Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Apologies to one and all.
Somehow (and I don't know how) I managed to include an etoro ad' in my last post. I've tried to edit it - but the ad' disappears - and doesn't show in the saved file. Doubtless I'm doing (or not doing) something very silly. If any Mods or Sharky reads this and can edit it for me - I'd appreciate it. Needless to say, I have no connection with etoro, never had an account with them and have no interest in promoting them. Sorry once again.

🤣 🤣 🤣

“No I am being genuine. They are arrogant POSs who think they are all VIPs. Very few are mild mannered or polite. They are highly strung to55ers. Money changes characteristics.”

I hope you don’t feel that way about your fellow members of T2W.

Dear Livermore, you are relatively new to T2W and so not aware of the history on these threads between member traders. There has been indeed much to-ing and throwing of insults as well as by the sounds of it on other trading website forums too. I think that should say a lot about the mental state of traders in general not just those in the professional league. One really needs a robust fine edge to participate. We can put a positive spin on it and call it a strong constitution.

“So what do you do, and why are you taking my comments personally?”

Because you sound like a Bernie Sanders supporter.

I like him yes. He would certainly make the US of A a much better place than that billionaire dork who has money and not much else.

“Are you a full time trader or a wannabee aspiring trader…”

I am an investor who wants to get back into trading after years of being out of it. But I have to learn modern computers first.

fwiw Learning the computer is the easy part which fools Joe public into thinking trading is easy. Click here and there. Kids stuff. It's the psycho bit that's the killer.

“What productive contribution would you say traders contribute to humanity?”

#1 Increased standards of living for nations.

#2 Liquidity. They provide paper to the market makers if they aren’t a market maker themselves.

#3 They allow current and/or original shareholders to get out of their positions. Imagine buying a piece of a new company and when you go to sell there was nobody there to take the buy side of your trade.

#4 They allow giant mutual and pension funds to move size. You wouldn’t like it too much if your company’s pension fund had to sell shares because a lot of employees retired and the bids just weren’t there.

Yawn yawn yawn. I appreciate all that larky about facilitating a market for exchange stock, providing liquidity and raising capital from public and joint ownership etc. That's all good agreed. However, there are now so many financial instruments and secondary derivatives along with shady operators, insider trading and price fixing, it's a bit of a joke and capitalism is facing a crises. Farmer who does shed loads of work through out the year gets peanut and some Borse trader on commodities makes a mint from speculating on the numbers game. Once again traders do FA.

I used to think my old job was all very exciting and critical to humanity until one day a nurse asked me if anybody had died one particular day (let's call it black Monday). Now think about how valuable the job of a nurse is and compare it to some trumped up trader with loadsa cash. There is something profoundly wrong with our organisational structure but difficult to put ones finger on it.

“Not having a rant or anything, just that I'm probably emotionally scarred by the bastards I used to work for doing tradefloor support many moons ago.”

I have never met a trader who works for him or herself who was successful if they had anger problems or ego problems. It’s usually the traders who work for others who can “afford” to get away with it and only up to a point.

We live in hope.

All the best to you and feel free to ask any questions you like about modern computers. I can help with which buttons to push. 🙂

SC is a whizz kid on PCs. Don't listen to CV he knows notink. PS. They are both hardcore Brexiteers beware! 👍
We live in hope.

All the best to you and feel free to ask any questions you like about modern computers. I can help with which buttons to push. 🙂

SC is a whizz kid on PCs. Don't listen to CV he knows notink. PS. They are both hardcore Brexiteers beware! 👍

I have a question for my learned friend, I'm looking for a fast NAS (most are as slow as a 1980s ZX-80) with the following requirements:
  • small business level cost
  • must be able to synchronise/integrate with a (free) cloud storage service of my choice
  • HD's must be swappable (hot swap not a requirement)
  • ~30TB in size
  • Low power consumption in standby mode, quick wake up
  • Brexiteer friendly (simple UI & setup, idiot proof, lots of smileys and green ticks)
  • auto dedup type capability
  • mostly unstructured or semi-structured data friendly (lots of video and photos, office docs etc, no database requirement)
  • Quiet
  • not sure about connectivity, 10Gb wireless?
Any recommendations?
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I have a question for my learned friend, I'm looking for a fast NAS (most are as slow as a 1980s ZX-80) with the following requirements:
  • small business level cost
  • must be able to synchronise/integrate with a (free) cloud storage service of my choice
  • HD's must be swappable (hot swap not a requirement)
  • ~30TB in size
  • Low power consumption in standby mode, quick wake up
  • Brexiteer friendly (simple UI & setup, idiot proof, lots of smileys and green ticks)
  • auto dedup type capability
  • mostly unstructured or semi-structured data friendly (lots of video and photos, office docs etc, no database requirement)
  • Quiet
  • not sure about connectivity, 10Gb wireless?
Any recommendations?

Gordon Bennett!!!

What you working on, next trip to Mars? What do you need 30Tb for? You sure you don't mean Gb? I have 2Tb and still haven't managed to fill 50% over umpteen years.

For those sizes with dedupe and thin provisioning, NetApp first comes to mind. I do like Hitachi disks.

If you have a requirement for 30Tb then 10Gb dual teamed NICs would be recommended.
Can you get 10Gb on Wireless? I must be getting old.

What's all that about it being quiet and running on low power... You want to store it in your bedroom?

Good one! Let me know what solution you end up with. I'd be interested.
Gordon Bennett!!!

What you working on, next trip to Mars? What do you need 30Tb for? You sure you don't mean Gb? I have 2Tb and still haven't managed to fill 50% over umpteen years.

For those sizes with dedupe and thin provisioning, NetApp first comes to mind. I do like Hitachi disks.

If you have a requirement for 30Tb then 10Gb dual teamed NICs would be recommended.
Can you get 10Gb on Wireless? I must be getting old.

What's all that about it being quiet and running on low power... You want to store it in your bedroom?

Good one! Let me know what solution you end up with. I'd be interested.

I used to do a fair bit of underwater photography, now mostly topside, all taken in RAW on full frame with high res jpeg alongside plus video 😎 there is around 20TB already, but I know that there will be lots of duplicates through lack of management!

I know, enough storage to run a medium sized company, thin provisioning? Not needed, Hitachi & Netapp are good suggestions, I'll start searching. Yes it's for locating at home (and my home office is in the bedroom), so stealth would be nice, if I can get 10Gb wireless I'll take it, just threw that out there in case there is anything cheap enough or even exists.
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Just popped to the local supermarket and garage for some fuel and weekend refreshments, thought to myself what are the minimum precautions when amongst the great unwashed at this stage of the game. Left the mask behind but donned latex gloves thinking that it would be a good test of the glove wearing, see where I might slip up before this thing hits big time (we have had schools closed and care homes isolated for a few days already here, so it is already amongst us).

Not surprised to see the normies not even wearing gloves, never mind a mask, when this thing hits its going to hit hard around here, but was mildly shocked to see the supermarket staff not wearing gloves, when the shit hits, everything is going to stop at this rate. Was also wondering about the legal position, local supermarket being Sainsburies is a large corporate, is not issuing gloves to staff considered negligent? I expect we will see law suits galore when the dust settles, if you run a business with employees, ensure you are lawyered up if you haven't issued personal protective equipment to your employees, people are going to want compensation for loss of earnings and loss of life.

Being the only one walking around town with a pair of blue latex gloves on, I can touch what I like and not worry too much, don't quite understand why no-one else is doing the same, it also stops one's almost unconscious urge to scratch one's face. Ho-hum, probably a couple of weeks ahead of the curve as usual, there will be panic buying of gloves soon enough, when there's none left in the shops.
Being the only one walking around town with a pair of blue latex gloves on, I can touch what I like and not worry too much, don't quite understand why no-one else is doing the same

Maybe because of
I used to do a fair bit of underwater photography, now mostly topside, all taken in RAW on full frame with high res jpeg alongside plus video 😎 there is around 20TB already, but I know that there will be lots of duplicates through lack of management!

I know, enough storage to run a medium sized company, thin provisioning? Not needed, Hitachi & Netapp are good suggestions, I'll start searching. Yes it's for locating at home (and my home office is in the bedroom), so stealth would be nice, if I can get 10Gb wireless I'll take it, just threw that out there in case there is anything cheap enough or even exists.

Interesting stuff. Do you dive off the coast of Rye. Supposed to be littered with sunken boats and pirate treasure or so they say. Same for the Southern coast all along the English Channel. Or is it more wildlife you are interested in?

Dell also had some solution some time back which was a 3U storage encasement and one could add as many disks as you like to populate the box. That was about 10 years ago when I looked into them. Just came to me disk tiering may also be an option for you if you have data you need to store for infrequent access and don't need performance.

Interesting note about gloves, Sig.
I think the current belief is that transmission is by droplets through coughs and sneezes.
Have you tried going shopping during off-peak hours?
I went yesterday at 9pm, and the volume of people was quite less. I was surprised as I thought more would think about going either very early, or very late. (fresh produce becomes an issue)

So, some good things about 24-hour shopping. Might try 2am one day.
Hope you all had a great week. Apart from Dow being frozen (LIMITS), DAX has been great.
Interesting stuff. Do you dive off the coast of Rye. Supposed to be littered with sunken boats and pirate treasure or so they say. Same for the Southern coast all along the English Channel. Or is it more wildlife you are interested in?

Dell also had some solution some time back which was a 3U storage encasement and one could add as many disks as you like to populate the box. That was about 10 years ago when I looked into them. Just came to me disk tiering may also be an option for you if you have data you need to store for infrequent access and don't need performance.


I've 20-30 UK dives, out of Weymouth, Swanage, Rosie Lea, ooh a nice cuppa. Saving UK for the future, easy shore drifts, small coves, stick to less than 18m, why 18m? UK wreck diving is hard, enjoyable work, office chair back doesn't help, and no phots.

Most of my diving has been abroad, warm water, unbelievably fantastic, but rapidly becoming another life dream, to be resurrected in a different way one day.

3U, LOL, should have mentioned I need it desktop, sat on rubber feet to reduce vibration, tiered with SSD, nice, but mucho £££, maybe wait for the bottom to fall out of the market and get in cheap.

28TB drives about nowadays, 20TB of data doesn't appear to be that much anymore!
No football and boxing.🙁

But Parkrun is still on in Australia.🙂


Western Govt's are not taking this seriously enough, which is why the spread is now out of control.
When we look at the test positive figures, the numbers are growing exponentially. The additional problem is that there are a host of epicenters as opposed to the Chinese Wuhan situation. The Chinese cracked down hard and were able to get this under control. Western Govt's are failing to take the same measures to deal with the problem.
By Monday, the rest of the world will have overtaken the total cases in China. The charts look very different between mainland China and other locations.

Good site for the number crunchers.

Thanks...... makes you realise how widespread it is!

like all stats though “slightly” misleading in a lot of countries just don’t have the capacity or capability to test for COVID-19.