Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

If it's only flu, then why are govts taking drastic action to try and stop its spread? Oh hang on UKGov is almost doing f*ck all, now you're not going to tell me UKGov is taking the common sense approach for a change?
If it isn't flu what is it?
If it isn't flu what is it?
I've heard it's an antidote to the woke virus; once you've had it you're cured of wokeness. If you're too far gone with the woke virus - the coronavirus puts you out of your misery and you shuffle off to woke heaven.

If anyone's interested, I'm starting a business making face masks for all face sizes and shapes - with or without beards. I'm seeking investors: £100k in return for 1% of the business. Please form an orderly queue.

On a (marginally) more serious note, my step-son returned yesterday from a three day work trip to Italy - and he's feeling rough as rats. This morning my wife asked me if I thought we ought to tell our (woke) friends who are hosting a dinner party tomorrow night that we can't attend. You can guess what my answer was!
.... or you could be planning which assets to liquidate into funds ready to snap up bargains next week 😉

London's FTSE 100 share index has seen its worst week since the depths of the financial crisis in 2008 as markets continue to reel from the impact of the coronavirus. Shares have shed almost 13% of their value, wiping as £210bn from the value of companies on the index.

Suspect there will be whole flocks of Vultures circling about come Monday's early morning thermals.

I see the bug has reached Africa now. Not much to stop it spreading there.
A recession looks more likely. not less so.
🙂 😀 😍

There's nothing like a good snog to transfer several billion germs between the snoggers !

How do you think Herpes became so universally endemic in the entire population.

Order pizza and binge out on the sofa with a good movie instead.


Netflix n chill.
Iran and the wider Middle East could become the new epicenter for the virus.
Italy is troublesome given that the whole of Europe has no borders.
South Korea another hotspot.
Just wait while the US catches up.

It's looking like shorts all the way from here on.
I suspect the central banks will offer some stimulus soon in a half arsed attempt to limit the economic damage. This policy will undoubtedly fail because the global supply chains and travel will be massively affected.
Don't worry there is a 98% chance of recovery even if you do catch the bug.
You might be more likely to starve to death if they shut down your city.
Don't worry there is a 98% chance of recovery even if you do catch the bug.
You might be more likely to starve to death if they shut down your city.

I'm not worried in a health sense Pat but the repercussions in an economic sense will be massive.
Just waiting now for WHO to declare pandemic status. Then the sh1t really hits the fan!

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WHO don't put out stories like this for no reason.
A few softener up bits of advice before declaring pandemic status is my guess.

Be of good cheer!
Eat, drink and be merry,
For tomorrow we die.

(Isaiah and Luke, apparently)

....and just in case some of us make it through to next w/e, here's some reading on historical (hysterical?) pandemics to make us merrier still.

I was amused to read how during the NY cholera epidemic the Bears seemed to feel swindled by the lack of doom in that the arriving plague ships were not as deadly as advertised.
Be of good cheer!
Eat, drink and be merry,
For tomorrow we die.

(Isaiah and Luke, apparently)

....and just in case some of us make it through to next w/e, here's some reading on historical (hysterical?) pandemics to make us merrier still.

I was amused to read how during the NY cholera epidemic the Bears seemed to feel swindled by the lack of doom in that the arriving plague ships were not as deadly as advertised.

Fear not, we will all be here next week. 🤭

Irritating author can't sort "effects" from "affects".....grrrrrrrrr.

And finally.
We also find some evidence in our broad sample that more modest crashes exhibit the opposite dynamic. Declines on the order of -10% to -20% are more likely to be followed by another decline.

Note the average decline thus far 15%
Nuff said.....i'm shorting relief rallies.👍
The usual fatality rate of seasonal flu that we see every year is about 0.1%. So covid-19 is multiple times more dangerous if contracted than flu.

The 1918-20 Spanish flu epidemic had a fatality rate of 2-3% and killed at least 1.7% of the world's population. In the US, 28% of the population became ill: across the globe it could have been as high as 50%. Spanish Flu differed from what is known about covid-19 so far in that it was more dangerous to the young than other age groups: covid-19 appears more dangerous to the elderly (plus the immuno-suppressed already suffering from other ailments).

This could be a good time for some serious planning what to do if there is a panic.
The usual fatality rate of seasonal flu that we see every year is about 0.1%. So covid-19 is multiple times more dangerous if contracted than flu.

The 1918-20 Spanish flu epidemic had a fatality rate of 2-3% and killed at least 1.7% of the world's population. In the US, 28% of the population became ill: across the globe it could have been as high as 50%. Spanish Flu differed from what is known about covid-19 so far in that it was more dangerous to the young than other age groups: covid-19 appears more dangerous to the elderly (plus the immuno-suppressed already suffering from other ailments).

This could be a good time for some serious planning what to do if there is a panic.

Quick thoughts...

Buy artificial lung machines
Reduction in social care budgets
Increased expenditure on family planning and other cash starved budgets
Increase in government revenue from IHT
Increase in disposable income from Inheritance

Quick thoughts...

Buy artificial lung machines
Reduction in social care budgets
Increased expenditure on family planning and other cash starved budgets
Increase in government revenue from IHT
Increase in disposable income from Inheritance

Another story emerging is, recently retired Doctors and Nurses may be asked back to support the NHS.

My sister won't be at all happy about that......she couldn't wait to get out!
The 1918-20 Spanish flu epidemic had a fatality rate of 2-3% and killed at least 1.7% of the world's population. In the US, 28% of the population became ill: across the globe it could have been as high as 50%. Spanish Flu differed from what is known about covid-19 so far in that it was more dangerous to the young than other age groups: covid-19 appears more dangerous to the elderly (plus the immuno-suppressed already suffering from other ailments).
This could be a good time for some serious planning what to do if there is a panic.

Surely, when there's a just panics? Or are you concerned with the style element rather than the act itself?

One of the matters still in debate is precisely the one you've identified. These different viruses affect (NB Att'!) different groups in different ways and taking bog standard flu as the exemplar, the published stats vary wildly depending on immune system status, copathologies and concomitants etc etc.

As yet, we don't know what there is to be known and I'd hazard that a fair few more Old Gits need to shuffle off before we're close to understanding this one for real.

Meanwhile, food delivery companies might do quite well in the medium term.
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