Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

One of the matters still in debate is precisely the one you've identified. These different viruses affect (NB Att'!) different groups in different ways and taking bog standard flu as the exemplar, the published stats vary wildly depending on immune system status, copathologies and concomitants etc etc.

As yet, we don't know what there is to be known and I'd hazard that a fair few more Old Gits need to shuffle off before we're close to understanding this one for real.

Meanwhile, food delivery companies might do quite in the medium term.

Panic or no panic. The aware have already started stockpiling non perishables and essentials. How do I know?
Mrs CV has been out today and made a start. She is also compiling lists of items from different shops. Everything will be in order by Tuesday evening. 😉
Shortages in supply are not the issue here.
Mixing with the public is.
Panic or no panic. The aware have already started stockpiling non perishables and essentials. How do I know?
Mrs CV has been out today and made a start. She is also compiling lists of items from different shops. Everything will be in order by Tuesday evening. 😉
Shortages in supply are not the issue here.
Mixing with the public is.
Aksherly, we did a run for bulk provisions about a week ago. Mostly tins and dry stuff. I managed to slip in a personal requirement list of liquids that don't go off....mostly French but some from the New World. Self-Isolation doesn't have to mean cheerless😛

....and I didn't mix much with the Public anyway, so not much of a change there.
Panic or no panic. The aware have already started stockpiling non perishables and essentials. How do I know?
Mrs CV has been out today and made a start. She is also compiling lists of items from different shops. Everything will be in order by Tuesday evening. 😉
Shortages in supply are not the issue here.
Mixing with the public is.
You joking.
Masks are running in short supply.

I am worried about the effects of this virus, the long term effects, my theory is that if this thing has escaped from the bio-weapons lab in Wuhan then we could be in for some interesting long term effects as they are studied.

There is a reason why govts are 'panicking' and it ain't to do with flu symptoms, they just don't know the long term consequences, no-one does, however if they know that it is a weapons grade bio-weapon or comes from a lab that develop these things then the current response has some context.

Interesting to hear a conspiracy that a lab in Canada sacked Chinese boffins for breaching security last year and the owner of the same lab died in Kenya a few weeks ago, is there a link to the Wuhan lab or pure coincidence?

You joking.

We've done the same, about a week ago, get the dry goods in, plenty of bog roll and tissues, if we both go down together no-one will be shopping, if we go down then half the UK will have gone down, meaning no supplies, no deliveries, no nuffink.

If UKGov contingencies get as bad as lockdown or even curfew, then what....

Problem is keeping away from the stockpiled ginger nuts and whiskey 😂

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You are a beacon of level-headedness and reason in an otherwise demented universe! When do we get to release the zombies?
🙁 I'm just rather sad that there isn't a shopping mall with an ice rink nearby ....

But have kept a note of the locations of all the cold war bunkers that have been flogged off -
suspect they may be worth raiding for stockpiles of food if we get a decent pandemic 😉

Not that there's much hope of that just yet

So, was SARS a dry run for the real thing?
The flu-like symptoms, and the manner of its attack on the body are supposedly similar.
They both attack the lung linings, and Covid additionally damages the kidneys.

It's sobering to think whilst we spend billions on 5th-gen hypersonic planes, and the US has 100-million dollar stealth fighter jets, the chinese have a bit of a virus in a screw-top jam-jar.
I hope they are using child-proof tops in their labs for safety reasons.

(really weird couple of months. are you guys withdrawing funds every few days as well?)
So, was SARS a dry run for the real thing?

(really weird couple of months. are you guys withdrawing funds every few days as well?)
Mate, I'm cashing in my pension for a lump sum and going to New Zealand! See you in 10 years - if you make it. 🙂
Meanwhile, the UK has unveiled it's Coronavirus Inaction Plan, which includes, among other measures, an initiative to compel the Virus to delay it's peak of infection to the summer months.

Quite how this will be communicated effectively to the Virus and the likelihood of the Virus complying with the Governments wishes, is, however, far from clear.

Meanwhile, the UK has unveiled it's Coronavirus Inaction Plan, which includes, among other measures, an initiative to compel the Virus to delay it's peak of infection to the summer months.

Quite how this will be communicated effectively to the Virus and the likelihood of the Virus complying with the Governments wishes, is, however, far from clear.

I thought the UK plan to combat the virus was to wear an extra vest and put 3 sugars in your tea instead of 2. Its worked every other time.
Meanwhile, the UK has unveiled it's Coronavirus Inaction Plan, which includes, among other measures, an initiative to compel the Virus to delay it's peak of infection to the summer months.

Quite how this will be communicated effectively to the Virus and the likelihood of the Virus complying with the Governments wishes, is, however, far from clear.

Ô ye of little faith:

As I recall, the radioactive cloud from Chernobyl affected the whole of Europe except France, due to the prompt and efficacious action of the then government. Erroneous statistics were corrected (and new ones occasionally manufactured) to prove without doubt that the borders were impermeable.

I'm sure that our own government could apply a rigorous Australian style points system as to whether this foreign plague will be admitted or not. After all, the Brexit experience has been and will continue to be an unmitigated success and we can all sleep the easier for knowing that our lives are in such safe hands.