Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Dow now 25% off highs.
I can feel the buying frenzy building, just need a little more blood in the water.
I used to find working with traders more than unpleasant but quite distasteful.

Bunch of over paid hyped up useless to55 pots.

Traders don't do any real work. Parasites.

I’m curious, are you serious or just playing devil’s advocate?

If you feel that way about trading then why do you engage in the activity?
A really sensible idea to avoid the dreaded bug is to gargle and sniff up diluted TCP when you return from crowded places.

I’m curious, are you serious or just playing devil’s advocate?

If you feel that way about trading then why do you engage in the activity?

No I am being genuine. They are arrogant POSs who think they are all VIPs. Very few are mild mannered or polite. They are highly strung to55ers. Money changes characteristics.

I'm not a full time trader. Have no desire to be one either. Dull and boring. I do manage my own SIPP and do SBing alongside my work.

FYI - One trader was caught wiping his shoe with the sponge from the kitchen that everybody else used for washing their cups and cutlery. He wasn't sacked named or shamed.

So what do you do, and why are you taking my comments personally? Are you a full time trader or a wannabee aspiring trader, wanting loadsa dosh so you don't take sh!t from anyone but only get to dish it out? Or you want the lifestyle you imagine they have without any of the butt clenching stress and worry about £000s resting on the random movement of numbers?

What productive contribution would you say traders contribute to humanity?

Not having a rant or anything, just that I'm probably emotionally scarred by the bastards I used to work for doing tradefloor support many moons ago.

Keep calm and Corona on.

Get prepping people, I've just figured out why UKGov has gone from Dither to more Dither Delay when the rest of the planet has gone into lockdown and why Trump has favoured the UK in the flight ban. Trump & Carney know the storm that's coming, worse than 2008, US & UK will try and tough it out together whilst everyone else burns, $1.5 Trillion injection???

The Coronavirus pin has just popped the bubble.......bog roll will be the least of our worries.


“No I am being genuine. They are arrogant POSs who think they are all VIPs. Very few are mild mannered or polite. They are highly strung to55ers. Money changes characteristics.”

I hope you don’t feel that way about your fellow members of T2W.

“So what do you do, and why are you taking my comments personally?”

Because you sound like a Bernie Sanders supporter.

“Are you a full time trader or a wannabee aspiring trader…”

I am an investor who wants to get back into trading after years of being out of it. But I have to learn modern computers first.

“What productive contribution would you say traders contribute to humanity?”

#1 Increased standards of living for nations.

#2 Liquidity. They provide paper to the market makers if they aren’t a market maker themselves.

#3 They allow current and/or original shareholders to get out of their positions. Imagine buying a piece of a new company and when you go to sell there was nobody there to take the buy side of your trade.

#4 They allow giant mutual and pension funds to move size. You wouldn’t like it too much if your company’s pension fund had to sell shares because a lot of employees retired and the bids just weren’t there.

“Not having a rant or anything, just that I'm probably emotionally scarred by the bastards I used to work for doing tradefloor support many moons ago.”

I have never met a trader who works for him or herself who was successful if they had anger problems or ego problems. It’s usually the traders who work for others who can “afford” to get away with it and only up to a point.
Coronavirus virus doesn't work at the weekend in Australia

Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the federal government will advise against large organised gatherings as a result of the coronavirus pandemic – but not before he watches his “beloved Sharks” at their NRL season opener tomorrow night.
“We will be advising against organised non-essential gatherings of persons of 500 people or greater from Monday,” he told reporters this afternoon.

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Coronavirus virus doesn't work at the weekend in Australia

Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the federal government will advise against large organised gatherings as a result of the coronavirus pandemic – but not before he watches his “beloved Sharks” at their NRL season opener tomorrow night.
“We will be advising against organised non-essential gatherings of persons of 500 people or greater from Monday,” he told reporters this afternoon.

Pathetic and reeks of double standards which is the norm down under.
As an interesting aside (to me anyway) a matter to consider is the fact that there are many parts of the world where toilet paper is not an issue, simply because they don't use much in the first place and choose to wash the fundament, post-excreta - or not, as the case may be. Cultural differences and all that 🙂

As there is a turd emoji* and a mask emoji, is there not a bog-roll one?

*Tks Swissy, for providing so many examples...
Just for info, lead times for Enterprise level IT equipment has just doubled+, most of this stuff is manufactured in China (but also the US), this bear market looks set to last a while.
Apologies to one and all.
Somehow (and I don't know how) I managed to include an etoro ad' in my last post. I've tried to edit it - but the ad' disappears - and doesn't show in the saved file. Doubtless I'm doing (or not doing) something very silly. If any Mods or Sharky reads this and can edit it for me - I'd appreciate it. Needless to say, I have no connection with etoro, never had an account with them and have no interest in promoting them. Sorry once again.