Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

I see though that you are more than happy continuing the USAophobia from the Ukraine invasion thread.
I read this as a second troll is commenting on my post with off topic BS.

The deadly coronaviruses: The 2003 SARS pandemic and the 2020 novel coronavirus epidemic in China (March 2020)​

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Nobody mentioned Russia on the thread, until you did.

I see though that you are more than happy continuing the USAophobia from the Ukraine invasion thread.

We may have arrived at a consensus on this thread, that Faucci outsourced gain of function research to the Wuhan Virology Institute and that sloppy Lab procedures in China allowed the virus to escape and spread worldwide.

Yes but US activities don't stop there do they?

They have bio-labs in all over the world including Nigeria and other small countries with weak standards and laws, conducting illegal R&D.

You are making a big assumption stating China "allowed" the virus to escape?
Either way guys, really doesn't matter who did what when as the virus once out will not discriminate about the victims that fall to it. I'm sure quiet a few peeps know / have family and friends who were taken by so called Covid-19.

What is important is that the rule of law is followed.

From my perspective, I find it wholly unethical to conduct illegal R&D activities in other countries which are deemed too dangerous in one's own - in exchange for money.

“Every Bit as Bad and Biased as Feared”: A Review of the BBC’s “Unvaccinated”

In the future, when the historians examine how the BBC went from being one of the finest broadcasters in the world - the benchmark against which all others are judged - to being one of the most loathed for failing so lamentably to live up to its mission statement: "to act in the public interest . . . inform, educate and entertain" - then last Wednesday's program entitled 'Unvaccinated' will be cited as the straw that broke the camel's back. If anyone is in any doubt about how biased the organisation has become - then look no further than this dreadful output laughably described as a documentary. A sales pitch for big pharma would be more accurate.

Needless to say, this only applies to their coverage of the pandemic and vaccines, their reporting of the Ukraine war is completely unbiased, evidenced based and factual!

Hardly a surprise. They financed the Wuhan research.

Hardly a surprise. They financed the Wuhan research.

No wonder they are losing in Ukraine. Their intelligence is about 3 yrs out of date.

Hardly a surprise. They financed the Wuhan research.
Regardless of whether the US was involved with Wuhan or not, you have to realize that it would have to be with the Chinese government’s permission. Almost nothing happens in China without their knowledge so it’s almost a guarantee that their government knew what was going on in that lab and continued to give permission for the US to do research there. If indeed the US funded it.

In my opinion, the questions should be: Why would China’s government allow this lab to be set up by the US in their country in the first place? What was the Chinese government getting out of this deal?

Don’t underestimate the surveillance state that exists in China.
Regardless of whether the US was involved with Wuhan or not, you have to realize that it would have to be with the Chinese government’s permission. Almost nothing happens in China without their knowledge so it’s almost a guarantee that their government knew what was going on in that lab and continued to give permission for the US to do research there. If indeed the US funded it.

In my opinion, the questions should be: Why would China’s government allow this lab to be set up by the US in their country in the first place? What was the Chinese government getting out of this deal?

Don’t underestimate the surveillance state that exists in China.

You do have a valid point JL I accept both parties need to be accountable.

However, the point remains and one which has been laboured.

The US conducts gain-of-function research on viruses to learn about their transmission, whilst making them more "transible" in humans; an activity that is illegal in the US.

Are you not concerned that such dangerous research is conducted by US funded Biolabs, in other countries such as China, Ukraine and Nigeria?

Do you not see that even if you wash your hands of accountability/responsibility, ultimately, all humans will be impacted by them?
You do have a valid point JL I accept both parties need to be accountable.

However, the point remains and one which has been laboured.

The US conducts gain-of-function research on viruses to learn about their transmission, whilst making them more "transible" in humans; an activity that is illegal in the US.

Are you not concerned that such dangerous research is conducted by US funded Biolabs, in other countries such as China, Ukraine and Nigeria?

Do you not see that even if you wash your hands of accountability/responsibility, ultimately, all humans will be impacted by them?
I agree with you that it is wrong for ANY country, be it the US (or another) to make diseases more lethal and /or transmissible. Especially if the intent is to develop it as a weapon and not merely for medical research.

Regardless of the researchers’ intent, you are right. All humankind will suffer if these horrible diseases escape the lab so they shouldn’t be developed in the first place.

Is this the first time I agree with one of your posts?
I agree with you that it is wrong for ANY country, be it the US (or another) to make diseases more lethal and /or transmissible. Especially if the intent is to develop it as a weapon and not merely for medical research.

Regardless of the researchers’ intent, you are right. All humankind will suffer if these horrible diseases escape the lab so they shouldn’t be developed in the first place.

Is this the first time I agree with one of your posts?

I'm sure it's not the first or the last.

Attached is an excellent report on the Covid ‘vaccine’ evidence, written by a PhD pharmacist. It's very comprehensive, but handy to download and keep as a reference or share. Below the link is the conclusion (p42) which sums up the whole report very well.

The introduction and worldwide use of COVID-19 gene-based ‘vaccines’ has been associated, in the short term, with far more deaths, illnesses, injuries, and disabilities than any other therapeutic agent in the history of medicine. Due to the total lack of any long-term safety data, the potential future iatrogenic* effects (including neurological, immunological and carcinogenic effects) may be even more devastating.

Despite initial claims, the COVID-19 gene-based ‘vaccines’ have now been shown to possess disappointing clinical efficacy - they neither prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection nor do they prevent transmission of the virus; any immunological protection wanes rapidly and, coincident with the emergence of the Omicron variant, evidence of negative vaccine efficacy is being reported in many countries including Australia.

In light of widely reported emerging and compelling evidence, there appears to be little scientific or clinical justification to support vaccine mandates as a health policy.

The latest hospital admission statistics do not support the claim that unvaccinated individuals are more at risk of serious COVID-19 disease, hospitalisation or death. Excess non-COVID-19 related deaths coincident with the introduction of the gene based ‘vaccines’ are now being reported by many countries, and suggest a surge in heart attack and stroke among both the young, adolescents and middle age individuals (especially males).

Advocating the worldwide use of a new class of serious COVID-19 gene-based ‘vaccines’ never before deployed, and advocated for use in healthy individuals of all ages regardless of clinical status (eg. natural immunity, pregnancy etc), with relatively little short-term safety data and no long-term safety data, is neither prudent or necessary and defies the Precautionary Principle.

The knowledge that the synthetic mRNA in both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines can enter the nucleus of human liver cells in culture, raises the serious questions about genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and adverse impact on future generations. Disturbing safety signals regarding fertility and miscarriages are emerging.

Given the statistically or virtually nil risk of serious COVID-19 in general affecting children aged 6 months to 11 or 12 years of age and the clear and significant risk of serious adverse effects including myocarditis, pericarditis and death in this age group – there seems to be little benefit to be gained by vaccinating these children.

Considerable scientific, clinical and statistical epidemiological data and understanding has been acquired since the introduction (on a provisional basis only) of the investigational COVID-19 gene-based “vaccines”. Many of the initial ambitious claims and assumed perceptions regarding the safety and efficacy of these serious therapeutics have now been invalidated and it is now time to review and reconsider the utility of these products in light of the known unprecedented level of serious adverse reactions and death attributed to their use.

The urgency for this review cannot be overestimated given the current and potential future impact on the health and well being of all Australians.

Phillip M. Altman

*Relating to illness caused by medical examination or treatment.