Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Hi c_v,
I've seen this video and thought about posing it here and decided against it. I may be wrong, but my (mis?)understanding is that the patents relate to the original Sars-Cov in 2007 - or there abouts. Also, the claims made by Dr. David Martin have been roundly rebuffed - check out this link:

New ‘Plandemic’ Video Peddles Misinformation, Conspiracies

Scroll down to the heading entitled 'David Martin & Patent Claims' if you don't want to read the whole thing.
Yes, it's on a supposed 'fact checking' site which usually means it's anything but impartial but, even so, before swallowing the claims that Martin makes hook, line and sinker, I think it's worth evaluating the comments of his critics before making a final decision. At least no one can accuse you/us of confirmation bias!

As for Fauci, I agree, he's a bad egg, but he appears to be getting away with it. I'm amazed he's still in post and hasn't resigned or been booted out.

Hi Tim, I'm completely out of touch with events and opinions surrounding Coronavirus. Been far too busy with work to keep abreast of developments.

As to Fauci, whatever mental disorder he suffers from, once you start down a path, I would imagine it's very difficult to correct/cover for past errors and so he makes the call to continue down the road he is on.

Doubling down.
The higher they climb, the further they fall.
When in a hole, stop digging.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave"

Or, he could be just plain evil.
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Just to be clear:

Fauci = Criminal Genocidal Mass Murdering Homicidal Lying Megalomaniac.

Or am I understating his criminality ?

Where is the criminality?
Wasn't it US-funded research into gain-of-function (weaponisation) of SARS?
Where is the criminality?
Wasn't it US-funded research into gain-of-function (weaponisation) of SARS?

The US outlawed gain of function research a good while back. Fauci made the decision to circumvent this little problem by funding it's continuance over in China.

If this isn't a criminal act, then I don't know what is.
Where is the criminality?
Wasn't it US-funded research into gain-of-function (weaponisation) of SARS?
Well, technically, I suppose that makes it war criminality, then.

Which became more conventional crime when outsourcing the funding after said 'weaponisation' was outlawed in the US.

The US outlawed gain of function research a good while back. Fauci made the decision to circumvent this little problem by funding it's continuance over in China.

If this isn't a criminal act, then I don't know what is.

The US has EPA laws to proscribe damage to the environment, so companies transfer their polluting and damaging processes to China.

The are US laws to protect workers from exploitation, as well as minimum wages, but we are fine buying Apple Iphones from China where those laws don't exist.

Make anything illegal here, and then go to anywhere else, knowing they have laxer laws, and turn a blind-eye to the safety of others, as long as it doesn't harm "one of us".

It's just out-sourcing, then?
Hi c_v,
I've seen this video and thought about posing it here and decided against it. I may be wrong, but my (mis?)understanding is that the patents relate to the original Sars-Cov in 2007 - or there abouts. Also, the claims made by Dr. David Martin have been roundly rebuffed - check out this link:

New ‘Plandemic’ Video Peddles Misinformation, Conspiracies

Scroll down to the heading entitled 'David Martin & Patent Claims' if you don't want to read the whole thing.
Yes, it's on a supposed 'fact checking' site which usually means it's anything but impartial but, even so, before swallowing the claims that Martin makes hook, line and sinker, I think it's worth evaluating the comments of his critics before making a final decision. At least no one can accuse you/us of confirmation bias!

As for Fauci, I agree, he's a bad egg, but he appears to be getting away with it. I'm amazed he's still in post and hasn't resigned or been booted out.
I always like to consider a balanced variety of sources before coming to any conclusions.

Generally, '' is very strong on peddling propaganda, but rather less so, on actually checking of facts.
It rather conveniently ignores or overlooks any facts that don't fit it's agenda. A simple and quite effective strategy.
Whilst it does rightly rebuke things which have been presented out of context and makes much use of facts that support it's arguments, this doesn't detract from it's own promotion of misinformation and blatant misrepresentation.

Overall, nitpicking a few details, whilst while simply glossing over the swathes of contrary evidence to it's assertions isn't convincing in the least. Has all the hallmarks of conspiring to misinform, glaring from every paragraph of it's pages.

It's spin, spin, and more spin.

It's spin, spin, and more spin.

Yes, I hear you and I broadly agree; the same can be said of FullFact here in the UK.

Whilst the claims made by Dr. Martin in the video that c_v posted are extraordinary, the devil's in the detail which is complicated for a numbscull like me. Suffice to say, patent law and molecular biology aren't my areas of extertise! So, I don't understand either well enough to be able to say that the allegations stack up but, if they do, that would be truly sensational.
A member of Lockdown Sceptics called Jimi Cazot has written an article in response to a Telegraph article on the introduction of Covid vaccine passports. Jimi asks: “If you could go back 10 years and speak to your former self, what would you tell that unsuspecting fool?” Does his answer below ring any bells with T2W members?

In the future, many of your national assets will be owned by China. Most of the goods you buy will be made there too, which you will not purchase from your fellow countrymen but a sole supplier owned by an American.

The most successful politicians will not be elder statesmen committed to public service but young upstarts who view the job as a stepping stone towards tremendous personal wealth in later life.

Your Government will pass bills to quash peaceful protest and enable the recruitment of child spies. This won’t be limited to the intelligence services but bodies like the environmental and food standards agencies too. When you ask “why”, nobody will be able to tell you.

Your Government will set up ‘nudge units’ staffed by unknown behavioural scientists. They will tell you what to eat, drink and how you should behave. There will be patronising health and safety signs everywhere you look.

“The media will grow dependent on Government advertising revenue and cease reporting opinions and events that contradict official narratives.

The internet will be dominated by a small number of big-tech companies who will delete all information that they disagree with.

In the name of safeguarding students from harm, schools and universities will cease debate and enquiry. People with contrary views will be barred from campuses. Even student newspapers will be censored by ‘sensitivity readers’.

At work, you will be made to undergo psychological re-education. The people lecturing you will have no knowledge of psychology but nonetheless try to change you at a subconscious level.

People will be sacked from their jobs for saying there are two biological sexes or for telling an ill-judged joke. They will not be forgiven if they apologise.

Every major institution and employer will sign up to this censorious culture and soon you will censor yourself when speaking to friends and colleagues without even knowing that you’ve done so.

When a virus emerges that only kills 0.3% of those who catch it – the majority of which older than the average span of a life – you will be bombarded, 24-hours a day, by terrifying public messaging.

The police will stop you from meeting a friend for a coffee in the park. They will rummage through your shopping bags to make sure you’ve only bought things that they deem essential. They will film you as you walk in the countryside and put the footage on the internet so to shame you.

Neighbour will be told to spy on neighbour, and when you have friends round for dinner the police will knock on your door and give you a fine.

You will be told to stay two metres away from other people at all times. You will be made to wear a facemask even though there’s no evidence that they do anything at all. When this becomes apparent, scientists will say you must wear them so as not to frighten other people. Your freedom will end where another’s fear begins.

Families will be kept from dying loved ones. Widows will be denied the comfort of human touch. Daughters will be arrested for collecting their mothers from care homes.

Vast numbers of children will be sent home from school and denied a proper education just because one classmate lost their sense of smell.

Weddings will be cancelled. Nightclubs will be closed. Churches will be shut. Singing and dancing will be prohibited. Lovers will be kept apart.

Vaccines will be created using messenger ribonucleic acid technology. When the inventor of that technology warns against its use by those at little risk from the virus, records of him will be expunged and someone more ‘helpful’ will be credited with his work.

You will be told that the vaccine isn’t compulsory, yet those who refuse might be sacked from their jobs. They will be made to queue for longer at airports. They will be put under house arrest if they come into contact with someone who has the virus, whilst those who have had it will not. They will be stopped from going to bars and stadiums. There will be two classes of people: the clean and the unclean.

Your unassailable and decadent leaders will ignore the rules they set for others again and again, blissfully untroubled by the cries of hypocrisy.

Global leaders, bureaucrats, scientists, royalty and the super-rich will meet in private to discuss how we all must live. They’ll say there are too many people and not enough resources, but nobody will ask who we should get rid of and how. Blinded by hubris, they’ll believe that they alone can bring about a utopian future. The language they speak will be impenetrable to most, it made up of meaningless phrases like ‘stakeholder capitalism’, ‘collectivisation’, ‘sustainable development’ and ‘Build Back Better’. Every now and then, however, they’ll make things very clear: “You will own nothing. You will rent everything. You will be happy.”

Few will question what this means, how it will be brought about or what mandate they have for doing so. Those who do, or any of the above, will be insulted, ridiculed and so pushed to the margins of society that they are effectively silenced.

Most will stand on their front doorstep at 8pm every Thursday, clapping their hands and bashing saucepans.

Now, what do you think your former self would say?
Bravo @timsk

And yet the insanity has barely just begun, yet.

In addition.

Before the year is out, the Government will 'support' the long suffering masses by;

Cutting Aid spending.

Increasing Taxes.

Reducing payments to the most vulnerable.

Ensuring crippled businesses cannot afford to re-open.

Making vaccination compulsory by stealth. [those who choose to remain unjabbed will be excluded from society]

Overseeing mass evictions of those unable to clear huge arrears on substantially reduced incomes.

Calling rampant inflation caused by record devaluation of the currency a 'temporary blip'.

Fiddling the figures to obscure the real, highest unemployment rates in generations.

Curtailing any and all dissent by labeling such as 'misinformation' and criminalizing persistent dissenters.

... to list just the first few most obvious things that will comprise 'the new normal' as they 'build back better'.

So, don't be too surprised when the ensuing rioting and looting and mob violence are the norm on UK streets.


As I understand it, being jabbed doesn't stop you from catching or passing on Covid19. Yet working in a care home means you WILL have the jab.

What am I missing here !
Hi c_v,
Spot on! That said I'll be devil's advocate and say that the official narrative is that yes, those double jabbed can still contract and spread the virus but, crucially, they are 75% less likely to do that than the unvaccinated. That's why everyone must get vaccinated and why it's compulsory for care home staff to do so. I'm yet to see any evidence to support these figures - but that's my understanding of the government's latest position.

I liken the general public to a prize bull in a Spanish bull fight. Before the matador even enters the ring to taunt the animal with his red cape and then killing it, the bull has been run ragged by picadors who charge at it on horsback and plunge lances into the animal's shoulder. The animal is so weak and distressed that it stands little chance against the matador. The british public are akin to the knackered bull; they are so worn out and worn down after 16 months of relentless fear porn that they have lost all sense of reason and common sense, such that they are willing to accept just about any nonsense the government - or SAGE 'scientists' come out with.

My/our only hope is that so called freedom day next Monday 19th acts like a reviving tonic to the subdued, cowed and compliant masses, and that gradually and collectively they start to see sense and reject the tyranny imposed upon them. Fingers crossed!
It'll all come out in the wash ! Fauci up to his neck in it. Follow the money.

Just a little update on this vid' that c_v posted . . .
'The Conservative Woman' has picked up the story and published this aricle: Twenty-year genetic trail behind Covid’s creation
It's still too complicated for a simpleton like me!
Hi c_v,
Spot on! That said I'll be devil's advocate and say that the official narrative is that yes, those double jabbed can still contract and spread the virus but, crucially, they are 75% less likely to do that than the unvaccinated. That's why everyone must get vaccinated and why it's compulsory for care home staff to do so. I'm yet to see any evidence to support these figures - but that's my understanding of the government's latest position.

I liken the general public to a prize bull in a Spanish bull fight. Before the matador even enters the ring to taunt the animal with his red cape and then killing it, the bull has been run ragged by picadors who charge at it on horsback and plunge lances into the animal's shoulder. The animal is so weak and distressed that it stands little chance against the matador. The british public are akin to the knackered bull; they are so worn out and worn down after 16 months of relentless fear porn that they have lost all sense of reason and common sense, such that they are willing to accept just about any nonsense the government - or SAGE 'scientists' come out with.

My/our only hope is that so called freedom day next Monday 19th acts like a reviving tonic to the subdued, cowed and compliant masses, and that gradually and collectively they start to see sense and reject the tyranny imposed upon them. Fingers crossed!

This is from the Tom Woods newsletter and I could not agree more. It perfectly summarizes what I have always believed about the 'general public' (Highlights are mine)...

The UK-based rapper known as Zuby recently listed 20 of them on Twitter, and his list went viral.

I thought you'd enjoy it:

20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The "Pandemic"

1. Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.

2. At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.

3. Fear of death is only rivaled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.

4. Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.

5. Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.

6. Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.

7. Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.

8. Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.

9. Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors -- for better or worse.

10. When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.

11. People who are dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.

12. Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said "safety" is merely an illusion.

13. Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to "normal."

14. A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.

15. "The Science" has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.

16. Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.

17. Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.

18. If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.

19. Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.

20. It's easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
fwiw After much reading and deliberation, I've had the Pfizer jab yesterday and 2nd jab booked for Sept.

My reasons are that this virus is a new strain that will go around for the next 3-10 years difficult to know when herd immunity will be reached.

The vaccine I expect will provide some level of protection perhaps reducing the symptoms. I recognise it will not make me immune to it. However, I have heard of stories where one person gets it and another is totally immune to it and tests come back negative.

I still don't see this as a pandemic and welcome it to some respects in culling Earths population by natural selection so to speak, eliminating unfit individuals. Hope that doesn't upset anyone as I do appreciate it has taken with it some young peeps too. It is sad when young people who have not had a long life pass away.

Having an easier life when travelling and being accepted to various places and making others feel a little more comfortable was a factor too. Unlike me, my son who works with the public is worried and gets most annoyed when others flout the hygiene and mask rules. He feels if the vaccine helps beat the virus then we should ideally all have it.

Finally, with the Pfizer vaccine delivered to about 150m people and given to other members of my family; it has been well and truly tested by now.
Having an easier life when travelling and being accepted to various places and making others feel a little more comfortable was a factor too.

This is what it will come to in the end, having the vaccine not to inoculate against a virus, but to inoculate against stigma, persecution and discrimination...what a fucked up society we live in.
I still don't see this as a pandemic and welcome it to some respects in culling Earths population by natural selection so to speak, eliminating unfit individuals. Hope that doesn't upset anyone as I do appreciate it has taken with it some young peeps too. It is sad when young people who have not had a long life pass away.
Hardly "natural selection" is it.

One group suppressing and exploiting another group. That's how it works with everything that humans do. It's no different in the animal kingdom is it !

The trick to survival is to ensure you are never in the exploited group.
fwiw After much reading and deliberation, I've had the Pfizer jab yesterday and 2nd jab booked for Sept.

My reasons are that this virus is a new strain that will go around for the next 3-10 years difficult to know when herd immunity will be reached.

The vaccine I expect will provide some level of protection perhaps reducing the symptoms. I recognise it will not make me immune to it. However, I have heard of stories where one person gets it and another is totally immune to it and tests come back negative.

I still don't see this as a pandemic and welcome it to some respects in culling Earths population by natural selection so to speak, eliminating unfit individuals. Hope that doesn't upset anyone as I do appreciate it has taken with it some young peeps too. It is sad when young people who have not had a long life pass away.

Having an easier life when travelling and being accepted to various places and making others feel a little more comfortable was a factor too. Unlike me, my son who works with the public is worried and gets most annoyed when others flout the hygiene and mask rules. He feels if the vaccine helps beat the virus then we should ideally all have it.

Finally, with the Pfizer vaccine delivered to about 150m people and given to other members of my family; it has been well and truly tested by now.
Hi At',
I wouldn't criticise anyone for deciding to have the vaccine - it's their choice - just as it's mine not to have it. However, sometimes I'm frustrated by the reasons given for having the vaccine and I'm very critical in some cases. In your case, you believe it will offer you some protection against the virus and, to my mind, this is an excellent reason to have it. Indeed, it is the only reason to have it. IMO,"Having an easier life when travelling and being accepted to various places and making others feel a little more comfortable" are two equally excellent reasons not to have the vaccine. The former is tantamount to coersion which is completely unnacceptable and the latter is based on flawed logic. Why? Because if the vaccine works, it matters not one jot that someone else has decided not to have it. And if it doesn't work, why are we being coerced into taking it? 'My freedoms don't stop where your fear starts' is what I will say to anyone who wants me to have the vaccine just so that they can feel a little more comfortable.

As for the testing of the vaccines, I'll evaluate the evidence when phase 3 trials are complete in circa 2022/3 and if/when the MHRA investigate the 1,400 deaths and over 1,000,000 adverse reactions reported on the Yellow Card system. Until those are known then, as far as I'm concerned, it's just one great big (very dangerous) experiment . 😉
This is what it will come to in the end, having the vaccine not to inoculate against a virus, but to inoculate against stigma, persecution and discrimination...what a fucked up society we live in.
Are these your own words n_t? If so, they're brilliant, I take my hat off to you! If they are someone elses, do you know who?