Hi David,
I think that there's a tendency to imbue the word pandemic with greater meaning and importance than it actually has. The WHO define it thus:
"A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.
An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges and spreads around the world, and most people do not have immunity. Viruses that have caused past pandemics typically originated from animal influenza viruses. . ."
The only obvious areas of contention in the WHO definition is what constitutes a new disease / virus and how many people have immunity. Personally, I have no problem accepting that SARS Cov 2 is new in as much as this particular strain of virus wasn't around 18 months ago and that most people aren't immune to it, i.e. they're susceptible to catching it. I guess you think differently about this - and that's fair enough.
You've mentioned this before and, assuming you're correct, it doesn't change the fact that lots of people are getting sick and some of them are dying. Those people aren't going to give a toss about whether or not the virus has been isolated, exposed and documented; to them that's irrelevent. If I'm unlucky enough to end up in hospital with the virus, I'm afraid I won't take any comfort from you telling me: "Don't worry Tim, the virus has never been isolated". ;-)
Your points 2 and 3 about the PCR test and excess deaths respectively are ones that I agree with completely. The BBC report last week claiming that 2020 saw more deaths since the second world war was highly misleading and grossly irresponsible, IMO.
I think that there's a tendency to imbue the word pandemic with greater meaning and importance than it actually has. The WHO define it thus:
A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.
If there is a
new disease you have to be able to prove it. There is no proof. It is for those who claim covid 19 exists to prove it. Why settle for anything less than cast iron proof? Why shut the world down for anything less than that? Shouldn't be difficult to demonstrate. It can't be demonstrated because it is a lie.
People dying with flu like symptoms is
not a new disease. This is manipulating language. Seasonal flu albeit new strains, qualify as an
endemic. I suggest we stick with that word and not suddenly c
hange the definition of 'pandemic'. and not have the cabal that is the pharma industry, which includes the WHO, the regulators and the funded scientists decide what words get changed to suit their agenda.
Unchallenged, that will tend to become a habit Tim. Perfectly healthy people will be deemed sick unless they are drugged with something. We have strains of virus and all kinds of other germs in us at all times, so they will easily make the case for it. We're already at the point where we are deemed to be infected unless tested negative (with a test that cannot identify a virus never isolated) The tuth will be whatever they say it is now that they have set this dangerous precedent. most people will comply on command.
The only obvious areas of contention in the WHO definition is what constitutes a new disease / virus and how many people have immunity
I have several areas of contention with the scum who are running this agenda .Changing the meaning of words has become a habit for the WHO:
herd immunity
Why the need for change? Why is nobody questioning it?
'anti vaxxer' 'covid denier' - These are are new ones, but the intent is old; isolate those who disagree.
But we know why the language is being changed don't we? It is to further an Agenda. We know why they are using the word 'Pandemic' it is to instill fear and compliance and to create an excuse for the long planned 'financial reset'
That agenda was planned before we were born. I'm going to suggest that the human body doesn't need big pharma to survive on the surface of the planet with flu virus. I 'll bet that Germ theory winning over Terrain theory has a lot more to do with money than it has to do with science. We should be questioning everything that this industry has ever told us.
If I'm unlucky enough to end up in hospital with the virus, I'm afraid I won't take any comfort from you telling me: "Don't worry Tim, the virus has never been isolated".
I accept that point Tim, but that doesn't offset the shutting down of freedom based on a lie does it? I'm not going to swallow a lie in the hope that it aids your recovery. And for selfish reasons, I don't want you to be ill, we need all the red pilled people we can get