Astrology Data Overlay

Ok Guys check this out.

Firstly can i point out before anyone orders me a jacket with no sleeves that i am at the extremely sceptical end of the spectrum when it comes to things like this. However this thread did prompt me to load up two tools in my charting software out of curiosity that i've never used before, namely fib & moon cycles 😱

i extended these tools from the recent high on the spx from 7 March.

30 seconds of extensive research shows the following.

Coinciding with that turn was a new moon (or a red dot on my software if you prefer) on 9 march. Pretty close then. The market then crashes 60 odd points before we see a minor correction into 8 April (next new moon 😱 ) at which point it crashes another 50 odd points to the recent low on 20 April. This is a count of 31 bars from the start point high.

We then see another upswing to the point when the next newl moon occurs 😱 on 9th may, by which time the market has risen approx 27 points from the last low. It levels here then falls another 30 points.

So on this tiny sample anyway, , it would appear the new moon has coincided with fairly major turning points 🙄

that is really cool work you've done
any chance you can upload a chart image?

cheers mate
I had a look at old and new moons a while ago and couldn't see anything that separated them from any other day. They might hit tops and bottoms now and then but that will happen with any random day. If you think about it, none of these commonly known days are likely to be good market turns, as we would all have worked that out by now.

The first and last day of the month are a bit more interesting but I don't think that is for astrological reasons.
Bigbusiness said:
I had a look at old and new moons a while ago and couldn't see anything that separated them from any other day. They might hit tops and bottoms now and then but that will happen with any random day. If you think about it, none of these commonly known days are likely to be good market turns, as we would all have worked that out by now.

The first and last day of the month are a bit more interesting but I don't think that is for astrological reasons.

There speaks a man who i would venture has been round the block a few times with these things & like myself may have had a mosey down Delta Avenue at some stage in the past.

As I say, it was a 30 secs back test & I was really just curious. I will monitor going forward tho & see if anything interesting happens, particularly the fib cyle tool.

Anyhow for DSmodi, here is the chart i was looking at of the SPX.


  • EW20.png
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hey mofo

many thanks for posting that....

i agree it needs more that 30secs work put into it, and i also think it is obviously interesting enough to venture that extra time spent on it...
dsmodi said:
hey mofo

many thanks for posting that....

i agree it needs more that 30secs work put into it, and i also think it is obviously interesting enough to venture that extra time spent on it...

No Worries. By the way, the full red dots are the new moons just for clarity & the vertical bars are fib cycle counts
Well, I am absolutely and totally speechless - well almost!

Could somebody PLEASE explain how astrology affects the markets?

How does the constellation drive the masses to make transactions large enough to drive a change in price? Over what time frame does this work?

We all know that the stars we see in the night sky were that way hundreds of years ago, so when we look in to the sky and notice a bunch of stars in our 'buy' side of the cosmos, or however this works, do we take into account that the signal was actually generated 100's of years ago so we may actually be looking at a lagging indicator - 100 years or so lagging - perhaps before the share or contract was even traded!?

I know little about astrology - other than Russell Grant or Mystic Meg probably wouldn't make great traders or investors - otherwise they would be much wealthier I assume.

Please, this is a serious question from someone who is a little sceptical.

JohnDoe said:
Well, I am absolutely and totally speechless - well almost!

Could somebody PLEASE explain how astrology affects the markets?

How does the constellation drive the masses to make transactions large enough to drive a change in price? Over what time frame does this work?

We all know that the stars we see in the night sky were that way hundreds of years ago, so when we look in to the sky and notice a bunch of stars in our 'buy' side of the cosmos, or however this works, do we take into account that the signal was actually generated 100's of years ago so we may actually be looking at a lagging indicator - 100 years or so lagging - perhaps before the share or contract was even traded!?

I know little about astrology - other than Russell Grant or Mystic Meg probably wouldn't make great traders or investors - otherwise they would be much wealthier I assume.

Please, this is a serious question from someone who is a little sceptical.


Hi John

If you find out, can you tell me next 😆

I think its more to do with the way these things affect human behaviour (if you believe any of this stuff obviously), which in turn affects the markets. I believe the best known exponent of this belief is Delta.
mofo said:
Hi John

If you find out, can you tell me next 😆

I think its more to do with the way these things affect human behaviour (if you believe any of this stuff obviously), which in turn affects the markets. I believe the best known exponent of this belief is Delta.

I see.

An old friend of mine was very much in to star signs, the stars etc.

His explanation on how the cosmos affects our behaviour was along similar lines of how the moon affects the tides. His explanation was that the planets, stars etc had a similar gravitational pull up on the blood in our bodies. The flow and different pressures thus created by tides of blood in our brains affected our behaviour! Seems to mix medicine with astrology, with hocus pocus. I am an expert in neither.

Does the pressure of blood in various parts of the brain create different behaviour? I dont know. I thought it was electrical pulses.

So if this theory holds water, we would all have to be acting in the same way surely - like all buy when Pluto goes into Aries. But this cosmic phenomena would surely cause a Taurus to sell when Aries buys as they are affected by Pluto in different ways?

One thing is clear - if the theory is true, then the reason it is true is because it affects PEOPLE, as the MARKETS are just the SUM of peoples decisions (beliefs + action) - although I would be on Socrates side when he mentioned beliefs v what ever it was (sorry I forget)

I have no idea!!!!
Given a sufficiently large set of market data you will be able to sift through it in an almost infinite number of ways and eventually find SOME sort of correlation with SOMETHING that involves movement/alignment of the stars, planets etc.: it would be a surprise if you didn't as the permutations and opportunities for curve-fitting are endless. On finding a so-called magic correlation the mistake is to attribute any causality to it. He says arrogantly. 🙂

Coincidences are much more common than we might imagine as there are so many ways in which they can happen. How often do people say "How amazing! I bumped into someone in the supermarket today with exactly the same name as me, and her daughter goes to my old school and do you know she's even wearing exactly the same dress that I bought last month from a boutique in Nimes! What are the chances of that!"

Well, the chances of someone meeting these predetermined conditions would be minuscule, granted, but of course she didn't predetermine them. It is likely that there would be an immense pool of things the two people might have in common and the three mentioned represent only a fraction. In fact it would be unusual for coincidences like this NOT to happen as there are so many ways in which they can. Put another way, some unlikely event is likely to occur, whereas it's much less likely that a particular one will. If you don't specify a predicted event precisely, there are an indeterminate number of ways for an
event of that general kind to take place. The paradoxical conclusion is that is would be very unlikely for unlikely events not to occur. (with thanks to Paulos for that).
The gravitational pull of the person who delivers a newborn baby is considerably larger than anything the planets involved in astrology could muster. Gravitational pull depends on distance and mass. So does this mean that fat midwives will deliver babies with one set of personality charatcteristics while a skinny one will deliver babies with quite different ones. 🙂
frugi said:
The gravitational pull of the person who delivers a newborn baby is considerably larger than anything the planets involved in astrology could muster. Gravitational pull depends on distance and mass. So does this mean that fat midwives will deliver babies with one set of personality characteristics while a skinny one will deliver babies with quite different ones. 🙂

I just knew someone would find a clever way of mentioning URANUS 😆
Astrologers working in the field of financial astrology correlate data exactly the same as everyone else. And I don't think most believe in gravitational pull from distant planets affecting people. They are usually concerned with if it works, or does it work, rather than why it works?

As usual when the dreaded word "astrology" rears its head on boards like this, many people equate an interest in it on a par with, "I'm Taurus, so I must be good with money and the Daily Idiot tells me I'll make money today so I'll have a punt on the Footsie".

Serious research - and it is research - carried out by financial astrologers is no different from any other research, although once proven many people will then claim it is science rather than astrology as they don't feel comfortable with that word.

And whilst I am one who thinks there is some validity in financial astrology that does not mean it is any easier to trade with its signals than any other system or method that you use. It is a complex field - just like any other concerned with the markets.

I don't understand why some people seem to get so personally upset with others for discussing this topic. Nor that they feel the need to write about it, and contribute their opinion, when it is obvious that they have never read a serious book on the subject. Unfortunately, some people will have been discouraged from adding their thoughts to this thread. Perhaps it is time for a private board on this particular subject.
Well, no body has come up with an explanation yet.

I would agree with the above comment that we can make any coincidence fit another coincidence if we try hard enough.

I think I have a pretty good handle on what makes price move - different reasons exist in different time frames.

I can tell you all that it has nothing to do with astrology!

Can anyone prove me wrong?

The problem is being able to "explain" as opposed to be able to "utilise".

Even if we cannot explain something, doesnt mean we cant use it. ( scientists, I believe, still do not have a full understanding of the nature of electro-magnetism, but our electric motors work anyhow ).

Ancient man navigated by the stars to conquer the world. They didnt need to know the stars are millions of light-years away. They didnt need an explanation of the stars, They just used them.
Wilbur and Orville Wright didnt need an explanation (since aeronautics did not exist as a science) - they flew emprically !!
The Astronomer Royal of his day said spaceflight was impossible. This was about 4 years before Sputnik.

The history books are littered with experts saying something cant be done. Dont know any names, as history only records the names of the pioneers.

I think we first need to see, empirically, if there is a pattern. Only then is it worth exploring the mechanism.

So, can we identify a set of rules to test any ideas against ?
Very well put, trendie.



trendie said:

The problem is being able to "explain" as opposed to be able to "utilise".

Even if we cannot explain something, doesnt mean we cant use it. ( scientists, I believe, still do not have a full understanding of the nature of electro-magnetism, but our electric motors work anyhow ).

Ancient man navigated by the stars to conquer the world. They didnt need to know the stars are millions of light-years away. They didnt need an explanation of the stars, They just used them.
Wilbur and Orville Wright didnt need an explanation (since aeronautics did not exist as a science) - they flew emprically !!
The Astronomer Royal of his day said spaceflight was impossible. This was about 4 years before Sputnik.

The history books are littered with experts saying something cant be done. Dont know any names, as history only records the names of the pioneers.

I think we first need to see, empirically, if there is a pattern. Only then is it worth exploring the mechanism.

So, can we identify a set of rules to test any ideas against ?
Yes, I see where you are coming from Trendie.

It is a matter of personal choice of course.

Personally, I believe the more I know about a market - the reasons why price may change (be that boolean construct of components [price/volume/speed] or simple human nature and emotion) the better - and, the more chance I have for success.

Condensing market activity to a set of rules that seem to work more often than not is not good enough for me. I know that these rules may work sometimes, but they will stop working quite quickly. I say this based upon my observations.

Surely for a concept to work and have validity, it must be observable across a number of time frames? I cant see how the cosmos can affect price on an intraday basis - they dont move that fast in relation to each other.

Besides, personally I do not believe that success in the markets truly comes from any set of behavioural rules - be they entry criteria or otherwise. Success comes from ones attitude and knowing where to apply ones efforts.

Of course, you may stumble across something. As you point out, history is littered with people like me saying no it cant be done, and people like you with the determination to continue. So the best of luck.

I do think however that these greats had a strong vision that was based upon some sort of logic. I can see no logic in how stars affect the markets. A light bulb should work in theory before it was first made - difficult though it may heve been. The Indian people should want to rule their own country - just a matter of motivating them. etc....

Good luck!! I want to make money based on what I know works, not spend my life in a research & development lab!! (doesn't pay as well ;o) )
I agree with you JohnDoe.

I currently use an MA to trade !!! ( It is because I DONT know anything about the markets 🙂 )
only just recently started using trend-lines !!

Our differences are that you want to know WHY something works, before using it.
I want to know IF something works, to decide if it is worth me knowing more about it.

happy trading.

PS: agree also about intra-day fluctuations unlikely to be astrological-related.