Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Or do a George Carlin and sit back and laugh at everyone 🙃

Until you are no longer laughing at the mandatory vaccines and tracking and tracing app that will provide permission to use public toilets just as you get caught out.

Time to shit in the gutter?
Former supreme court judge in a logical debate with a typical PC box checking airhead TV presenter, it was never going to be pretty.
The amount of umms and errs she came out with when she realised his position was perfectly sound and logical and she had no way of rebutting it. This reminds me of why I don't watch the news, I'm glad I don't even know her name.

What I would like to know is, what has happened to our system of checks and balances of Parliament and the HoL which have been the mainstay of our democracy for centuries. Those checks and balances that are supposed to protect us from tyrannical govt?

It's all been washed away under the guise of Covid, police out of control, no effective judiciary, no scrutiny, no transparency, emergency powers imposed, house arrest for us all.......

And next will be mandatory vaccines with technology to control us.

Tories (Liebour & Liebdem) and the civil service are fascists by stealth, we are fcuked unless someone with some authority gets a grip of the people running this country. Plenty are starting to draw comparisons with 1930's Nazis and its easy to see why.

History is repeating itself.
Super clip. Pretty much echos quite a few of bloggers on this thread. 👍

I think its obvious politicians have messed up big time and we are now in an arse covering lockdown.
Clever chap and bang on the money.

I particularly liked his comment, when asked if he had been observing the lockdown.
His reply, yes, "I'm not going to put a weapon in the hands of people like you".

What I would like to know is, what has happened to our system of checks and balances of Parliament and the HoL which have been the mainstay of our democracy for centuries. Those checks and balances that are supposed to protect us from tyrannical govt?

It's all been washed away under the guise of Covid, police out of control, no effective judiciary, no scrutiny, no transparency, emergency powers imposed, house arrest for us all.......

And next will be mandatory vaccines with technology to control us.

Tories (Liebour & Liebdem) and the civil service are fascists by stealth, we are fcuked unless someone with some authority gets a grip of the people running this country. Plenty are starting to draw comparisons with 1930's Nazis and its easy to see why.

History is repeating itself.

It diminished in parliament because of a weak opposition, but Starmer seems have made a decent start and is beginning to redress the balance. MMM, who you seem to despise, are playing their part now. The Sunday Times had a very critical investigative article about the governments shortcomings in dealing with it all. On the legal front the government have, of course, invoked emergency powers but that can’t last for long without challenge.

I presume government must have applied some pressure (wrongly I think) on YouTube etc who seem to have gone ott. Fair enough to take down things that are illegal, or potentially illegal, like inciting racial hatred for example , but not for things that merely offer alternative interpretations (however crackpot) or criticism of government policy and actions. It’s up to government to counter such with reasoned and factual argument.

All things considered I don’t see that we’re lurching toward totarialism.
It diminished in parliament because of a weak opposition, but Starmer seems have made a decent start and is beginning to redress the balance. MMM, who you seem to despise, are playing their part now. The Sunday Times had a very critical investigative article about the governments shortcomings in dealing with it all. On the legal front the government have, of course, invoked emergency powers but that can’t last for long without challenge.

I presume government must have applied some pressure (wrongly I think) on YouTube etc who seem to have gone ott. Fair enough to take down things that are illegal, or potentially illegal, like inciting racial hatred for example , but not for things that merely offer alternative interpretations (however crackpot) or criticism of government policy and actions. It’s up to government to counter such with reasoned and factual argument.

All things considered I don’t see that we’re lurching toward totarialism.

They introduced the Covid emergency legislation to last 2 years, why? If temporary why not review after 6 months, why 2 years?

Big tech have been censoring lots for the last 4 years, coincides with Trump and Brexit, it is here to stay, they have appointed globalists and the left to the censorship boards to ramp up the Covid censorship. Then add 77 Brigade into the mix (which is a mix of military and corporate online disruption and disinformation), it is here to stay, big time, the people with ambitions to run this planet (globalists) do not want ordinary people slowing their ambitions.

So govt don't need to be scrutinised or answer awkward questions, totalitarianism is already here, we are too late.

Mainstream media, unless suddenly changed their tune is just propaganda, controlled opposition, follow the money.
I wonder how long the clapping for carers will go on when it's becoming abundantly clear that our wonderful dancing NHS staff have been sending Covid19 infected patients back to care homes, to infect the already extremely vulnerable residents.
........Mainstream media, unless suddenly changed their tune is just propaganda, controlled opposition, follow the money.......

well, you certainly wouldn’t come to that conclusion if you skimmed through the newspapers’ front pages each day. There are three today, for example, that are highly critical of the government.
ok, NT, fck ‘em, let them die.

This reply makes no sense, which is uncharacteristic of you. The role of Government is not to force people to care for each other. Is it fair that people are in hospital waiting for a kidney donor while there are plenty of healthy people walking around with two kidneys when they can survive with one?

I bet the only difference between you and I is where we draw the line on “caring”

This reply makes no sense, which is uncharacteristic of you. The role of Government is not to force people to care for each other. Is it fair that people are in hospital waiting for a kidney donor while there are plenty of healthy people walking around with two kidneys when they can survive with one?

I bet the only difference between you and I is where we draw the line on “caring”

My comment was meant as an extreme example of not caring as you quarrelled with my description of government as “caring”. Since we are going through hoops generated by the government to avoid vulnerable deaths as much as we can I stand by my description.

You’re probably right that we draw our lines at different places and with a different focus. As always it’s a balance.
Until you are no longer laughing at the mandatory vaccines and tracking and tracing app that will provide permission to use public toilets just as you get caught out.

Time to shit in the gutter?
China mandates ALL Wuhan residents get tested for covid. People dropping in the streets. Shuttered in their own homes.

But according to the W.H.O. no one in the entire nation of China has died for 3 weeks.
Reporting........Total confirmed cases.......Total deaths......Total new deaths
China...........................84 500...................................... 6.......................4 645........................ 0

China mandates ALL Wuhan residents get tested for covid. People dropping in the streets. Shuttered in their own homes.

But according to the W.H.O. no one in the entire nation of China has died for 3 weeks.
Reporting........Total confirmed cases.......Total deaths......Total new deaths
China...........................84 500...................................... 6.......................4 645........................ 0

Are you suggesting another Chyna/WHO cover-up? Shirley not.
Observing the status of the back-to-work message in the UK this week, despite an uptick in road traffic the vast majority of cars are still sat still outside peoples homes, suggesting that people are working from home or are still furloughed, it would appear the UK economy is starring in a cartoon.

Ferguson has done a cracking job on the Tories, no doubt intended given what we know about the man and his circumstances. The lack of Tory spine and headless chicken reaction has not served themselves well, Ferguson has seen it before, but this was the big one, just waiting for the day......

The flatearther unions say they don't believe the government when asked to send teachers and children back to school and yet this is a situation of the govt's own making, they raised the fear porn to a level where people were too afraid to step out of their own doors and have created a whole new 'elf & safety genre of 'Social Distancing'.

This will be milked by the left to the nth degree, as we already see happening with the schools. There are years of tribunals ahead as employees take employers to court because of the lack of safety in offices, home working will most definitely be the new norm for office workers as emloyers won't take on the risk, whilst vast swathes of business parks stand empty, to be converted into social housing.

Tories are boxed in on this issue. My guess is that this is the first of a long line of issues that will plague the Tory administration during their tenure, Brexit is currently a footnote, I guess it might stay that way.