our desparate children at home.
Similar to turn of the century around 1900s I do believe we are at the cusp of a new era and many other fundamental changes will dawn on us in the 21st century.