Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

That's called "debate" and a great example of what an argument is usually not.

If one makes a serious point then one can expect to be taken seriously and if you haven't got all your ducks in a row (which reminds me: what happened to Captain Currency?) then the stragglers will get picked off. Your rebuttal, snide and as disingenuous as you accuse Jon of being, is also part of debate. As for "petty silliness", it seems to me that it's in good company with the rest of our friends here on T2W: entrenched opinions, bias, prejudice and ignorance and so on, ad nauseam.

Seeing as we're all grown-ups, I think that some counsel from Winnie The Pooh is more than appropriate:

“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.” A.A Milne

You along with the rest ought to have been charged admission to the C_V v Att show on the Brexit thread. 🤣
They flocked from far and wide to get their daily fix of unvarnished truth, lies and spin. 👍
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You along with the rest ought to have been charged admission to the C_V v Att show on the Brexit thread. 🤣
They flocked from far and wide to get their daily fix of unvarnished truth, lies and spin. 👍
"Lies and spin" ...yum!! "unvarnished"...alriiiight-ish..... but "truth"??? Where? When? Whose?
Absolutely !

Not that it's a such bad thing at all.

It's been, without question, the most splendid money making opportunity I've ever experienced.

If only they'd phuc up this badly more often, I'd be a millionaire by now.

You along with the rest ought to have been charged admission to the C_V v Att show on the Brexit thread. 🤣
They flocked from far and wide to get their daily fix of unvarnished truth, lies and spin. 👍

Speak for your self CV there were no fibs from my side.

You are displaying OCD symptoms though that's for sure. You need to see a mental health bod. 😱
This strikes me as being an accurate summation of where we are with Covid, what the government has got wrong (spoiler alert: everything!) and what needs to happen to manage the virus effectively. Logical, common sense observations from Dr. John Lee who, needless to say, is not on the SAGE committee. Enjoy . . .

This strikes me as being an accurate summation of where we are with Covid, what the government has got wrong (spoiler alert: everything!) and what needs to happen to manage the virus effectively. Logical, common sense observations from Dr. John Lee who, needless to say, is not on the SAGE committee. Enjoy . . .

Yep absolutely spot on imho and that is an informed opinion imo. 🤔 👍
'The crisis has been caused by the dysfunctional responses of incompetent Government'.

And long may the insanity continue, there's nothing (well, short of having a war), like trashing the entire economy to generate vast profit making opportunities.

Don't stop now, keep the gravy train on track.

Hi cant',
Only you know who you had in mind when you wrote this - but it most certainly doesn't apply to me. . .
Your objectivity on such subjectivity is admirable...or at least (in my opinion as an articulate, educated, informed, unbiased, intelligent member of society*) I certainly think so😛

* I forgot "modest"
* I forgot "modest"
lol cant',
Believe it or not, all my life I've been plagued by a chronic lack of self confidence and belief. One of the joys of forums like this one is that I feel able to stick up for myself in a way I simply wouldn't do in person. Face to face, I'd agree I'm wrong about everything and am generally a useless waste of space. No one puts me down more than I put myself down.
lol cant',
Believe it or not, all my life I've been plagued by a chronic lack of self confidence and belief. One of the joys of forums like this one is that I feel able to stick up for myself in a way I simply wouldn't do in person. Face to face, I'd agree I'm wrong about everything and am generally a useless waste of space. No one puts me down more than I put myself down.
Probably quite a good thing that we haven't met in person 😘

...and I thank you for not using the alternative vowel in the spelling of my user name - I find it often leads to misunderstandings - or just understandings maybe.
...and I thank you for not using the alternative vowel in the spelling of my user name - I find it often leads to misunderstandings - or just understandings maybe.

I hope I never have and, if I have, I assure you it was a genuine mistake. There's no way I'd ever do that deliberately. On the BuildHub forum I post on, there's a particulartly difficult character there with the name SteamyTea. The first time I replied to one of his posts I inadvertently addressed him as StormyTea. Genuine mistake. In spite of my apologies, he never forgave me and we fell out. I asked him to put me on ignore but he refused. Understandable I suppose because my posts are, as I'm sure you will attest, quite brilliant. (I like this boasting lark - I'm getting into it!) Anyway, the upshot is that I put him (SteamyTea) on ignore and he now holds the dubious distinction of being the only member of an online forum that I subscribe ever to enjoy such status.
1325 deaths today, guys. Still happy it’s all a fuss about nothing?

Right, it's time to nail this for good.

1,325 deaths under the Govt's preferred method of recording. That is to say, they died WITH covid.
Now take out ALL those who would have died anyway.
What are we left with.

We are not being fooled by anyone writing the narrative or those who choose to peddle that narrative parrot fashion.

And whilst you're about it, take a look at the Euromomo link, graphs and charts, scroll down and go through each country. UK as a whole and each country individually shows there is no abnormal death rate. The same applies across Europe. If anything, deaths are way below where they should be for this time of year.

IF there was a pandemic to be concerned about, it swept through each country earlier last year and was over and done with by April. The reason that deaths spiked in that period is simple to understand. It killed off the sick and weak all in one hit.
There is scant evidence that Lock downs have done any good at all. In fact, they might well have done more harm than good, by simply delaying the inevitable and maintaining the supply of low hanging fruit.
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