It may come as a surprise to you, but entrepreneurs don't start businesses to create employment. You own a 'gadget' because someone had an idea and believed they could make money from it, not because they thought it would create jobs...Maybe you should watch an episode of Dragon's Den, you might learn something.
Why don't you pick up a broom and sweep the neighbourhood streets jon, for free, go ahead, prove to me that you care more about society than requires no risk, very little capital and you will be self-employed!
If it makes business sense to outsource they will have to, or go bankrupt.
As I keep saying to anyone who shares the same opinion as you. Put your own money where your mouth is. Prove to me that you can run a business which cares "more about people than profit"...go on, prove it or shut up, please
Finally, I bet you run your own life in a way that contradicts the way you demand business owners run their own businesses...Do you cut your own lawn or do you employ a gardener? Do you hunt around for the best quote when you need a job done or do you always pay the highest price? Do you employ a chef...a housecleaner...a chauffer...a butler? Think of all those poor people that greedy you refuses to employ!