Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Very dissapointed. 🙁

After trip to local discount wharehouse, I'm sadly able to report that there are mountains of bog roll, tissues and cleaning products available for purchase at perfectly ordinary prices.

Don't they know that there's a National Emergency Crisis and that carrying on as if nothing has happened is grossly irresponsible in the extreme.

And what of the UK? Well, in terms of number of hospital beds per 1000 people we have 2.54 compared to Germany’s 8, Austria’s 7, Poland’s 6.5 etc, etc and you don’t get down the list to our measly 2.54 until you’ve knocked off 20 who have more. And that’s just a Europe list!! Actually we are third from bottom. ‘Course we are the best doncha know - just wash your hands and prepare for the corridor (or car park) if you get really sick.
Don't worry! ....that ratio is soon to be improved... by 3 - 8% depending on which virus expert you reference...which should bring us neck and neck with Turkey's impressive score.
Not knowing what to think. 40,000 deaths expected from the flu annually in the U.S. Trusting China, Fake news, recession, hand sanitizer, world panic, etc. Two things we can bank on. Panic and awful earnings for APPL. That said I am contemplating cashing out heavy and getting back in on the Q1 dip. Bad earnings always cause a dip.
Usual media inherent bias.

50 people die in 50 road traffic accidents = no media interest = nothing much happens.
50 people die in 1 road traffic accident = big media story with reporters in hi-vis at scene, helicopter shots, survivor accounts etc. = road safety pressure groups interviewed on TV = opposition politicians criticising government = government introduces tighter licensing for bus/coach operators with astronomical admin fee (but does not apply to vehicles already on road).
Now, when we start reading about the millions of fleeing cronavirus refugees being tear gassed at the borders and european migrants being intercepted at sea trying to escape in small boats across the med, then, we'll know there's a problem worth a few headlines.


It's only been a couple of weeks and the Italian healthcare system is at breaking point.

A couple more weeks and the UK will be broken from a healthcare system that is already at breaking point, unless UKGov do something about it and soon, unfortunately it looks like broken Britain is on the cards, either that or UKGov believes that there isn't already a healthcare crisis in Britain and the news headlines have been totally fake for the last 10 years!
It's only been a couple of weeks and the Italian healthcare system is at breaking point.

A couple more weeks and the UK will be broken from a healthcare system that is already at breaking point, unless UKGov do something about it and soon, unfortunately it looks like broken Britain is on the cards, either that or UKGov believes that there isn't already a healthcare crisis in Britain and the news headlines have been totally fake for the last 10 years!
But, what do you expect them to do?
Even a top-notch health-service would be hard-pressed to contain this virus?
Short of a quarantine policy, and keep our heads down until it blows over, what can you expect the Govt to do?
People wishing to fly/travel anywhere should be tested, and only allowed onto a plane until tested negative.
Large gatherings, sports events, etc, should be cancelled, possibly.
Without a vaccine, nor a medicine, what can Boris, or any govt, do?
But, what do you expect them to do?
Even a top-notch health-service would be hard-pressed to contain this virus?
Short of a quarantine policy, and keep our heads down until it blows over, what can you expect the Govt to do?
People wishing to fly/travel anywhere should be tested, and only allowed onto a plane until tested negative.
Large gatherings, sports events, etc, should be cancelled, possibly.
Without a vaccine, nor a medicine, what can Boris, or any govt, do?

Very little as with most things, Govt's the world over are pretty useless.

How the NHS breaks in this Coronovirus episode is fairly simple. There will be staff shortages due to the self isolation policy set out by Govt and Health advisors. This policy includes health workers, doctors, nurses, porters, ambulance staff etc.
It's already happened at one of the Manchester hospitals, where workers in contact with Covid19 patients have taken themselves off sick!
There is little to be done now.

Coronavirus will sweep through the UK just as it has done elsewhere.

The time to act in preventing this has long passed.

But then closing the borders for an extended lock-down was hardly an attractive option either,

Now all that remains is to ride out the rollercoaster.

I understand the flipping virus prefers cold countries but how Russia has no cases is baffling.
She should have all her toilet rolls confiscated, that will teach her!

Do I hear cries of 'Burn the Witch !'

Angry mob douses wicked crone in hand-sanitizer and sets her ablaze on a pile of her toilet rolls ...

I understand the flipping virus prefers cold countries but how Russia has no cases is baffling.

Nothing baffling about it. Failed states for a reason. Can't believe anything they say.
You could argue that the west is also failing, judging by what Govt and MSM choose to tell their populations.
Do you still believe in Govt and MSM?