Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

But, what do you expect them to do?
Even a top-notch health-service would be hard-pressed to contain this virus?
Short of a quarantine policy, and keep our heads down until it blows over, what can you expect the Govt to do?
People wishing to fly/travel anywhere should be tested, and only allowed onto a plane until tested negative.
Large gatherings, sports events, etc, should be cancelled, possibly.
Without a vaccine, nor a medicine, what can Boris, or any govt, do?

I expect them to take steps to slow the spread so that the health service does not become overwhelmed all at once. By now I would have expected them to mandate masks and gloves to all health and emergency services workers. I would have expected quarantined measures to be more widespread and all mass public gatherings to be banned. I would have expected all companies to mandate home working as far as possible.

China and now Italy were the models to follow, alas it will be too late now.

None of this is beyond commone sense, not to prevent the spread, that impossible, but to try and slow down the spread so that the countries support services are not overwhelmed at the same time.

Dither and delay, costs lives.
& UK Gov Emergency Cobra Meeting Virus Response (as just held yoday) is ..

" Measures to delay the virus's spread with "social distancing" will not be introduced yet, ministers said.

Translation = "dither and delay"

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Is this it, have we seen the last of the highs for a long time to come? Will we enter a new long bear market, longer than the 2008 crash, will central banks be able to do anything or is anyone still invested going to be doomed for a long time to come?

Keeping powder dry waiting for the bottom to appear, how long do I need to wait (been waiting for this top for 18 months already)?
I know !
I know !
We'll slash interest rates to near zero to stimulate the economy 🙂

Oh, wait, we did that already ...

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷 😷

Declare this an emergency Come on and spread a sense of urgency And pull us through And pull us through And this is the end This is the end Of the world And it's time we saw a miracle Come on it's time for something biblical To pull us through And pull us through And this is the end This is the end Of the world Proclaim eternal victory Come on and change the course of history And pull us through And pull us through And this is the end This is the end Of the world

Just supposing the coronavirus was made by aspiring capitalists and released after an antidote was found !
Which may be soon. How much per shot would you be willing to pay ? As they fill their wallets with our cash.
Cyber wars seem trivial by comparison.
Just a break from this thread subject and because I know Att is a fully committed 9/11 conspiracy theorist, here's a vid of a missile being fired at the Pentagon on 9/11.

Thanks SC. I have seen that before. However, most of the material I have linked to can no longer be found on youtube. Most have been removed. Obviously many others have downloaed copies to private locations.

Also, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I simply question the facts and the physics of it all simply do not add up about 9/11. Especially, when the building was designed to withstand a civil airline crashing in to it and no building falls at the speed of gravity without being pulled down. Any dork with half a brain would be able to compute that but there you go.

After 9 years after all the BS about WMD, Iraq/Syria and Iran neocon agenda pretty clear. Axis of Evil my rear.

Cheers bud. 👍 😍👍
Thanks SC. I have seen that before. However, most of the material I have linked to can no longer be found on youtube. Most have been removed. Obviously many others have downloaed copies to private locations.

Also, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I simply question the facts and the physics of it all simply do not add up about 9/11. Especially, when the building was designed to withstand a civil airline crashing in to it and no building falls at the speed of gravity without being pulled down. Any dork with half a brain would be able to compute that but there you go.

After 9 years after all the BS about WMD, Iraq/Syria and Iran neocon agenda pretty clear. Axis of Evil my rear.

Cheers bud. 👍 😍👍

Anyone that dares to question the mainstream narrative is labelled a conspiracy theorists and will be de-platformed or removed from social media, just wait until the MH17 revelations begin to appear........

Don't worry, if you need a skiing fix, head to Scotland.

Don't worry, if you need a skiing fix, head to Scotland.

Fake news.
Everyone knows that snow is a thing of the past.
Ain'tcha heard of climate change !!!!!!!!