You obviously live far from Streatham - so you should be grateful for that 🙂
For my own Stupid Report: I took a look at Lidl on the High Road. No queues outside and more surprisingly at the self-checkout either. Stocks of everything...except eggs. I didn't bother looking anywhere else.
In other news FTSE up 4% 😆Boris in ICU 😱 😱 😱
Oh dear... 😳😳😳
Just throwing it out there, but a 'normal' rate of deaths for your average flu virus in Italy would be around 668 people.
Let's see what the WHO figures say tomorrow.
The figures are in already.
European Region
..............New cases ..............New deaths
Italy .......4805 ........................681
The United Kingdom 3735 .. 708
All following a normal predictable pace, absolutely no reason to trash the world economy. What the fuck happened here!
FWIW Italys number for tomorrow could be 525 less accuracy on the way down its logarithmic.
The UK is likely to see 600+ per day for the next 7 days, dont panic!
Todays figures from the World Health Organisation!
..............New cases ..............New deaths
Italy .......4316 ........................527
Once again a perfectly predictable virus outbreak!
Once again well below previous years figures.
Once again I am not a medically trained person just a mathematician there is nothing unusual about this virus!
We have been conned, we have been locked up in our houses for no good reason! We should be mad as hell!!!
Lets clap at 8pm for NHS staff and then at 9pm put your head out of the window and shout
"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
Well done Postie...Absolute classic and strangely prescient.-----------------------------------------------------------------
The figures are in already.
European Region
..............New cases ..............New deaths
Italy .......4805 ........................681
The United Kingdom 3735 .. 708
All following a normal predictable pace, absolutely no reason to trash the world economy. What the fuck happened here!
FWIW Italys number for tomorrow could be 525 less accuracy on the way down its logarithmic.
The UK is likely to see 600+ per day for the next 7 days, dont panic!
Todays figures from the World Health Organisation!
..............New cases ..............New deaths
Italy .......4316 ........................527
Once again a perfectly predictable virus outbreak!
Once again well below previous years figures.
Once again I am not a medically trained person just a mathematician there is nothing unusual about this virus!
We have been conned, we have been locked up in our houses for no good reason! We should be mad as hell!!!
Lets clap at 8pm for NHS staff and then at 9pm put your head out of the window and shout
"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
To my shame, I have to admit that I hadn't realised that certain culinary habits have some far-reaching effects even unto to the recreational habits of a nation:
Additionally Jon, as has been said before by a number of us here, there's a world of difference between those who die with the virus and those who die from the virus. As the video below from yesterday by U.K. Column News shows, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) openly acknowledge that anyone who dies that's contracted the virus will have that written on their death certificate. When my father died of cancer in 1994, his entire body was riddled with the disease. It was in his abdomen, lungs and head - everywhere. The oncologist looking after him showed my mother an x-ray of his lungs and his comment was along the lines of: "this looks like he's been peppered with both barrels of a shot gun". And yet, when he died, listed under cause of death on his death certificate is: 'carcinoma of the left leg'. And that's particularly pertinent to the story because dad's left leg was amputated some eight years earlier!I see they are now clausing the UK death figures as “those who have died in hospital” doesn’t include those who have died in care homes or home.
A few of sensible men discussing facts in a calm rational manner vs the BBC showing newsreel of female nurses crying because they cant buy vegetables for dinner. It'll never catch on I'm afraid.Additionally Jon, as has been said before by a number of us here, there's a world of difference between those who die with the virus and those who die from the virus. As the video below from yesterday by U.K. Column News shows, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) openly acknowledge that anyone who dies that's contracted the virus will have that written on their death certificate. ...
The chief medical officer of Scotland has access to all the information necessary to make a good judgement and she though it was ok not to be in self imposed lockup.
Coronavirus: Scotland's chief medical officer resigns over lockdown trips
Coronavirus: Scotland's chief medical officer resigns over lockdown trips
Scotland's chief medical officer quits after visiting her second home despite the lockdown
Wrong again. "What a fuck-up this still is and will continue to be" would be more apposite....... BBC showing newsreel of female nurses crying because they cant buy vegetables for dinner. It'll never catch on I'm afraid.
Wrong. It has already "caught on". An appeal to the emotions is used precisely because it whatever end...
Maybe we need a news channel that shows women crying because they dont have a job now, they cant pay the rent, they cant feed their children because they relied on school meals and schools are shut...
Like the charity slots line WaterAid, Oxfam etc etc? Link it with Crowdfunding appeals and you might be on to a winner
What an utter F*ck up this has been!
...and that is exactly what is intended and has been planned. It's just that the introduction isn't as fast as you'd like.It looks suspiciously like everyone will have to get exposed to the virus and take their chances.
So the Govt should ease all restrictions and back to normal.
I am confused.
Does the Covid-19 exist? Is it real?
Was it manufactured in a chinese weapons-lab?
Is it real, but the reaction / lockdown an over-reaction?
Is it not real, and the lockdown is a power-grab by the Illuminati?
Did the chinese manufacture a bio-weapon to give us all a tad of a temperature, and a bit of a tickly cough?
Where are all the videos of nurses NOT crying, chomping on veg, with their feet up in empty hospitals?
What if Boris dies on Friday, then is resurrected on Monday?