Je suis Mon Chat!People will willingly lock up their children for weeks / months on end but tell them to get rid of their CAT and they will suddenly tell you coronavirus isn't that bad after all.
Je suis Mon Chat!People will willingly lock up their children for weeks / months on end but tell them to get rid of their CAT and they will suddenly tell you coronavirus isn't that bad after all.
mon chat s'appelle CharlieJe suis Mon Chat!
mon chat s'appelle Charlie
Je suis Charlie.
Bring back public information films!
Charlie dit de ne pas prendre de bonbons à des étrangersDix sur dix...tu mérites un bonbon! 🙂
BBC fear-mongering again.
From 1 hour ago.
"... we would expect to see more than 1,000 deaths a day very soon and 2,000 a day later this week. "
says James Gill, a lecturer at Warwick Medical School.
Coronavirus: When will we know if the UK lockdown is working?
Almost two weeks after Britons were confined to their homes, is the coronavirus curve flattening?www.bbc.co.uk
... and if we go about things really efficiently we won't be needing either an asteroid or a nuclear holocaust to complete the job.In the interests of balance we should cull all dogs and their owners, that would solve a great many problems modern society is currently experiencing and would greatly reduce the fouling of our footpaths with excrement and single use plastic bags.
Following that will be all football supporters, they are not needed anymore, following that, the vast majority of office workers, the dole scroungers should already be gone along with prisoners. No need to travel anywhere means a cull of drivers and airline pilots and support staff.
The old will cull themselves as part of the pandemic process. Once the pandemic is over we will have no need for all the volunteer health workers, police can be reduced as there are no crims left.
Eventually we can get rid of politicians as all that will be left will be people working the fields to feed themselves, if they are not self-sustainable, just cull.
... and if we go about things really efficiently we won't be needing either an asteroid or a nuclear holocaust to complete the job.
Dix sur dix...tu mérites un bonbon! 🙂
Spain figures fallen for 4th successive day.BBC fear-mongering again.
From 1 hour ago.
"... we would expect to see more than 1,000 deaths a day very soon and 2,000 a day later this week. "
says James Gill, a lecturer at Warwick Medical School.
Coronavirus: When will we know if the UK lockdown is working?
Almost two weeks after Britons were confined to their homes, is the coronavirus curve flattening?www.bbc.co.uk
The French!
...Ta gueule, sale Rosbif! On a pas oublié Waterloo...et Mers El Kebir!
I'm still sore over that Thierry Henry handball...
Spain figures fallen for 4th successive day.
China figures are unreliable, so Spain and Italy experience should inform us of UK peak.
Germany seem to have flattened their curve early on.
Boris is in hospital. Is this good?
EDIT: all of the above is irrelevant if you think it's just flu.
Yes its just flu.
But I suppose there's a possibility it was engineered in a Wuhan bio lab and got out.
Remember: Whenever you go out, keep at least 2M distance between you and Malayan tigers.
A Tiger at Bronx Zoo Tests Positive for COVID-19; The Tiger and the Zoo’s Other Cats Are Doing Well at This Time
Bronx NY, April 5, 2020 -- The following information was released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo: Nadia, a 4-year-old female Malayan tiger at the Bronx Zoo, has tested positive for COVID-19. She, her sister Azul, two Amur tigers, and three African lions had developed anewsroom.wcs.org
You obviously live far from Streatham - so you should be grateful for that 🙂Been shopping. All is well.
No triffids. No zombies. No checkpoints demanding "Wo is das papieren, bitte?".
I live another day.