ARM Holdings sellout

To Atilla, Jon, Pat,

The answer is to rediscover and modernise cooperatives.

Investors need a place to park money and get a return, they tend to be older and wiser and can offer advice on how a business is run so that everyone makes money.

Workers need to feel a sense of self worth, they need organising and they need to be engaged in building a stake in their own future. What they don't need is some bod at the top taking out excessive wages and making everyone else's life difficult into the bargain.

The trick is to marry the 2 and I might add, they are not mutually exclusive. Also, each coop, whatever they are doing, should have at it's core, a structure which limits share of investment, so that if the business is successful, then it attracts more investors and workers, as opposed to concentrating power to the bosses.
ARM is property that belongs to the people who own it. If we build a country in which people cannot develop their own property and then sell it for a profit, we'll soon find nobody here develops anything.

Along these lines, Germany has a population 25% greater than ours. Yet foreign investment into the UK slightly exceeds that into Germany. So I guess we must be doing something right.
ARM is property that belongs to the people who own it. If we build a country in which people cannot develop their own property and then sell it for a profit, we'll soon find nobody here develops anything.

Along these lines, Germany has a population 25% greater than ours. Yet foreign investment into the UK slightly exceeds that into Germany. So I guess we must be doing something right.

The stock exchange is there precisely for that reason.

No one is stopping anyone from selling their shares right.

Pure capitalism is pure madness when not everyone plays by the same rules.
The stock exchange is there precisely for that reason.

No one is stopping anyone from selling their shares right.

Pure capitalism is pure madness when not everyone plays by the same rules.

The capitalists abide by as few rules as possible in their rush for money it seems to me.
The capitalists abide by as few rules as possible in their rush for money it seems to me.

You are correct and I hope this continues. It is the job of capitalists to seek profit by legal means. It is the job of government to set the legal frameworks while not undermining economic growth. Economic advantage against competing nations will sometimes mean accepting the sale of some means of production - but legal owners should not be restricted from selling their own property.
Ethical FX

The capitalists abide by as few rules as possible in their rush for money it seems to me.

How is your search for a FX robot going? No doubt you've rejected all the ones that make an obscene amount of money. You're still searching for one that makes only an ethical amount of money, right? 😆
How is your search for a FX robot going? No doubt you've rejected all the ones that make an obscene amount of money. You're still searching for one that makes only an ethical amount of money, right? 😆

My trading forex won't adversely affect other people's lives. Business generally is very ethical and constructive, giving many millions jobs and services. But the dark side exists where the money grubbers even go out of their way to damage a company to make blood money and that is where I draw the line. But not your sort it seems by your own admission. I don't know how some people can look at themselves in the mirror each morning without puking.
My trading forex won't adversely affect other people's lives. Business generally is very ethical and constructive, giving many millions jobs and services. But the dark side exists where the money grubbers even go out of their way to damage a company to make blood money and that is where I draw the line. But not your sort it seems by your own admission. I don't know how some people can look at themselves in the mirror each morning without puking.

Yes...Pat...there are good people in the world and there are bad people in the world. Your conjecture is so profound…Pat…really…awe inspiring...etc...blah
I see those clowns in Govt. just haven't got the message of competition yet by flogging off North Sea oil. No doubt they got something in return - the vultures.
Bring manufacturing back

Do what some other countries are doing.

Adapt from manufacturing to service sector economy.

This is why the wealth is slowly moving from the west to the east. Government rules and regulations make manufacturing expensive, so companies have to 'adapt' by outsourcing manufacturing to cheaper countries or closing factories altogether. The result is a huge and constantly growing balance of trade deficit because all we do is sell coffee and houses to each other and import everything else. It’s a shame and it will keep getting worse thanks to the bleeding heart socialists.
This is why the wealth is slowly moving from the west to the east. Government rules and regulations make manufacturing expensive, so companies have to 'adapt' by outsourcing manufacturing to cheaper countries or closing factories altogether. The result is a huge and constantly growing balance of trade deficit because all we do is sell coffee and houses to each other and import everything else. It’s a shame and it will keep getting worse thanks to the bleeding heart socialists.

Why bleeding heart socialists, nt? It's the voracious capitalists that 'adapting' as you put it rather than being content with a little less profit.
Why bleeding heart socialists, nt? It's the voracious capitalists that 'adapting' as you put it rather than being content with a little less profit.

"being content with a little less profit."

That is so naïve jon. Have you ever run your own business? Have you ever been self-employed? Judging by your comment I doubt very much that you have. Capitalists take risks, they work hard, they employ people and they do all this to provide voracious consumers with products and services at ever decreasing prices while also trying to keep shareholders, like you and anyone with a pension happy. Why not ask the consumer "Why don't you pay 10% more for the products you buy so we can keep manufacturing in Britain?" see, it works both ways...jon...
"being content with a little less profit."

That is so naïve jon. Have you ever run your own business? Have you ever been self-employed? Judging by your comment I doubt very much that you have. Capitalists take risks, they work hard, they employ people and they do all this to provide voracious consumers with products and services at ever decreasing prices while also trying to keep shareholders, like you and anyone with a pension happy. Why not ask the consumer "Why don't you pay 10% more for the products you buy so we can keep manufacturing in Britain?" see, it works both ways...jon...

It may come as something of a surprise to you, nt, but there are many who appreciate that there are other important things in life beyond the headlong pursuit of every last farthing to be found. They include companies, shareholders, individual capitalists and others across the spectrum of society.

I suppose anyone who has not outsourced to cheaper countries (not confined to manufacturing, of course) must be as naive as me 🙂
On our own now with brexit there might need to be a fundamental shake-up of the British wage structure with public employees reflecting reduced wages too. There will be some squawking from the usual quarters I expect. Fat cat rascals at the top would be my target area particularly. Fairer wage distribution !!
It may come as something of a surprise to you, nt, but there are many who appreciate that there are other important things in life beyond the headlong pursuit of every last farthing to be found.

It may come as a surprise to you, but entrepreneurs don't start businesses to create employment. You own a 'gadget' because someone had an idea and believed they could make money from it, not because they thought it would create jobs...Maybe you should watch an episode of Dragon's Den, you might learn something.

Why don't you pick up a broom and sweep the neighbourhood streets jon, for free, go ahead, prove to me that you care more about society than requires no risk, very little capital and you will be self-employed!

They include companies, shareholders, individual capitalists and others across the spectrum of society.

I suppose anyone who has not outsourced to cheaper countries (not confined to manufacturing, of course) must be as naive as me 🙂

If it makes business sense to outsource they will have to, or go bankrupt.

As I keep saying to anyone who shares the same opinion as you. Put your own money where your mouth is. Prove to me that you can run a business which cares "more about people than profit"...go on, prove it or shut up, please 🙂

Finally, I bet you run your own life in a way that contradicts the way you demand business owners run their own businesses...Do you cut your own lawn or do you employ a gardener? Do you hunt around for the best quote when you need a job done or do you always pay the highest price? Do you employ a chef...a housecleaner...a chauffer...a butler? Think of all those poor people that greedy you refuses to employ!
She said it!

An interesting discussion on wages/prices/outsourcing et cetera et cetera. But as traders should we not all appreciate that, as one well-known lady once said, "You can't buck the market".
I think British politicians are particularly poor at sticking up for UK interests. One sniff of a competitor's cheque book and they are like fawning poodles rolling over for their tummies to be tickled. Enriching themselves even at the national expense.
I wrote to 2 MPs complaining about the Arm Holdings sell out and never even got a reply !
It may come as a surprise to you, but entrepreneurs don't start businesses to create employment. You own a 'gadget' because someone had an idea and believed they could make money from it, not because they thought it would create jobs...Maybe you should watch an episode of Dragon's Den, you might learn something.

Why don't you pick up a broom and sweep the neighbourhood streets jon, for free, go ahead, prove to me that you care more about society than requires no risk, very little capital and you will be self-employed!

If it makes business sense to outsource they will have to, or go bankrupt.

As I keep saying to anyone who shares the same opinion as you. Put your own money where your mouth is. Prove to me that you can run a business which cares "more about people than profit"...go on, prove it or shut up, please 🙂

Finally, I bet you run your own life in a way that contradicts the way you demand business owners run their own businesses...Do you cut your own lawn or do you employ a gardener? Do you hunt around for the best quote when you need a job done or do you always pay the highest price? Do you employ a chef...a housecleaner...a chauffer...a butler? Think of all those poor people that greedy you refuses to employ!

The trouble is, nt, that you exaggerate where I started to the point of absurdity. You claimed all this was brought about by "bleeding heart socialists", I pointed out that it was the capitalists who were actually doing the damaging outsourcing.

I suggested that some companies who make a decent profit strive to make more by outsourcing and that some do this voraciously to the detriment of the society in which they are based.

I have never suggested that I care more about society than money, nor that companies should do so. I do suggest that the balance can be tilted just a little bit away from the money is everything approach that some adopt.