Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

I'm not going bother repeating myself on this particular subject (again) but I thought the attached article might amuse you, if nothing else. It's from last year and deals with the link between Neanderthal ancestry and severe CV19. Most Europeans have some neanderthal in them but I was interested to see that the highest levels of such ancestry and therefore linked susceptibility are in SE Asia, Southern China and PNG.

The pdf is 6Mb so I hope you'll be satisfied with:

Hmm, don't know about amuse me. Had to pop out to Tesco for more paracetamol.
Hmm, don't know about amuse me. Had to pop out to Tesco for more paracetamol.
That's definitely a sign of severe virus! You should move on to tried and tested treatments - I suggest a pint of Guinness* followed by a quick rub-down with the Sporting Life and then a cold shower.

* You could try drinking some of it rather than using it all on the conventional massage technique.

But this is good, surely?

It only takes a few viral vids like this one to reveal the true purpose of the police, which is to be the muscle of the State and enforce compliance.

Which quickly dispels the widely held misconception that the role of the police is to protect us all from nasty murderers and robbers and the like.

It isn't and never has been.

This is not to comment on the merits or otherwise of this reality, just to recognize it.

Anyone else angry about Police 'picnicking' in pubic, and the complete lack of remorse for their lawbreaking along with the intimidation of the innocent member of the public.

Given that a cup of tea is classed as a picnic now.
Police fine two friends walking in park after officers claimed cups of tea counted as picnic
All sounding very familiar to older Europeans....

What's next??

'Un-vaccinated persons will be required to were a large patch on their outermost layer of clothing when in public'

In order that the public can protect themselves from risk of infection, of course.

All sounding very familiar to older Europeans....

What's next??

'Un-vaccinated persons will be required to were a large patch on their outermost layer of clothing when in public'

In order that the public can protect themselves from risk of infection, of course.

I suddenly get a nervous feeling the moment before I turn on the shower, but feel so much better when warm water comes out.
I suddenly get a nervous feeling the moment before I turn on the shower, but feel so much better when warm water comes out.
...on this occasion.

But enough of this levity already. To my mind, the shenanigans that we're living through are not designed to do anything to us this time around. As I've said elsewhere (repeatedly) the idea of a pandemic was being seriously discussed decades ago. (2017) (2010)

...and so on.

The EU got as far as trying to set up a test for such a few years ago (2017?) but simply couldn't get the various national governments to commit the necessary funds or effort for something that was probably not going to happen during their respective tenures.(oops!) The mortality rates for the posited future pandemics suggested in several of the earlier papers ranged from around 1% or less to 15%+ . Fortunately (or unfortunately) we are now living through that test and we are all guinness pigs to a degree during this mild pandemic with its mortality rate of below 2% - so all in all, a very easy and unspectacular kind of pandemic ; one or two of the papers I had occasion to read reckoned that a mortality rate of about 7% odd would lead to a breakdown in society. Even if earlier research assessments are news to the general public they certainly aren't to government and academia across the world. I wonder if public opinion would be as it is with a mortality rate of say 5%, which is still very much towards the bottom of the scale.

Enjoy your shower and don't drop the soap.
Those darn 'merikans wont take their shots. Not just the illiterate Trump supporting conservative insurrectors, but the nurses and doctors who understand these things better than any of us!

"Some hospitals around the country are reporting that 40 percent or more of their health care workers who could be getting a Covid-19 vaccine are not immediately signing up for it. Other health facilities have had so many extra doses from employees who declined the vaccine that people outside the first priority group — including a sheriff’s deputy and a Disney employee — have ended up getting shots."

All this is from a pinky communist lefty website ...

What do they know that we don't.
On a highlands note:

The fish lady has tightened the rules in Scotland.

effective forthwith

You must stay in your croft.
You may only leave to pay the Sherrif's taxes, exercise your haggis or dig peat.
But if you have a positive test or strong infectious symptoms, you may travel to Westminster and infect the infidels.
Sporrans must be worn at all times.
Medicinal drams of whiskey are strictly limited to once per day.

Any breaches of the rules will result in immediate evictions and clearances by notice of the high court.

English invaders must be repelled at once. Anyone found to be harboring tourists for profit will be executed.

By Order of The Ministry of the Glens.

And if you were thinking of doing a wee bit of DIY or redecorating to while away lockdown tedium, think again.

This one is being passed into law, no exaggeration, as the trout would say. -

"Home maintenance is only permitted within a private dwelling if it is essential for the upkeep, maintenance and functioning of the household."

You'll be needing a permit to piss soon.

Medical Oxygen is manufactured just like all high purity gasses.
The likes of BOC , Air Products , Linde Gas etc
Oxygen is an element so you can't manufacture it. From Wikipedia "In small medical centers with a low patient capacity, oxygen is usually supplied by a manifold of multiple high-pressure cylinders. In areas where a bulk system or high-pressure cylinder manifold is not suitable, oxygen may be supplied by an oxygen concentrator".

The NHS will sometimes loan out portable concentrators to individual patients to use at home. O2 is about 21% of our atmosphere, it just needs concentrating and bottling.