Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

I stumbled upon a point of view that covid-19 is here to stay with us forever like flu. Hope that the author was wrong because these restrictions we have at the moment drive me mad after even 1 year of pandemic.
Sorry to break it to you Chal, but the "point of view" you stumbled upon is is now mainstream.

Covid is endemic and with us forever, as are the restrictions that are driving you mad. In fact, even if Covid were to miraculously disappear overnight - never to be seen or died of again - the restrictions would continue. Why? Because this entire charade has never been about a public health issue. How could it be when the average survival rate of the virus is >99.7% - i.e. on a par with flu for everyone other than the very elderly and those with a comorbidity? No, it's about something else. What that something else is will depend upon your opinions about the agenda(s) - or lack thereof - of those in involved. Your (and my) very best hope is that it's all down to incompetence and 'cockuppery'. Pray to god that's all it is. However, such is the level of collusion across government, it's agencies, NHS, PHE, ONS and the mainstream media etc., that it's hard to conclude that there isn't something bigger at stake. After all, they can't all be consistently wrong at the same time and remain singing from the same hymn sheet. As to what that 'something else' is - is anyone's guess. One thing is for sure, the restrictions and all the crazy madness surrounding them are here to stay - at least for the foreseeable future.
Dr. Clare Craig is a voice of sanity, logic and common sense in an increasingly insane world. Anyone who supports the government's decision to make vaccination mandatory for front line NHS staff really needs to listen very carefully to every single syllable this fantastic woman has to say. Enjoy . . .

HNY all,
Please watch (on odysee) or listen (on Spotify) to the attached podcast. It's a recent interview given by Dr. Robert Malone to the famous U.S. podcaster, Joe Rogan.

odysee (video): Joe Rogan & Dr. Robert Malone
Spotify (audio): #1757 - Dr. Robert Malone MD

For those of you that are not familiar with Dr. Malone and want to know why he's worth listening to - here's why: he's the inventor of the nine original mRNA vaccine patents, which were originally filed in 1989 (including both the idea of mRNA vaccines and the original proof of principle experiments) and RNA transfection. He has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. Suffice to say, experts don't come any more expert than Dr. Malone: he is to medical science and vaccines what Lionel Messi is to football or what Michael Jackson is to pop music.

So, what does he say that's so interesting that it warrants three hours of your valuable time? I know, it's super long, but trust me when I tell you that from start to finish the interview is filled with revelation upon revelation. In spite of its length, there is minimal padding or waffle. In the last year, I've watched hundreds of hours of Covid related videos, and this is by far and away the most eye opening and jaw dropping of them all. That's why I'm urging you to watch/listen to it. So please, do just that and then share it far and wide, as I believe it's of vital importance that as many people as possible get an insight into what is really going on and the heinous crimes that are being committed, supposedly in the name of protecting public health.

Further to my last post regarding the interview Dr. Robert Malone did with Joe Rogan, this follow up discussion is especially interesting as we get to hear from the horses mouth regarding the theory of 'Mass Formation Psychosis' by Dr. Mattias Desmet. He details how we ended up where we are and why millions of people are happy to believe obvious nonsense such as Biden's oft' repeated line that this is a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated', even though any halfwit knows that the vaccines don't stop infection or transmission of the virus.

A bit shorter this time at just one hour - well worth watching, IMO.

TPC #653: Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough (Mass Formation Psychosis)

Additionally, this article on Dr. Robert Malone's substack account is very interesting. It's early days, but if the figures quoted are verified and similar ones repeated in different states and countries - then this story really will turn into the mother of all scandals. Sorry to sound all 'click baity' - but you'll soon see what I mean when you view it!

What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure?

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. . . such as Biden's oft' repeated line that this is a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated', even though any halfwit knows that the vaccines don't stop infection or transmission of the virus.
By chance, there's a Daily Sceptic article published this morning that underlines just how wrong Biden is with this ridiculous claim and shows, if anything, that the reverse is true - i.e. this is a pandemic of the vaccinated. Enjoy . . .

Vaccine Effectiveness Plummets to as Low as Minus-151% as Omicron Cancels Out Boost From Third Doses

Novax Djokavic, interesting case. Natural immunity v mandated experimental vaccines.

See what I did there !

I would just love it if he's not only allowed to compete - but actually wins the trophy - that would be just brilliant. Watching the Australian government go into complete meltdown - along with all the resulting publicity which will help millions of people worldwide wake up to the atrocities being committed in the name of public health - would be an awesome start to the new year. Fingers crossed!
I would just love it if he's not only allowed to compete - but actually wins the trophy - that would be just brilliant. Watching the Australian government go into complete meltdown - along with all the resulting publicity which will help millions of people worldwide wake up to the atrocities being committed in the name of public health - would be an awesome start to the new year. Fingers crossed!

This has bust up written all over it. Who cares about the tennis! People are finally waking up.

I'll try my little play on words one more time.

Novax Djokovic

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The Pfizer Inoculations For COVID-19 – More Harm Than Good – VIDEO
The Pfizer Inoculations For COVID-19 - More Harm Than Good - pdf

The video above and pdf of same is produced by a group calling itself the 'Canadian Covid Care Alliance' (CCCA). It's professionally produced and provides links (in the pdf) to all assertions made. Most of the claims that the vaccines cause serious adverse reactions, including death, are based on the VAERS reporting system in the U.S. and the Yellow Card reporting system here in the U.K. What the CCCA highlight is that Pfizer's own trial data clearly shows that the vaccine causes more harm than good, which means that governments and their agencies (i.e. UKHSA, MHRA and JCVI here in the U.K.) must also be aware of this. Yet, they rubber stamped the roll out of the vaccine anyway. Unbelievable! At best, this makes them completely incompetent and not fit for purpose and, at worst, guilty of crimes against humanity.

Really sick to death with all this Covid fiasco.

I think forcing other people to take the vaccine, enforcing vaccine passports AND giving vaccines to young children and teenagers who are more at risk to the vaccine than Covid is criminal. The Auzzies really messed up with this one. Not allowing people in to the country including their own citizens is also insane criminality and restrictions of rights and freedoms imo.

There is no science behind these controls. Just effed up politicians and scientists playing freaking roles on a stage they find them selves. Age and Weight are two of the biggest factors in deaths by Covid yet there is no data on these two factors. Just deaths within 30 days...

If I died in a traffic accident in the 20 days following my recovery from Covid last year - (and I was only off work for 3 days WFH) I would have been labelled as a Covid death.

It's all so much b0ll0x - makes me 😡.