Astrology Data Overlay

dsmodi said:
hmmm - and i have been told hospitals generally keep more doctors on a full-moon as there are more emergencies etc on that day.... .
Shep, is that generally when you tend to check yourself in?

Tony's correct about the STD, but some of the STD's are on the boards anyway..... 😉
I think I remember someone who had talked to Steve Copan mention that he had different turning points to those used by the Delta society. I don't think it makes much difference what turning points you use. My problem was that I didn't have enough faith to put money on the line with the turning points and having seen a few different versions, I decided to stop using it. I found it easy to mark the turning points and any inversions on old charts but doing that in real time was a bit like sticking the tail on the donkey with a blindfold on.

Perhaps there are ways to improve on Delta but when it comes to it, some simple chart patterns are easier to see and don't involve plastering a chart with lines. 123's and Ross hooks work better for me and a few other simple chart patterns that I have found after spending years looking at charts.
mofo said:
Hummm..............What , Soc ?

I would've asked this also, but he just doesn't want to reply to me... i wonder if he has me on ignore 😎

While on the topic of legalities - i am surprised we don't have a lawyer on board (actually, i thought sharky was one) to clarify the situation... in fact, brambie and soccy also "sound" like lawyers.... ain't they able to illuminate?
"i am surprised we don't have a lawyer on board "....I think I qualify as one on an honarary basis...that is they have had enough of my money over the years they definitely owe me entrance to the clubhouse !
A320 explains above for all to see and read, the outline of the principle of non disclosure, that is, for whatever reason agreed upon in advance, to effctively restrict knowledge shared by specific participants by agreement, specifically excluding disclosure to counterparties not included by that agreement. This agreement does not exclude holders of the information, who may use the information among themselves but are not entitled to release it on to the public domain nor indeed to any other entity not bound by such agreement. He further explains how the originator of the information leading to the acquisition of the knowledge is liable to take steps to protect the principle of non disclosure as encapsulated by agreement and how the originator is not shy of acting in accordance with his rights under that agreement, should anyone bound by that agreement contravene it by spilling or releasing the specific information to which the specific agreement is related to,on to other entities not bound by the agreement, whether in the public domain or not. And furthermore, of the originator's non reluctance to act, which I wholeheartedly agree with. This leads me to conclude that this is the main reason why outside counterparties do not get the responses they expect, with regard to matters of this sort.
A320 explains above for all to see and read, the outline of the principle of non disclosure, that is, for whatever reason agreed upon in advance, to effctively restrict knowledge shared by specific participants by agreement, specifically excluding disclosure to counterparties not included by that agreement. This agreement does not exclude holders of the information, who may use the information among themselves but are not entitled to release it on to the public domain nor indeed to any other entity not bound by such agreement. He further explains how the originator of the information leading to the acquisition of the knowledge is liable to take steps to protect the principle of non disclosure as encapsulated by agreement and how the originator is not shy of acting in accordance with his rights under that agreement, should anyone bound by that agreement contravene it by spilling or releasing the specific information to which the specific agreement is related to,on to other entities not bound by the agreement, whether in the public domain or not. And furthermore, of the originator's non reluctance to act, which I wholeheartedly agree with. This leads me to conclude that this is the main reason why outside counterparties do not get the responses they expect, with regard to matters of this sort.

Fully understand the point you're making.

However in order to succeed in any legal action, I believe one would have to prove financial loss resulting from the breach of confidentiality in order to secure damages. As such what i was trying to say was that surely this would be damned near impossible to prove, given that the knowledge and information is publicly available ?
Can anyone find anything about Wells Wilder taking legal action against anyone? I can understand why he might want to do that when copyright laws have been breached but I still can't find any mention of one single case. Even when copyright is breached, there is often just a warning and no legal action is required. It is usually quite serious if it ends up in the courts.

If someone was that worried, they could just go to a cyber cafe and post anonymously. It is interesting why there are so few people openly talking about Delta but it is the same for a lot of methods. I haven't seen the exact details of "Reversal Magic" discussed anywhere. I think it is more down to those buying the book and working out the STD not wanting to share their hard work with those that haven't paid anything or spent time on it.
The hard facts are "not neccessarily". There is enough material to write a textbook on this topic alone.
I am not writing it, I have given you the facts pertinent to the case as presented, as above, and that is sufficient.
I'm sure the point BB makes is the acid test. We deal with copyright breach a lot here at work, & if you're going to go to the enormous time & cost it takes to sue someone, you'd better be damn sure you're going to be awarded damages, which means proving that you have financially suffered as a result of the breach.
In my extremely limited experience, it's a lot easier to apologise than to ask permission.

I'm not suggesting anything in that, at all.

Just seems you can (almost) get away with murder.

Anyway, what has Delta got to do with Astrology Data Overlays? 😆
aha .... so soccy's our man ....see, he can be v.useful.... and mofo seems so as well....
funnily enough, brambie isn't, but i'm sure he really must have his uses as well...

and me, well, i'll tell u all a secret - i wish i'd done law .....
It may be, that if you shift your viewpoint your conclusions about all this may be different.

But hey, who am I ? All I can do is to press the right keys and produce showers of points.

What can be more dull and boring than that in comparison to this ?
It may be, that if you shift your viewpoint your conclusions about all this may be different.

But hey, who am I ? All I can do is to press the right keys and produce showers of points.

What can be more dull and boring than that in comparison to this ?
Points? Are they those things found on the end of pointy sticks and the like because Ive plenty of pointy sticks if that helps anyone.
fridayeve said:
Points? Are they those things found on the end of pointy sticks and the like because Ive plenty of pointy sticks if that helps anyone.
Coctail sticks do not land in showers by pressing keys. I respectfully suggest you do not pursue that line of reasoning as it will only serve to annoy members contributing seriously to this thread.
It may be, that if you shift your viewpoint your conclusions about all this may be different.

But hey, who am I ? All I can do is to press the right keys and produce showers of points.

What can be more dull and boring than that in comparison to this ?

You could shift your viewpoint to the centre of mass of the solar system(its sometimes within the body of the sun and sometimes not).An astrologer/scientist called Theodore Lanschiedt has done some work there.

Sorry to see you're not going to post your predictions any more(on another thread). Using code is a bit exclusive isn't it?
chrisg said:
Sorry to see you're not going to post your predictions any more(on another thread). Using code is a bit exclusive isn't it?
I'm afraid so, but it renders it useless except to those in the know.