Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Hi normal person. They are all mine. Years ago someone described me as a misanthrope - yes, I was way ahead of the curve.
Hi n_t,
You probably didn't intend it as a compliment, but I take being described as 'a normal person' as such. I'm feeling increasingly abnornmal these days, constantly fighting what appears to be a losing battle and swimming against the tide. I'm utterly baffled and dismayed by what strikes me as a complete lack of common sense and reason by the majority of people who think of themselves as normal - family and friends included. Anyway, unless you object, I'd like to pinch your line: "This is what it will come to in the end, having the vaccine not to inoculate against a virus, but to inoculate against stigma, persecution and discrimination...what a fucked up society we live in." - as it sums up the current situation re. vaccines to perfection.
Hi At',
I wouldn't criticise anyone for deciding to have the vaccine - it's their choice - just as it's mine not to have it. However, sometimes I'm frustrated by the reasons given for having the vaccine and I'm very critical in some cases. In your case, you believe it will offer you some protection against the virus and, to my mind, this is an excellent reason to have it. Indeed, it is the only reason to have it. IMO,"Having an easier life when travelling and being accepted to various places and making others feel a little more comfortable" are two equally excellent reasons not to have the vaccine. The former is tantamount to coersion which is completely unnacceptable and the latter is based on flawed logic. Why? Because if the vaccine works, it matters not one jot that someone else has decided not to have it. And if it doesn't work, why are we being coerced into taking it? 'My freedoms don't stop where your fear starts' is what I will say to anyone who wants me to have the vaccine just so that they can feel a little more comfortable.

As for the testing of the vaccines, I'll evaluate the evidence when phase 3 trials are complete in circa 2022/3 and if/when the MHRA investigate the 1,400 deaths and over 1,000,000 adverse reactions reported on the Yellow Card system. Until those are known then, as far as I'm concerned, it's just one great big (very dangerous) experiment . 😉

Hi Tim,

And yes you are correct with much of your analysis and I do hear you and concur. The primary reason is to gain some level of protection and minimise the impact of anything I do catch in the next flu season, rather than now. I think it's highly improbable I'll catch anything over the summer period.

Some people are getting delta and living through it and the verdict is that the headache and symptoms are bad but after a week they are over.

Having said that I can not deny the other points were factors. I may have succumbed to them yes and largely when that pressure comes from my family and friends. Add to that convenience when travelling and going places... well anything for a quiet life as they say.

I do support other peeps who are against it and do not look upon anyone not taking the vaccine in a different light (being one myself until recently). Moreover, when you get the jab, they give you a little card to stick in your wallet and carry around with you - almost like an identity card. Bit strange one's word and integrity are no longer trusted anymore. The cards are nothing fancy and easy enough to reproduce but all very strange as they were never issued before to those having the usual winter flu vaccine.
Hi Tim,

And yes you are correct with much of your analysis and I do hear you and concur. The primary reason is to gain some level of protection and minimise the impact of anything I do catch in the next flu season, rather than now. I think it's highly improbable I'll catch anything over the summer period.

Some people are getting delta and living through it and the verdict is that the headache and symptoms are bad but after a week they are over.

Having said that I can not deny the other points were factors. I may have succumbed to them yes and largely when that pressure comes from my family and friends. Add to that convenience when travelling and going places... well anything for a quiet life as they say.

I do support other peeps who are against it and do not look upon anyone not taking the vaccine in a different light (being one myself until recently). Moreover, when you get the jab, they give you a little card to stick in your wallet and carry around with you - almost like an identity card. Bit strange one's word and integrity are no longer trusted anymore. The cards are nothing fancy and easy enough to reproduce but all very strange as they were never issued before to those having the usual winter flu vaccine.
What a well balanced and reasonable response.
Overall I concur with the above and also agree with the analogy to the Bull at the bullfight….. most of us are sick and tired of being subjugated by politicians, Health experts, the terrified and the witless. The hope is that by getting the vaccine the aformentioned will STFU and we can get on with life.
One would hope eventually the worm will turn when people realise actually how stupid and manipulated they really are through this whole saga after they have stopped being bombarded and getting back some perspective.

Vaccines Are All In Your Head

The jury's still out as to whether or not GBNews will fulfill it's mission of accurately and fairly representing all views and not just those of the progressive woke liberal left. Time will tell. One thing's for sure though, Neil Oliver is a star - he's great - and boy oh boy what I'd give to have hair like his! Enjoy . . .

The jury's still out as to whether or not GBNews will fulfill it's mission of accurately and fairly representing all views and not just those of the progressive woke liberal left. Time will tell. One thing's for sure though, Neil Oliver is a star - he's great - and boy oh boy what I'd give to have hair like his! Enjoy . . .

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This deserves ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
UK Column recently hosted this, covers all aspects with an impressive speaker list:-

I recently collected the deaths involving covid by age group for 2020, its not anything we dont already know but when its laid out... Shame they dont include the info when informing the public on the dangers of covid.
deaths by age group.jpg

I had an exchange with someone who suggested being unjabbed, getting covid and dying was like playing russian roulette, literally.
I asked him if he knew how many empty chambers he had before rolling up his sleeve? Silence. I guess it goes that way for most folks.
The plague finally found me on the 2nd July. Thankfully the hammer came down on one of the 5,275 empty chambers and after a seven day headache and temporary loss of smell, I survived, as did my daughter and gf. As a believer of airborne transmission I thought id do some experimentation. Collecting breath condensate on clean glass, I swabbed and tested with the lateral flow tests I have, negative!? Genuine surprise and view changed.
Top scientists remain puzzled over how and why Covid spreads
LB= Lite breathing
HB= Heavy breathing (thinking sprinting 100m)
SPT = Coughed up grolly (spat into a glass and tested, no surprise here but makes me wonder why we have to shove swabs up noses and down our throats!?)

The rest of the tests are using stand op. All done by the 11th, one of the lucky 3.8 million 45-49yo in England n Wales.
my tests.jpg
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This is a must watch.
It's a talk given by Robert Malone, MD, MS, internationally recognised scientist and original inventor of mRNA- & DNA-vaccination technologies. It's long, so if you want to skip the introduction begin watching at the 35:15 mark of the video. Enjoy . . .
