Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Morning all.

Am hoping that this will display properly what is below. I copied it from an Open Forum that one of my Trader Buddies from OZ contributes to but dont intend to make a habit of it........The Question had been put to him that how does he Consistently manage 100 Pips/Points a day week in week out and had come from a newcomer to Trading.........

Thought it may be of interest to some.....

"100 pips per day consistently is exceptional trading and comes from 25yrs plus of pain. This should not be your target. Aim for 10 pips consistently, once you can do that add positions and repeat.

My average trade depends on the timeframe I trade. Lately due to market conditions the 8 day holds are giving the best results opposed to 1 day hold and close.

Liquidity rate is something that changes constantly, hence the reason spread increase with lower liquidity around announcements. Stick to the majors.

Equities vs FX, in FX you are trading against the banks (big boys) be careful.

I strongly suggest learn higher Time Frame analysis and don’t get caught up in lower time frame scalping. Unless you want to be in the same pond as 95% of FX traders that die after a average loss of 14k."

Interesting, thanks.

I think low timeframe can be great in nice trending conditions or when price action is trending smoothly in a large range. When it is flat, spike, rally, flat, spike... it's impossible.
yep, and how do they collect it? on your monthly statement is their a charge for corporate tax?

No idea SD but I recall reading an article from one of the Spread Bet Companies that they had paid £xyz in Corporation Tax at some point........
No idea SD but I recall reading an article from one of the Spread Bet Companies that they had paid £xyz in Corporation Tax at some point........

This part of the world we pay tax;).

Check this guy and group out.
One guy was going to Melbourne casino every day for 3 months and taking $20,000 away. Casino banned because he had gambling problem.
So the tax office and casino don't like it when you making money, they are jealous:LOL:.

The ATO case against multi-millionaire MONA founder David Walsh

Secret gambling society - Today Tonight
They make a year end profit like all companies then pay the tax due. Profits of course come from 1) the spread and 2) losses minus wins

there is a regulation in the US where brokers have to publicise how many of their trading clients are profitable or loss making. think only about 30% or less are profitable, so the figure for spread betting should be much worse.

i posted an article from reuters showing that hedge funds made no money shorting during the past 11 years. and those are the professionals
Hedgies made zilch from short selling strategies in last 11 years.

Over the last 11 years, the EDHEC-Risk Institute found that short selling had produced a 0% average annual return. It took the microscope to data since January 2001, but also analysed year-to-date figures, which painted a bleaker picture of their tactics.

As volatility hit, many investors will have found it difficult to judge the direction of stocks, and hedge funds were no different. As a collective they lost 10.9% short selling year-to-date, and in August shed 3.24%, roughly a third of their yearly losses.

Hedgies made zilch from short selling strategies in last 11 years | Reuters

bet they still collected their fees
absolutely...HMRC will have to give back far more than gain much if they taxed spreadbetting income

anyway i better stop now else a couple of moral police will be here to shout me out

Too late 91 viewing this thread.
HMRC got us all.
Meet you in Switzerland on Wednesday.
See Ya Tuesday
Keep selling UK & US.
Then should be some nice buying in Asia and Aus on Tuesday.