Oh I'm sure, but it's still a revealing chart even if you tinker with the chosen inflation measure right?......
Thanks for that Gamma... I think the hard part about fundamentals is where the decent information is; Both in understanding and learning about it and actually recieving the information; For example i couldn't name any commonly accepted good economics/fundamental books, wheras i could list loads on other subjects;
For the purpose of progression of these ideas/fundamentals, would you recommend us all some websites and books as you deem appropraitely?
It would help me, i've always known the fundamentals and made rough decisions from them; but only on my own assumptions about what they mean and their influence, so anothers take would be great!
Or any websites you regularly use to get fundamental commentary etc etc
So this conversation can become much more constructive and helpful towards others understanding of studying not just the technical side of the market
🙂 I think its totally under-discussed.
The inflation-adjusted Gold is very interesting, thanks for that.
Why isn't Gold in the headlines 'making new highs?' - Seems very untalked of, would seem like a bullish sign to me, the retail/public haven't even started opening their greedy positions!
Maybe we could make a thread to discuss all things fundamental; The stock market, commodities, forex, economic indiators, monetary policy, upcoming important news/fundamentals that should affect markets (Earnings atm for example) and it could be a really interesting discussion of fundamental analysis
🙂 I'd certainty enjoy it and i'm sure an experienced guy like you could lead it proudly
😉 x